
  • 网络box foundation
  1. 支护结构作用的箱基沉降计算新方法受阻沉降,干扰沉降

    A new method for settlement computation of box foundation with supporting structure

  2. 高层建筑上部结构与箱基和砂卵石地基共同作用的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Interaction Between High-rise Building Superstructure , Box Foundation and Cobble-stone Subsoil

  3. 本文介绍某70m高(14层)邮电通信枢纽楼悬臂箱基(置于中砂层地基)的原体工程测试结果。

    This paper introduces the measured results of subgrade reactions of a cantilever box foundation rested on medium sand soil and supporting a fourteen storeyed Posts and Telecommunications Centre Building .

  4. 支护结构作用的超高层建筑箱基沉降计算

    Settlement computation of box foundation for ultra-tall building with supporting structure

  5. 分层土-箱基-框架结构在爆破地震作用下的计算分析

    Computational analysis of layered soil-box foundation-structure dynamic interaction under explosive earthquake waves

  6. 护坡桩与箱基间填土侧向土压力计算

    The Calculation of Side Soil-Pressure between Retaining Pile and Box-Foundation

  7. 复杂平面高层建筑箱基反力实测与确定

    Measurement and Determination for Subgrade Reaction of Box Foundation with Complicated Plane

  8. 高层建筑箱基一些设计问题的探讨

    A Study on the Design of Box-foundation of Multistory Building

  9. 井塔箱基开裂机理与治理技术的研究

    Study on splitting mechanism of hoist tower box foundation and administrating technique

  10. 井塔箱基开裂治理中的偏斜控制

    Control of the headframe in administrating the splits of the box fundation

  11. 水平向不均匀土对箱基动力阻抗的影响

    Effects of horizontally inhomogeneous soil on dynamic impedance functions of box foundation

  12. 箱形基础与扭壳箱基

    Box foundation and hyperbolic Paraboloid shell box foundation THE SONG OF FIRE FIGHTING

  13. 地基、箱基与上部结构相互作用有两个不同阶段。

    The soil-box foundation-superstructure interaction has two different stages .

  14. 框架参与箱基共同工作时等效刚度的衰减规律

    Attenuation Law of the Equivalent Stiffness of Frame Superstructure Interacted With Box Foundation

  15. 有限元模拟土-箱基-框架结构大比例模型动力相互作用研究

    FEM study on dynamic interaction of soil-box foundation-frame structure

  16. 大型箱基变形计算

    The Deformation Calculation of a Large Box Foundation

  17. 无穷元在复合箱基中的应用研究

    Study of composite box foundations using infinite element

  18. 关于高层建筑中箱基和上部框架的共同作用

    Interaction of Box-Foundation with Super-frame in Tall Buildings

  19. 超长地下箱基混凝土施工技术

    Construction technology of super-long underground box foundation

  20. 高层建筑箱基下满堂摩擦群桩荷载分配的试验分析

    Experimental Research on the Load Distribution of Friction Pile Group under Box Foundation of Highrise Buildings

  21. 考虑上部结构作用箱基整体弯矩实用计算法

    A Practical Method for Calculating Integral Moment of Box Foundation Considering the Influence of Superstructure Rigidity

  22. 箱形基础和上部结构共同作用(上)高层建筑悬臂箱基-框剪体系测试研究

    Measurement and Research of Cantilever Box Foundation and Frame - Shear Wall System of a Tall Building

  23. 算例表明,考虑P-△效应的核心筒侧移与箱基倾角的耦合关系是十分重要的。

    The numerical example shows that it is very important to take the coupled relation into account .

  24. 砂卵石地区高层建筑箱基基底反力实测研究

    Experimental Study on Subgrade Contact Pressure Beneath the Box Foundation of Highrise Building in Cobble-stone Foundation Soil

  25. 高层建筑箱基与人防地下室综合结构设计探讨

    An Investigation on Complex Structural Design of Basement for Civil Defence and Box Foundation of Highrise Building

  26. 特别提出了上部结构为框架-剪力墙体系时箱基内力的实用算法。

    Especially , a practical algorithm is worked out for analyzing box foundation with superstructure of frame-shear walls .

  27. 粮油食品综合实验楼箱基地下室的防水施工及问题探讨

    A Discussion on Waterproof Construction and Some Relevant Problems of the Cased-Foundation Basement of Grain-oil-Foodstuff Comprehensive Lab Building

  28. 超高层建筑箱基考虑深基坑支护结构作用的沉降计算

    The Settlement Computation Considered the Effect of Retaining and Protection of Deep Excavations for Box Foundation on Tall Building

  29. 通过野外大比例(1∶2)结构模型动力试验,研究了土与箱基及框架结构动力相互作用。

    A large-scale ( 1 : 2 ) field model experiment of dynamic soil-box foundation-structure interaction was carried out .

  30. 此外在文中还给出用杆件力学方法计算框架-箱基-地基的共同作用。

    Besides , a method is given for calculating the interaction of frame_box_foundation_soil following bar mechanics in this paper .