
  • 网络horizontal fissure;fissura horizontalis;horizontal fissure of right lung
  1. 右肺斜裂、水平裂的CT应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of the CT of oblique and horizontal fissure on right lung

  2. 左右肺水平裂形态观测

    Observations on Lungs Horizontal Fissure

  3. 方法随机抽取CR及普通后前位胸片各100例,通过气管、主动脉弓、右侧水平裂、心后肺纹理、外侧肺带各指标进行图像质量比较。

    Methods To make comparison between CR and traditional pictures on trachea , aortic arch , fissura horizontalis and lung markings .

  4. 肺段CT鉴别的主要依据是肺裂和肺段支气管,因左肺上叶水平裂的发生率和舌段支气管的CT显示率均低,致命名前段与舌段的鉴别发生困难。

    The differentiation of anterior segment versus lingular segment in the upper lobe of the left lung is difficult for lack of demarcating marks on CT images of horizontal fissures in the right lung and the larger lingular bronchi .

  5. 误诊10例中水平裂占7例。

    Of 10 cases of erroneous diagnosis were horizontal tears .

  6. 左肺完全性水平裂11例(占11.0%),不全性水平裂49例(占49%);

    11 cases of left lungs were complete horizontal fissures ( 11 % ) and 19 cases were incomplete extra horizontal fissures ( 49 % ) .

  7. 按半月板损伤类型分纵裂、水平裂及桶柄样和瓣状裂的超声诊断符合率分别为97.8%,56%及100%。

    According to the type of meniscus tear , the accuracy rate was978 % for the longitudinal tear , 56 % for horizontal tear and100 % for tear of " buckhandle " type .

  8. 左肺外形分叶中,完全和不全水平裂的存在及左肺的不典型三叶分形在临床及影像学上具有重要意义;

    When left lobes are lobulated , the existence of partly symphysic superior lobe of singular segment , the existence of extra horizontal fissure and of the atypical trilobate lobe are significant in clinic and iconography .

  9. 孔底聚能药包水平预裂法开挖保护层的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Excavating Protective Layer by Horizontal Presplitting Method

  10. 水平预裂线装药量计算公式研究

    Inquiry into charge formula for horizontal pre - split blasting

  11. 水平预裂爆破在三峡工程坝基开挖中的应用

    The Application of Horizontal-advance-splitting in Excavation of Dam Foundation

  12. 保护层开挖水平预裂药量计算公式探讨

    Investigation on Dose Calculation Formula of Horizotal Presplit Blasting in Excavating Protection Layer

  13. 水平预裂加垂直孔孔间或排间微差爆一次性挖除;

    Horizontal presplit blasting together with short delay blasting between vertical holes or rows of holes ;

  14. 半月板撕裂所显示的层数除单纯水平型裂开外,其余各类型都连续出现2~3层扫描平面。

    The authors indicated that complicated meniscus tear were shown on CT images of 2 to 3 contiguous sections , except for simple level meniscus tear .

  15. 为了节省施工成本、加快施工进度,目前在水利工程施工生产中逐步试验并推广的保护层开挖方法有水平预裂法,柔性垫层法等。

    For reducing cost and accelerating construction speed sparingly , at present in irrigation works construct in producing testing progressively and antiabrasion layer that popularize excavating method competent to split law in advance , flexible cushion layer etc.

  16. 根据现场爆破效果分析了水平预裂成缝机理,介绍了水平预裂爆破在坝基开挖中的应用,施工方法以及质量控制措施。

    The mechanism of horizontal splitting is analysed based on the field blast results , the application of the horizontal splitting in the excavation of dam foundation is presented , and the implementation method of horizontal-splitting blasting and its measures of quality control are introduced .

  17. 实验表明,在现有的实验条件下,通过合理的确定能量阈值,算法能够很好从肺部CT影像中分割出毛细血管、线状水平肺间裂,效果明显优于常用的阈值处理算法。

    The result of the experiment demonstrates that the method we advanced can more effectively segment these tissues by determining a reasonable energy threshold than the traditional threshold approach under the present experimental conditions , such as the segmentation of capillary , cleft between the linear levels of pulmonary fissure .

  18. 合并水平叶间裂增厚及单侧或双侧胸腔积液46例。

    46 cases complicated with monolateral or bilateral pulmonary effusion and horizontal fissure thickened .

  19. 结论:①眼部特征:大多数人有上眼睑皱褶,眼裂处于同一水平,眼裂高度男女两性均以中等为主。

    CONCLUSION ① Features of eye Majority of the inhabitants have mongoloid fold and have upper eyelid fold with eye-slits at the same level and the height of eye slits are chiefly of medium size .

  20. 水平井压裂起裂机理及裂缝延伸模型研究

    Study on the Fracture Initiation and Propagation Model for Horizontal Well Fracturing

  21. 水平井水压致裂裂缝非平面扩展模型研究

    Non-planar propagation of hydraulic fracture around horizontal well-bole

  22. 裂缝裂隙、缺口或裂缝水平井压裂起裂机理及裂缝延伸模型研究

    A crack , crevice , or split . Study on the Fracture Initiation and Propagation Model for Horizontal Well Fracturing

  23. 将垂直井和水平井作为特例,所提供的大位移井压裂缝起裂压力通过数学简化,与文献公布的垂直井和水平井起裂压力计算公式完全一致。

    Taking vertical wells and horizontal wells as special examples , with mathematical simplification , the calculating formula proposed for fracture initiation pressure of fracturing of extended reach wells is completely coincident with that issued by documents for fracture initiation pressure of fracturing of vertical wells and horizontal wells .

  24. 实际裂端的约束水平及其分布满足HRR场所要求的独立于外载荷水平和距裂端距离的性质。

    The restraint distribution of a mixed crack contained in an actual structure satisfies the HRR character that the restraint level is independent of loading level and distance from crack tip .