
  1. 因为遇见你,我又活过来了。

    Because I came alive when I met you .

  2. 因为遇见了你经过这六个月我已经完全变了一个人

    I have become a whole new person these last six months because of you

  3. 我以为从未曾想将谁据为己有,那只是因为没有遇见你。

    I thought I was swinging the world by the tail . I thought I could never be blue .

  4. 因为自从我遇见你,

    Cause ever since I met you ,

  5. 我看见人们把这个给其他人看,因为当我遇见你时,我也许并不喜欢你的长相,但是这并不重要,我怎么知道你是谁?

    I have seen people show this to others because when I meet you I may not like your face but this is trivial How do I know who you are ?