
  • 【船】survey for ship construction
  1. 内河小型船舶建造检验规程

    Instructions for the Survey of Small Inland Waterways Ships under Construction

  2. 近年来国际海事组织推出一系列船舶建造与检验新标准,并强制要求各成员国实施,我国船舶生产和检验行业正面临着巨大的挑战。

    Recently , a series of new standards for shipbuilding and ship inspection was pushed out by International Maritime Organization ( IMO ), and forcing its member states to implement . Production and inspection of the shipping industry in China is facing a huge challenge .

  3. 为了适应现代船舶设计、建造和检验的需要,发展一套基于力学基本原理的,易于设计应用及理解的规范是必须的。

    In order to meet the need of designing , building and testing of the modern ships , it is necessary to develop a system of easily applicable and apprehensible rules based on the basic mechanical principles .

  4. GB/T12926-1991船舶工艺术语船舶建造质量检验

    Terminology for ship technology-Ship construction quality inspection