
xiāng xíng
  • box;box type
箱形[xiāng xíng]
  1. 秦沈客运专线PC箱形简支梁现浇施工技术大截面混凝土箱梁结构的计算方法及其应用

    An analytical method and its application for large-section PC box girder bridges

  2. 基于改进的BP神经网络的有初始几何缺陷的薄壁箱形结构承载能力的预测

    Prediction of the bearing capacity of thin-walled box with geometric imperfection using BP neural network

  3. 无加劲箱形柱与H型钢梁全焊节点性能有限元分析

    FEM analysis on behavior of unstiffened welded steel moment connections between box-shape column and H-shape beam

  4. 用U变换法分析薄壁箱形连续梁的组合扭转

    Analysis of Combination Twisting of Thin-Walled Box Girders with Periodic Supports by the U-Transformation

  5. 高层建筑筒中筒结构箱形基础下CFG桩复合地基性状研究

    Study of the Characteristics of CFG-pile Composite Subgrade under Tall Building Box Foundations

  6. 疲劳荷载作用下PPC箱形约束梁斜截面抗裂性试验研究

    Experimental Research on Fatigue Diagonal Tension Cracking Strength of PPC Restrained Box Beams

  7. RPC箱形梁预应力局部影响区研究

    Study on Part Influencing Area of Prestressing Force of Reactive Powder Concrete ( RPC ) Box Beam

  8. 56m跨度PC箱形简支梁静动载试验及分析

    Static and dynamic test and analysis for PC simple supported box girder of 56m span

  9. 40m部分预应力混凝土铁路箱形简支梁预制

    Precasting of 40-m PPC Simply Supported Box Girder of Railway Bridge

  10. 利用有限元软件ANSYS,对比了箱形梁剪力滞效应的各种理论计算值与模型实验值。

    This paper uses finite element software ANSYS to calculate the shear lag effect of the box beam and to compare the result with the academic methods and experiment .

  11. 本文简述了用SOR迭代法计算薄壁多室箱形截面剪力流的方法。

    The paper here gives a brief introduction to the method of calculating shear force flow of the section using SOR iteration .

  12. 本文首先对薄壁箱形梁CO2气体保护焊和薄板电阻点焊的焊接过程进行了有限元分析。

    In this dissertation the transient thermal process of a thin-wall beam produced by CO_2 Gas Metal Arc Welding ( GMAW ) and sheet structures joined by Resistance Spot welding ( RSW ) were analyzed by Finite Element Method ( FEM ) .

  13. 190m以下箱形驳专项技术研究

    Special Technical Research for Barge Less Than 190 Meters

  14. 以7根1∶3模型梁为研究对象,试验研究箱形型钢混凝土(SRC)梁的性能。

    Experimental study on the fundamental behavior of box shape steel reinforced concrete ( SRC ) beams was conducted . Seven 1 ∶ 3 scale model SRC beams were tested to failure .

  15. 195m钢筋混凝土箱形拱桥吊装施工技术研究

    Research on Erection and Installation of 195m Span Box Reinforced Concrete Arch Bridge

  16. 220m箱形拱桥现浇支架设计及计算分析

    Design and Calculation of the Falsework for the Cast-in-place 220 m Span RC Box Section Arch Bridge

  17. 以新安江两等跨箱形混凝土拱桥为工程背景,采用大型有限元分析软件ANSYS建立三维有限元模型并对其进行动力特性分析,并用实桥脉动测试结果进行校核;

    ANSYS was used to establish a finite element model of the box-shaped concrete arch bridge with two equal spans , and an analysis of dynamic property was preformed , and measured impulse data was used to verify the analysis result .

  18. 东海大桥主跨420m钢-混凝土箱形结合梁斜拉桥新技术

    New Techniques of Steel-Concrete Composite Box Girder of 420-M Cable-Stayed Main Span of East China Sea Bridge

  19. 本文介绍某一座4×30m预应力箱形连续梁桥的各种工况受力分析过程和此联八分之一跨处梁底出现裂缝的分析结果。

    The paper introduces the forced analytic course of various status of a 4 × 30m prestressed box continuous beam bridge and the analytic results of the crack at the beam botton of 1 / 8 span .

  20. 石泉扩机工程电站厂房上部是箱形钢筋混凝土结构,上下游混凝土墙厚为1.45~2.8m。

    The upper powerhouse for the Shiquan expansion project is of a reinforcement box construction with upstream and downstream walls 1 . 45-2 . 8 m in thickness .

  21. 本文介绍按照GB3811&83《起重机设计规范》要求,在8~50t箱形双梁门式起重机系列设计里采用的运行机构设计计算方法。

    This paper recommends calculation procedure of crane travelling mechanism according to Crane design rules ( GB 3811 & 83 ), in the design of 8 ~ 50t double box girder gantry crane series .

  22. 沈阳市富民桥引桥为跨径30m预应力混凝土连续刚构,主梁采用大悬臂斜腹板箱形断面,单箱三室等高度箱梁,桥墩采用双壁墩,桥台采用肋板式桥台。

    The approach spans of Fumin Bridge in Shenyang are composed of 30-m span pre-stressed concrete continuous rigid-frame structures , of which the main girder is designed as triple cells single box section of constant height , and of long cantilever and inclined webs .

  23. 介绍了4片部分预应力混凝土(PPC)箱形变截面连续梁的主要试验结果,研究了其静力全过程的特点,并讨论了PPC连续梁弯矩重分布的情况。

    The main static test results of 4 pieces of Partially Prestressed Concrete ( PPC ) continuous box girder bridge with variable cross section are introduced , and the whole static test process is investigated . Meanwhile , the moment rearrangement of PPC continuous box girder is discussed .

  24. 对17×17信道聚合物AWG波分复用器的模拟结果表明,箱形波谱响应的3dB带宽约为0.49nm,每条输出信道的串扰皆低于-28dB。

    The simulated result for a 17 × 17 polymer AWG shows that the box-like spectral response has a 3 dB bandwidth of 0.49 nm , and the crosstalk is about or less than-28 dB for every output channel .

  25. 以江苏省沙钢集团5000mm宽厚轧机工程为例,重点介绍超大箱形钢结构吊车梁(长62.5m,宽3m,高5.8m)不同于一般吊车梁的施工方法。

    Taking the project of Shagang 5000 mm plate mill for example , it is specially introduced the construction method of super box steel crane girder ( 62.5m × 3.0m × 5.8m ), which is different from those of ordinary crane beams .

  26. 对截断圆柱和椭球间的水动力相互作用和ISSCTLP与箱形驳船的水动力相互作用的计算显示此种方法计算结果准确,计算费用大幅减少。

    The computation of the hydrodynamic interaction between a truncated cylinder and an ellipsoid and the one between the ISSC TLP and a barge shows that the results given by this method are very accurate and a major reduction in computation cost is achieved .

  27. 三角形箱形截面无节点板全焊钢桁架人行天桥

    Design of Triangle Welded Box Truss Pedestrian Bridge without Gusset Plates

  28. 大型输水混凝土箱形渡槽设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Large-sized Concrete Box Aqueduct for Water Delivery

  29. 起重机焊接箱形梁存在裂纹缺陷的可靠度估算

    Reliability estimation of fracture in welded box beam of overhead crane

  30. 高层结构箱形转换层上短肢剪力墙的有限元分析

    Analysis of Short Leg Wall on Transition Storey in High-rise Building