
  1. 健康危险因素评价法。

    MethodsUsed the method of health risk appraisal .

  2. 通过因素评价法进行职位评价,为薪酬设计提供了薪点数,使职位对企业的价值得以数量化。

    Through the factor evaluation method , offer firewood for the fact that the compensation is designed count , make position value in enterprise must use the quantity .

  3. 目前在物流配送中心选址方面有一些比较成熟的方法,例如解析方法、最优化规划方法、启发式方法、仿真方法以及综合因素评价法。

    There are some mature methods in the logistics distribution center location at present , such as analytical method , linear programming method , heuristic method , simulation method , integrated factors measurement method .

  4. 海水腐蚀性的双因素环境评价法

    Evaluation method of seawater corrosivity by means of double environmental factors

  5. 高校网球选项课实施多因素综合评价法的实验研究

    Experimental study of multi-factor comprehensive evaluation method in university tennis elective class

  6. 笔者认为,多因素综合评价法是对其评价的一种有效方法。

    So , the author thinks , the multi-factor comprehensive evaluation method is effective .

  7. 多因素综合评价法划分征地区片方法研究

    Research on the method of multi-factor synthetic appraisement plot out the requisition of block land

  8. 通过此次研究发现,模糊综合评判法能够对常规的多因素综合评价法进行有效的检验。

    Through the study found , fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to multi-factor comprehensive evaluation method for testing . 2 .

  9. 目前,我国对土地集约利用评价主要采用多因素综合评价法。

    Now , the major method we study on the intensive use of land evaluation is Method of multi-factor evaluation .

  10. 以此为依据,运用层次分析法、多因素综合评价法对曲靖经济技术开发区进行土地集约利用评价。

    On these bases , evaluate land intensive utilization of Qujing economic and technological development zone by AHP and multi-factor integration evaluation method .

  11. 最后,结合年度土地供应计划,运用多因素综合评价法,对土地出让决策进行研究。

    In the end , according to the yearly land supply scheme the paper makes a research on the problem of land selling decision using the multi-factor assessment method .

  12. 并以福州市辖区为例,分析了福州市城市土地利用的现状,从宏观角度运用多因素综合评价法和模糊综合评价法分别对福州市城市土地集约利用进行了实证分析。

    And it took the urban area of Fuzhou as an example , analyzed the situation of the use of urban land in Fuzhou using the methods of Multi-factor synthetic evaluation and Fuzzy evaluation .

  13. 从土地集约利用评价基础资料来看,多因素综合评价法对基础数据要求更加严格,缺少任意一项基础数据,将无法计算评价结果。

    From the basis of information , multi-factor comprehensive evaluation method more stringent requirements on the basis of the data , the lack of any of the underlying data , will be unable to calculate the results .

  14. 多因素综合评价法是在土地评价工作开展之初、土地市场还未发育的情况下形成的,如今在某些经济较为发达的区域,土地市场已发育良好,土地交易资料亦较为丰富。

    Comprehensive evaluation of multiple factors formed under the circumstances that the land market has not yet formed . Now in some more developed regions , the land market has developed well and the land transactions are relatively rich .

  15. 并采用多因素综合评价法,建立了开发区土地集约利用评价指标体系,选择了实证区进行了土地集约利用程度评价,提出了提高开发区土地集约利用度的相应对策和建议。

    And adopt multi-factor comprehensive evaluation method , established a zone intensive land use evaluation system , and chose the empirical area of intensive land use degree evaluation , propose raising the degree of intensive land use zone corresponding countermeasures and suggestions .

  16. 在分析探讨城市土地集约化利用内涵的基础上,采用多因素综合评价法,从结构与布局、土地投入程度、利用强度、利用效益及持续发展趋势5个方面构建综合评价指标体系。

    In this paper , based on the analyses of the connotation of urban land intensive utilization , the method of colligation evaluation was adopted to establish evaluation index system from the five aspects of structure and distribution , investment degree , utilizing intensity , utilizing effects and sustainable development .

  17. 针对大冶铁矿采场边坡工程,根据边坡岩体所处工程地质环境,采用多级多因素模糊综合评价法区分不同因素对边坡影响,进而得到合理的力学参数。

    Based on the geological environment for the slope engineering in Daye Iron Mine , the influence of each factor on the slope is analyzed by a multistage fuzzy comprehensive evaluation , and reasonable rock mass mechanics parameters are obtained .

  18. 本文选择借鉴了多因素和关键因素评价法、准数分析法、参数分析法和综合评价法四种投资环境评价法作为改进原型,提出了四种应用性的房地产业投资环境评价法。

    Also , it extends the four evaluation methods ( the method of multi-factor and major factor evaluation , the method of accurate number analyzing , the method of parameter analyzing , the method of congregating evaluation ) and deduce four applicable IEE methods of real estate .