
  • 网络Ship Management Information System;The Management Information System of Ship;smis
  1. 实力派报告船舶管理信息系统

    The Management Information System of Ship

  2. Intranet环境下船舶管理信息系统的设计与应用

    Design and application of ship management information system under intranet environment

  3. 如此构成了Intranet环境下船舶管理信息系统的完整运行模式,并建立了系统网络平台和系统应用平台,取得较好的实践效果。

    So the integrate work model of ship MIS under Intranet environment is constructed , and the system network platform and application platform are established . The actural effect is improved well .

  4. 介绍长航集团老旧船舶管理信息系统(MIS系统)的开发过程,系统实现的功能,分析了系统的应用效果,提出开发大中型企业建设MIS系统应注意的关键问题。

    This paper introduces the course of developing of the CSC Old Ship Management Information System , the function of the system , as well as the analysis of its effection . It also discusses the key point subject of the MIS .

  5. 最后介绍船舶管理信息系统及其船舶动态调度的情况。

    Finally , ship information management system and ship 's dynamic deployment are introduced .

  6. 研究与开发的社会回报及政府研发政策船舶管理信息系统研发

    Social Return Measurement of R D and Government 's R D Policies Development of Ship Management Information System

  7. 讨论了渔业船舶管理信息系统设计与实现中的一些重要细节和关键问题。

    This article discusses some important details and essential questions which are met in the design and realization of information management system for fishing vessels .

  8. 系统的人机交互功能和雷达与AIS信息结合组成船舶数据管理信息系统,水上移动安全监督管理信息系统是本文主要讨论和研究的内容。

    The main discussed and researched contents are the MMI ( Men Machine Interface ) of system and the Vessel Data Management Information System combined with Radar and AIS system and water mobile safety supervise .

  9. 船舶交通管理信息系统(VTS)作为管理海上交通的安全控制中心,在船舶通信、船舶安全航行、提高船舶交通效率等方面发挥着重大作用。

    As the management of maritime traffic safety control center , Vessel traffic management information system ( VTS ) plays an important role in the ship communication , navigation safety and traffic efficiency improvement .

  10. 进而,研究了NACKS公司的船舶物料管理信息系统的应用,分析物料代码的编制,研究了采购订货管理和库存管理的系统设计。

    Thirdly , the paper analyzed the application of shipbuilding materials management information system , discussed the compilation of the materials code , and pointed out the system design of purchasing management and inventory management .

  11. 基于远程网络技术的船舶机务管理信息系统

    A Ship Machine Maintenance and Management System Based on Remote Microcomputer Networks

  12. 港口船舶交通管理信息系统的设计

    Design of vessel traffic management information system in harbor area

  13. 一种面向海事分支机构的船舶安全管理信息系统的设计

    The Design of Vessel Safety Management Information System for Branches of Maritime Bureau

  14. 网络化船舶机务管理信息系统的开发

    Development of internet management system for ship machinery superintendent

  15. 现代船舶机舱管理信息系统的实现

    The Implement of Modern Ship Management Information System

  16. C/S和B/S紧密结合的混合模式构成船舶检验管理信息系统体系结构。

    Tight hybrid model of C / S and B / S form system structure of SSMIS .

  17. 建立船舶检验管理信息系统,将极大地促进船舶检验管理工作的信息化,提高船检管理水平,从而提高海事管理水平。

    Ship Survey Management Information System ( SSMIS ) will enhance development , improve level of Ship Survey Management .

  18. 其次介绍基于B/S(浏览器/服务器)模式的船舶机务管理信息系统的开发过程;

    Secondly , this paper introduces the development process of the SMMIS which is based on Browser / Server mode ;

  19. 本文对主要业务如船员管理信息系统、船舶动态管理信息系统和海事应急管理系统给出详细的功能方案和解决办法。

    The main business such as crew management information system , ship management information system and the maritime emergency management system on the detailed scheme and solution .

  20. 通过基于B/S模式的船舶机务管理信息系统在船舶公司机务管理中的应用,表明所建立的机务管理信息系统满足船舶机务管理中各项主要工作的需要,提高了船舶机务管理工作的水平和效率。

    The results show that the SMMIS meets the requirement of each main job in ship machinery management , and raise the management level and efficiency of SMMIS .

  21. 结合船舶机舱管理信息系统的开发,给出了在大型数据库管理系统支持下,基于客户机/服务器模式开发管理信息系统的一种方法。

    With the development of engine room management information system , this paper provided a method of developing management information system , which supported by large scale database management system based on Client / Server mode .

  22. 介绍了为国内某港航企业所开发的基于B/S(浏览器/服务器)模式的船舶机务管理信息系统,介绍了系统的结构、数据库设计、系统网络化综合查询等。

    This paper introduces Ship Maintenance Management Information System of Chinese shipping enterprise based on B / S ( Browse / Server ) mode . It mainly discusses the system 's structure , database design and E-searching .

  23. 本文从理论上分别介绍了基于C/S与B/S的管理信息系统开发模式的基本概念、特点及采用的技术,并分析了这两种结构同时运用在船舶检验管理信息系统中的可行性及其优点。

    This paper introduces the concepts , characteristics , and the developing technique influences on system developing of C / S and B / S , analyzes the feasibility and advantage of applying the two architectures in SSMIS from the practice view .

  24. 本文针对目前船舶舱容管理信息系统中,舱内构件线性管理模式存在的缺陷,提出利用模型结构树的管理模式,以提高数据管理的效率。

    To overcome the shortcomings of the linearity management model in component management in tank , model structure tree is proposed to be used . The model and system structure were presented .

  25. 工程船舶机务管理体系及其信息系统研究

    Research on the Technical Management System and Information System of Working Ship

  26. 海监船舶导航与监控管理信息系统

    Information system of navigation and management of monitor and control for sea supervision ships

  27. 建立船舶机电设备动态管理信息系统是目前军事装备信息化管理的必然要求。

    It is necessary for implementing information management of naval equipment to establish the information system of dynamic management for mechanical electric equipments on warship .

  28. 针对直属海事局分支机构船舶安全管理业务的需求,提出一种船舶安全管理信息系统的设计思路。

    The design thinking of a new vessel safety management information system for branches of maritime bureau is provided in the paper .

  29. 最后,结合VTS未来的发展趋势,在VTS设备通用化、船舶动态数据的高精度和船舶交通信息标准化的基础上,对船舶交通管理信息系统的未来发展进行了展望。

    This computing mode is suitable for vessel traffic MIS . In the end , according to the developing tendence of VTS , the author forecast the future of the vessel traffic management information system based on current VTS equipment , high precise vessel dynamic data and standard traffic information .