
shuǐ mì
  • watertight
水密[shuǐ mì]
  1. 规则要求样本必须装在两个水密容器中。

    The rules state that samples must be enclosed in two watertight containers

  2. 在1960年SOLAS大会期间,Kurtwendel教授介绍了一个新的概率模型评估船舶水密分舱的基本原理。

    In 1960 during the SOLAS conference , Professor Kurt Wendel introduced a new probability model to evaluate ship watertight subdivision principle .

  3. 本文介绍了利用深海水密玻璃球应答器(ET661G)设计研发的深海噪声测量潜标,给出了潜标及其结构设计的基本思想和噪声测量记录的基本原理。

    In this paper , it is introduced that deep sea noise measuring flotation which is developed by deep sea glass sphere transponder ( ET661G ) . The basic idea of undersea float and its configuration and the basic principle of noise measurement record are given .

  4. 提高石材幕墙水密性及气密性的方法和对策

    Methods and Strategies to Improve Watertightness and Airtightness of Curtain Walls

  5. 就水密舱壁而言,怎样检查其水密性?

    For watertight bulkheads , how do you check the watertightness ?

  6. 我们已经迅速做出反应并确认没有人员伤亡,潜艇仍然具有良好的水密性。并不会对环境造成任何影响。

    There have been no injuries and the submarine remained watertight .

  7. 充分的机械,储物仓,水密仓的船体空间布局。

    Hull space for machinery , storage , compartmentation is adequate .

  8. 适用于船舶的水密和油密人孔盖。

    Used for the watertight and oil tight manhole cover .

  9. 大型液压水密移门在海洋工程船上的设计及应用

    Design and application of large hydraulic watertight sliding doors on offshore vessel

  10. 艉轴护套后端水密问题分析

    Analysis to water-tight at rear end of tail-shaft copper cover

  11. 混凝土浇筑之前应对管道进行水密检查。

    Ducts shall be checked for water tightness before concreting .

  12. 测深仪换能器船台安装和水密性检查。

    Inspection installation and water tightness transducer of echo sounder on berth .

  13. 进行水密试验,达到大副满意。

    Watertight test to be carried out to chief officer 's satisfaction .

  14. 请将这个穿舱件改成水密的。

    Please change this penetrating piece into watertight construction .

  15. 还有水密桃罐头,又如何呢?

    And the canned peaches , what about them ?

  16. 霍尔承压水密开关及应用

    Hall Bearing - press Watertight Switch and Its Application

  17. 箱涵变形缝水密性检测

    Watertightness Detection of Movement Joints of Box Culverts

  18. 集成工业化住宅外墙板系统水密性能实验

    Integrated industrial wall board system watertight performance test

  19. 专用水密性检测仪的研制开发

    Development of the Test Apparatus of Hermetic Capability

  20. 以水密巩膜瓣的可拆除缝线防止小梁切除术后浅前房

    To prevent from shallow anterior chamber after trabeculectomy with removed thread of water-closed scleral flap

  21. 那样的话,需要安装专用的密封过管来确保水密。

    In that case , special stuffing tube will be used to keep the watertightness .

  22. 艇体有七个水密舱,帆罩位于第二舱室上面。

    The hull has seven watertight compartments , with the sail located above the second compartment .

  23. 水密舱均已增压完毕。

    The compartments are fully pressurized .

  24. 船上有16个密封舱,水密舱均已增压完毕。

    She had 16 watertight compartments .

  25. 在两个圆弧柱壳连结处布置某种型式的垂向水密纵舱壁进行加强。

    There is a vertical waterproof longitudinal bulkhead between the two shell-junctures , it reinforced by some stiffener .

  26. 为了达到不沉的目的,水面无人艇一般都设计为水密艇,本文则在不沉的基础上对水面无人艇的抗倾覆性进行研究。

    In order to achieve the purpose of unsinkable , the USV is often designed to be watertight .

  27. 水密小舱口盖(密门、)闭灵活性、水检查。

    Flexibility and hosing test for small water tight hatch cover ( water tight door and window ) .

  28. 这些船只最多可容纳500人,而且有可供储存用的水密舱和舒适的船员舱。

    They held up to 500 people and had watertight cabins for storage and comfortable cabins for the crew .

  29. 历史文献中记载的水密隔舱源远流长,考古发掘中水密隔舱海船遗物不断发现。

    In historical documents , watertight compartment has a long history , watertight compartments ship relics also continually found in archaeological excavations .

  30. 中空玻璃设计,隔音隔热,具有极佳的水密性和气密性,防风防水。

    Our insulating glass , soundproof and heat resistant , is good at water & air tightness and can proof water and wind .