
  • 【交】container lot
  1. 第四,设计并初步实现基于RFID的堆场信息系统,将较优箱位寻址决策嵌入该系统中,实现箱位寻址功能。

    Fifthly , the yard information system based on RFID is designed and implemented . The optimum slot addressing decision is embedded in the system to achieve slot addressing .

  2. VB开发的数据采集处理程序模块主要包括集装箱自动化入场、场内集装箱查询、箱位使用情况查询、集装箱自动化出场。

    The module of data acquisition and processing procedures that developed by VB includes containers entry automated , containers query , query of space usage , containers out automated .

  3. 第三,简介SA算法并予以改进,利用改进后的算法对模型进行优化,求得较优箱位寻址决策。

    Thirdly , the SA algorithm is given and improved , and the improved algorithm is used to optimize the model , and obtain the optimum slot addressing decision .

  4. 如何正确估量一艘集装箱班轮的箱位容量

    How to correctly estimate loadable TEU capacity of a container liner

  5. 箱位超订技术在集装箱船舶大型化下的应用

    An Application of Slots Overbooking in Enlarging of Container Ships

  6. 针对集装箱堆场箱位分配问题中规则因素较强的特点,建立基于知识的箱位分配计划方法。

    For storage space allocation on container yard , there are many kinds of rules in planning a container 's location .

  7. 主要包括:模板设计技术、数据记录表设计、箱位在平面图中坐标转换计算方法、集装箱信息在平面图的表示与积载操作图形显示等。

    There are several aspects : design template , design data sheet , how to compute container slots location on plan , etc.

  8. 作为责任限制权利主体的船舶承租人包括光租承租人和期租承租人,不应包括航次承租人、舱位/箱位承租人。

    The charterer entitled to limit liability should include bareboat charterer and time charterer , while voyage charterer , space or slot charterer be excluded .

  9. 最后,设计并按照既定流程进行寻址模拟实验,对系统按照较优箱位寻址决策生成的箱位进行评价。

    Finally , addressing simulation experiment is designed and carried out in accordance with established procedure , and the slot generated by the optimum decision is evaluated .

  10. 其中的H-桥可以是两电平,也可以是二极管箝位型或电容箱位型的任意电平,不同单元采用不同的独立直流电压源。

    The H-bridge cells may be two-level ones , or any level of diode-clamped or flying-capacitor ones . Different separate voltage sources may be used in different cells .

  11. 然后介绍了几种大容量变流器的拓扑结构及其工作原理,着重研究了二极管中点箱位,飞跨电容中点箱位和级联链式这三种结构的多电平变流器,并且对其进行了分析和对比。

    Then introduced several large-capacity converter topology and how it works , focused on diode-clamp , flying-capactior and cascaded-inverters with separater DC sourees of the three-level converter and its analysis and comparison .

  12. 本文首先描述了港口堆场集装箱管理的课题背景.国内外的发展状况以及面临的问题.并提出了一些箱位自动分配的算法模型。

    This paper describes the first port container yard logistics management background issues , the development of domestic and international situation and the problems and put forward a number of automatic slot allocation algorithm model .

  13. 本文针对集装箱船舶大型化的问题进行分析研究,分别从集装箱船舶的营运技术,规模经济,运输网络,箱位利用这四方面进行了分析研究。

    In this study , to the problem of large container ships , analysis are made in four areas , that is , the operational technology of container ship , economies of scale , transportation net as well as slot utilization .

  14. 中国的商船总吨位(100总吨以上)已居世界第九位、集装箱船的总箱位已居世界第四位。

    The total tonnage of merchant ship ( more than 100 ton ) of China has already occupied the ninth place in the world and the total case capacity of the container ship has already occupied the fourth place in the world .

  15. 介绍了应用人机对话技术、PLC和全数字直流调速器,对依靠调整减速箱挡位来设定钢丝绳生产捻距和筐篮转速的老式机械传动的合绳机进行改造。

    Applying interactive interface , PLC and full digital DC speed adjusting system to update old mechanical closer that use gearbox settings to change the layer of wire rope and the speed of cage .

  16. 行星轮箱体形位公差的检测

    The Detecting of the Shape and Position Tolerance of the Epicyclic Gearbox

  17. 美国政府对汽车燃油经济性日益严格的要求迫使汽车制造商增加变速箱档位。

    Ever-tougher federal demands for fuel efficiency have led car makers to add more gears to transmissions . And more .

  18. 在所搭建的混合动力再生制动硬件在环仿真试验平台上,进行了不同车速、制动强度和变速箱档位以及离合器状态下的仿真试验。

    HILS is completed in different velocity , severity of braking , shifts and clutches states with the ISG hybrid electric rig .

  19. 坦克变速箱工作档位齿轮故障诊断研究

    A Research on Fault Diagnosis of Working Position Gear in Tank Gear-box

  20. 电控箱采用四位按钮独特的人性化设计单键操作,方便快捷。

    Electric control box with four buttons a unique user-friendly design of one-touch operation , convenient and quick .

  21. 以汽车变速箱中挡位保持器总成为例,阐述了经冲压铆接替代旋转铆接工艺的设计方案与过程。

    Took the position retainer in the automobile gear box as the example , the design project and process of punching-riveting replace revolving-reveting were elaborated .

  22. 为准确设计车辆传动装置的冷却系统,提出了一个基于变速箱各档位热工况的统计使用频率加权平均的方法,进行传动系统的热平衡计算。

    In order to design cooling systems for transmission systems of vehicles accurately , a weighting mean heat balance calculation method based on the heat generation statistics of use frequency of every gear mode was presented here .

  23. 这样的保险箱应该是六位密码不可能是你的生日无意冒犯但你显然是个八零后而8几乎没用到

    I see it 's a six digit code . Can 't be your birthday , no disrespect , but clearly you were born in the ' 80s and 8 's barely used , so ...

  24. 通过落箱算法的实例验证,表明了该方法分配箱位形成的堆垛即达到了方便装船作业的目的,又节约了堆场管理成本,从而也说明了基于规则推理过程设计的合理性。

    A container allocation operation example shows that not only the container stack allocated according to the above method is convenient to shipment loading , but also in favor of saving the yard management cost .