
  • 网络look for satellite;Planet Quest
  1. 能否快速寻星是卫星信号接收工作的一个常见问题。

    That is an ordinary problem whether can quickly look for satellite signal .

  2. 寻星非常准,跟踪也犹佳,于是我就琢磨着可以架上我的DSLR来点长时间曝光。

    Goto was spot on and it tracked so well that I reckon I could have mounted the DSLR on it for some longish exposures .

  3. 寻星定位子系统的软件实现中寻星算法是非常重要的。

    The algorithm of searching satellite is the most important .

  4. 小型卫星天线寻星与测量是一个计算机软件控制硬件的问题,本课题从硬件和软件两个方面进行了系统设计。

    This article designs the system from two aspects of software and hardware .

  5. 新型数字卫星接收机的寻星功能

    Finding Satellite Capacity of New Digital Satellite Receiver

  6. 她的对手,美国寻星队的西德尼·赫尼克也对此表示赞同。

    One of her opponents from the U.S. - based Starfinders team , Sidney Hennick , agrees .

  7. 如果凯丽赢了你,她将进行独奏并在寻星节目中成为明星!

    If Kylie beats you , she 'll play the solo and become the star on Starsearch !

  8. 软件系统包括:完成对硬件的软件控制,实现寻星定位子系统的寻星算法以及对天线主要测量参数的软件实现。

    The functions of the software system include controlling the hardware , searching satellite and measuring the main parameters of the antenna .

  9. 第三章介绍恒星自动跟踪和自动寻星方案的实现,阐述系统的总体结构。

    In the third chapter , the overall scheme of the system and the automatic star tracing and finder technology that concerns the design are presented .

  10. 寻星镜一种低功率大视野的望远镜,附加在一台较大的望远镜上,为开始标出被观察的物体位置而指向同一方向。

    A low-power , wide-angle telescope fixed to the body of a more powerful telescope and pointed in the same direction for initially locatingan object to be observed .

  11. 起初,她们凭借在休斯顿的选秀节目中的说唱和舞蹈表演成功引起著名的制片人阿恩·弗雷杰的注意,他将她们推荐到一个电视选秀节目——寻星者。

    They primarily performed rap and dance numbers in Houston talent shows . They came to the attention of the well known producer Arne Frager who put them into the TV talent show , Star Search .

  12. 例句与用法:寻星镜一种低功率大视野的望远镜,附加在一台较大的望远镜上,为开始标出被观察的物体位置而指向同一方向最初契约的有效期为。。。

    A low-power , wide-angle telescope fixed to the body of a more powerful telescope and pointed in the same direction for initially locating an object to be observed . Initially the contract will be in effect for ...