
  • 网络Ship maneuvering;ship handling;shiphandling;ship manoeuvering
  1. 基于AHP、Fuzzy理论的船舶操纵性能的综合评估

    The comprehensive assessment of ship handling performance based on AHP 、 Fuzzy theory

  2. 船舶操纵模拟器的应用研究一种ARM处理器仿真器的设计

    Application of Ship handling simulator Design of ARM Simulator

  3. Fuzzy控制和PID控制集成的船舶操纵控制器研究

    Integrated Controllers of Fuzzy Control and PID Control for Ship Manoeuvring

  4. 船舶操纵的高斯势函数神经网络PID控制器研究

    PID Controller of Gaussian Potential Function Networks for Ship Maneuvering

  5. 基于改进BP神经网络的船舶操纵性能预报

    Ship Maneuverability Prediction Based on Modified BP Neural Network

  6. 用RBF网络学习船舶操纵运动的动态特性

    On Learning of Ship Maneuver Dynamical Characteristics with RBF Neural Networks

  7. 基于RBF网络和遗传优化的船舶操纵模糊控制器

    Fuzzy Controller for Ship Steering Based on RBF Networks and Genetic Algorithms

  8. Matlab在Fuzzy-PID控制器用于船舶操纵仿真中的应用

    Application of Matlab in the Simulation of Fuzzy-PID Track-keeping Control System for Ship

  9. 基于CFD方法的船舶操纵性能预报

    Prediction of Ship Maneuverability Based on CFD Method

  10. 提出了利用径向基(RBF)神经网络的非线性映射能力,来学习船舶操纵动态特性。

    This paper , the ship maneuver dynamical characteristics is learnt with RBF neural network .

  11. 船舶操纵性非线性KT方程参数的辨识

    The Parameter Identification of Non - liner K-T Equations on Ship Maneuverability

  12. 船舶操纵模拟器在上海LNG接收站码头方案选择中的应用

    Application of Ship Manoeuvring Simulator in the Selection of Shanghai LNG Reception Terminal Project

  13. 采用C++语言和MATLAB数学软件混合编程,对船舶操纵性试验进行了仿真计算。

    By integrating C + + with MATLAB through the programming process , the research simulates the trials on the ship maneuverability .

  14. 谈AIS对船舶操纵和避碰的影响

    Discussing the influence of AIS in the shipping manipulation and shipping collision - avoidance

  15. 利用大连海事大学航海技术研究所提供的船舶操纵模拟器开发平台,采用Visualc++编程语言实现环境压力模型,在模拟器上实现环境压力的实时动态显示功能。

    Realize the Environmental Stress Model in the ship handling simulator to dynamically and timely display the Environmental Stress Value when simulation starts with the language of Microsoft Visual C + + ;

  16. 根据国际海事组织IMO(InternationalMaritimeOrganization,IMO)制定的船舶操纵性标准,船舶在设计阶段就应该对其操纵性进行预报。

    According to the ship maneuverability standards developed by the International Maritime Organization , ship manoeuvrability should be predicted at the ship design stage .

  17. 船舶操纵模拟器中CAGD设计与模拟算法

    CAGD design and simulation algorithm in ship manoeuvring simulator

  18. 在阐述了现行《船舶操纵》教材中关于船舶操纵性指数(K,T)计算方法的基础之上,提出运用曲线拟合的分析方法。

    Based on expatiation upon the K , T indices calculating method in lots of current maneuvering ship text book , this article presents a new analysing method with curve simulating .

  19. 在对船舶操纵运动时间预报中,运用本文提出的数据挖掘方法处理实船Z型试验收集数据。

    In the ship maneuvering time series modeling , our data mining algorithm is used to deal with the data information generated by an actual ship zig-zag test .

  20. 利用船舶操纵模拟器提供的开发平台,采用MicrosoftvisualC++编程语言实现环境压力模型,使得在模拟器船舶运行过程中,操船者感受到的环境压力动态实时显示出来。

    This paper develops a software of the environmental stress model and its dynamic display by using Microsoft Visual C + + as well as the developing platform provided by the ship maneuvering simulator .

  21. 利用该系统,学生可以用个人电脑在任何时间连接到校园网或Internet进行船舶操纵、Radar/ARPA、海图作业等多科目的自我训练。

    With the help of this system , students can connect to the intranet or the Internet using personal computers at any time to finish self-training in lots of subjects such as ship maneuver , Radar / ARPA , ECDIS .

  22. Polaris船舶操纵模拟器中雷达回波的生成研究

    Analysis on the Generation of Radar Echo in Polaris Shiphandling Simulator

  23. 本文以单桨肥大型船回转性能为例,探讨应用改进的BP神经网络建立船舶操纵性预报数学模型的方法。

    In this paper , the prediction of ship maneuverability based on an improved artificial neural network is studied , and the turning performance of single screw full form ships are taken for an example .

  24. 然后,根据IMO颁布的船舶操纵性标准要求建立了船舶操纵性预报系统,对在静水、深水域的船舶进行了回转试验、Z形试验仿真模拟和制动运动数值计算。

    Then , to carry through turning test , zigzag test and stopping motion numerical simulation based on the Standard for Ship Maneuverability issued by IMO.

  25. 本文根据自动控制理论,就船舶操纵运动的K,T响应方程,给出了船舶对阶跃和正弦操舵的响应。

    In accordance with the K and T response equation for a ship 's manoeuvring motion , a ship 's response to the step and sine operation of the rudder is given within the framework of the automatic control theory .

  26. 基于船舶操纵运动数学模型,采用VB语言编写计算程序开发仿真平台,仿真平台给出了Windows风格的菜单、工具栏及窗口,实现了计算过程的可视化和动态演示。

    Based on the ship maneuvering motion mathematical model , the simulation platform has been developed . In addition , there are menus , tools and windows with style of Microsoft Windows on this platform which can achieve visualization and dynamic display .

  27. 以模糊控制理论为基础,结合Fuzzy-PID混合控制系统的研究,设计了一种可以实时地进行模糊运算和模糊推理的模糊控制器,实现了船舶操纵控制器的Fuzzy-PID控制。

    Based on the fuzzy sets theory , a fuzzy-PID controller that can undertake realtime fuzzy reasoning and fuzzy operation is designed to accomplish fuzzy - PID intelligent controller in navigation for ship .

  28. 船舶操纵性(ShipManeuverability)的研究内容包括船舶的运动性能以及船舶所处的自然环境和地形环境(如风、浪、流以及浅水与狭窄航道)对其运动性能的影响。

    The research field of the ship maneuverability includes the ship 's movement performance and the natural and water environment ( such as wind , wave , current , shallow and narrow waterways ) 's influence on the ship 's performance .

  29. 本文系统地论述了大连海事大学航海技术研究所研制的大型船舶操纵模拟器控制台接口电路系统的结构、设计与实现,以及控制台实现USB通信的部分工作。

    This article has systematically discussed structure and design of bridge console of large scale shiphandling simulator developed by the Nautical Science and Technology Institute of DaLian Maritime University , especially about its interface circuit , and part work of realization of USB communication in bridge console .

  30. 国际海事组织(IMO)经过多年收集资料和研究,于1993年11月通过了A751(18)号决议,颁布了有关《船舶操纵性暂行标准》。

    After many years ' collecting data and researching , IMO ratified resolution of A751 ( 18 ) about " Temporary Standard of Ship Maneuverability " .