
  • 网络Vessel Location;Present position;Vessel’s present position
  1. 单片机在船舶位置测控系统中的应用

    Application of single-chip microcomputer in ship position detecting and control system

  2. 智能型船舶位置遥控系统的研究

    Study on Intelligent Position Telecontrol Systems of the Ship

  3. 这样,海事搜救人员就能够尽早确定遇险船舶位置,使得搜救时间大为减少,从而有效地减少海难事故的造成的人员伤亡和财产损失,提高了海事搜救的效率。

    In this way , marine search and rescue personnel could find location of the wrack as soon as possible , so that the searching time-consumption can be reduced effectively and casualties as well as property damage also be decreased .

  4. 动力定位(DynamicPositioning,DP)是一种通过控制船上的推力器产生推力向量来对风、浪和流等外部的作用力进行补偿,以使水面船舶的位置自动地保持在给定范围内的技术。

    Dynamic Positioning ( DP ) is a technique of automatically maintaining the position and heading of the floating vessel within the specified limits by controlling onboard thrusters which generate thrust vectors to counter the wind , wave and current forces .

  5. 船舶各位置的缆力分布系数与对应该位置的缆绳相对长度λL有关,缆绳相对长度λL越小,对应的缆力分布系数越大。

    The mooring line forces distributing coefficient of various positions in a ship is connected with the comparative length λ _f to a certain location . The λ _f is smaller and the corresponding coefficient is bigger .

  6. 通过精确的推进命令自动控制船舶的位置和航向是动力定位系统的主要功能。

    The major function of DP system is to automatically control of a vessel 's position and heading via precise thruster commands .

  7. 利用计算所得结果不但对波峰、波谷处于船中时,而且还对波峰处于船舶任意位置时的横稳性进行了全面的研究。

    Utilizing the results above , the transverse stability is thoroughly studied in the condition of not only wave crest and wave trough at midship but also wave crest at the any vessel 's position .

  8. 本文针对研究减摇水舱性能的船舶试验台位置系统,设计了基于DSP芯片的数字控制器。

    A digital controller based on DSP is designed for position system of the test bed of ship , which is used for testing the anti-rolling tank .

  9. 船舶航向及位置的模糊控制方法研究

    The Study On the control Method for Ship 's Course and Position

  10. 船舶转心位置的变化规律与操纵、避碰间关系的探讨

    A Study on the Relation between Ship Pivoting Point and Ship Manoeuvre and Collision Avoidance

  11. 船舶浅水线性位置导数实用估算方法

    A practical prediction method of the linear damping derivatives for ships moving obliquely in shallow water

  12. 正确处理螺旋桨阻力矩对大相对功率单桨船舶重心横向位置的影响

    Dealing with the effect of propeller resistance moment on transverse position of gravity center of single screw ship with relative large power

  13. 探讨了将模糊控制应用于船舶航向改变和位置偏移的控制方法。

    The fuzzy control method applied for changing the ship 's course and positon is discussed .

  14. 作为一个自动决策辅助系统,能连续确定船舶相对于大陆的位置、标定目标的位置,辅助导航和避险。

    As an automatic decision-making assistance system , it can decide ship position relative to the continent , mark target position , assist navigation , and avoid the danger .

  15. 在真正的时间就可以持续追踪在港口每一船舶的名称、位置和航程,当起雾的时候就能成为挽救生命的数据,而港口又会恢复和平。这个关键环节支持着每一次航行。

    In real time it constantly tracks the name , position and course of every vessel in the harbor , life saving data when the fog grows in and the harbour turns to peace soon . It keeps this critical link from sinking .

  16. 航迹计算是利用数学公式解算船舶航行中航向、航程与船舶位置的关系问题,不同的方法适用的条件不同,精度也不一样。

    The sailings are terms to describe mathematic method of solving problems relating to ship 's sailing , different method gives result of different accuracy and is for different condition .

  17. 避免船舶碰撞的一个核心问题是如何准确地获取其他船舶的位置信息。

    The core problem to avoid the collision is how to obtain the location information of other ships accurately .

  18. 在实船上应用船舶设备进行培训可以取得最佳的培训效果,但受到船期、船舶位置、经济性及船舶安全等诸多因素的影响,现实中很难实现。

    Training with ships equipments on board can get the best training effect , but due to sailing date , ship position , economy and safety of the ship and many other factors , it is difficult to achieve in reality .

  19. 动力定位系统是一种船舶在控制系统的作用下,依靠自身的动力抵抗外界的风、浪、流等干扰,保持船舶处在一定位置和艏向的闭环系统。

    Dynamic positioning system is a kind of closed loop control system which can resist external interferences as wind , wave and ocean current relying on their own power .