
  1. 以科学发展观调整我国经济社会发展战略

    Adjusting Domestic Social and Economic Development Strategy with a Scientific Development Perspective

  2. 一个典型欠发达沿海开放城市经济社会发展战略的研究

    A socio-economy development strategy study of a typical underdeveloped coastal open city

  3. 区域经济社会发展战略研究

    Research of Develop Strategy on Regional Economy and Society

  4. 安塞县经济社会发展战略规划与预测

    The strategic plan and forecasting on the social and economical development of Ansai county

  5. 福鼎市经济社会发展战略的构想

    Strategy for economic and social development in Fuding

  6. 面向21世纪的上海&上海经济社会发展战略纲要

    Shanghai toward the 21st Century

  7. 加速生物工程产业发展,抢占新一轮国际竞争制高点,已经成为世界各国特别是大国经济社会发展战略的重点。

    It is strategical to accelerate the development of biotechnology industry for all countries , especially the developed countries .

  8. 我国应制定就业优先经济社会发展战略,创造就业环境,开拓就业空间,扩大就业容量。

    Our government should grant priority to development strategy of employment to improve the employment environment , create more jobs and expand employment .

  9. 为省市各级政府制定陕南经济社会发展战略提供历史和理论依据。

    Finally , the thesis provided historical and theoretical basis for provincial and municipal government drafting economic and social plan of southern Shaanxi .

  10. 本文从统筹城乡经济社会发展战略的意义、内涵和战略举措三个方面进行了初步探讨。

    The paper discusses the significance , connotation , and strategy of the overall planning of the urban and rural economic development strategy .

  11. 我国现实国情和经济社会发展战略需要高等教育的大众化发展,高校收费制度的实行则引发贫困家庭子女上学难和新的高等教育机会的不公平。

    The massification of higher education is decided by the realistic national conditions and the strategic demand of the economic and social development of our country .

  12. 城乡关系、工农关系历来都是各国经济社会发展战略抉择的重要维度。

    The relationship between industry and agriculture and Urban and rural has always been the important dimension of strategic choice in the development of economy and society .

  13. 科学地提出规划思路,制定好经济社会发展战略,对于我区紧紧抓住并利用好战略机遇期,保持长周期、快增长、高效益发展,全面建设小康社会具有十分重要的意义。

    It is so significant to make good use of the strategic opportunity , keep the development long term , quick and efficient , and construct the middle-class society .

  14. 新中国成立至今,围绕如何在我国实现社会主义现代化,先后出现了三个经济社会发展战略。

    Around how to realize the modernization in our country , three economic social development strategy have been made successively by the three central leading collective since the new China establish .

  15. 这是一个内涵深刻的重要论断,两个趋向的论断,对于我们正确统筹城乡经济社会发展战略,具有重要的意义。

    This is a profound message of the important thesis of two trends . The statement has important significance for us to correctly balance urban and rural economic and social development strategy .

  16. 国土资源及其利用的现状,是制定国土资源中长期利用规划和国民经济社会发展战略的重要依据。

    The status quo of land resources and real-time supervision of all kinds of land resources will become an important reference for our long-term land resources utilization program and nation economy development strategy .

  17. 在中华民族复兴的伟大历史进程中,我们迫切需要在观念上彻底接受这一转变,并将其具体落实到经济社会发展战略和政策的设计上。

    During the history process of China National renewal , we need urgently accept downright the transformation in our idea and fulfill it concretely to the design of economy society development strategy and policy .

  18. 经济社会发展战略是否符合国情,是否符合经济社会发展的规律,直接决定着一个国家一定时期内经济的发展速度、水平和质量。

    The economic and social development strategy , which is whether according with the national conditions , the law of economic development and the international economic development trend or not , directly decided the economic development speed , level and quality over a period of a country .

  19. 自从1992年世界环境与发展大会通过了《里约宣言》和《21世纪议程》以来,可持续发展己成为人们广泛接受的发展理念,成为世界各国制定经济社会发展战略的主要依据。

    Since the passing of " Rio Declaration " and " the 21st century Agenda " in world environment and development conference 1992 , sustainable development has become a widely accepted theory , on the basis of which countries all over the world make their economy and social development strategy .

  20. 城镇规划要为经济社会发展拓展战略空间

    The urban planning should serve the social and economic development

  21. 开发劳动力资源:我国经济社会发展的战略选择

    Exploit Resource of Labor : the Stratagem Choice of Chinese Economic Society Developing

  22. 经济与社会发展战略

    Economic and socal development strategy

  23. 科技创新能力决定中国的明天,高新技术产业发展水平决定我国经济社会发展的战略地位。

    The level of high-tech industry development determines the strategic position of the economic and social development .

  24. 林业的可持续发展是中国经济社会可持续发展战略中的重要组成部分,实践与理论证明,林权制度的合理安排对林业的可持续发展起着关键和核心的作用。

    The practice and theory show that reasonable arrangements forest tenure for sustainable development of forestry plays a key and central role .

  25. 西部开发是新世纪我国经济和社会发展战略的重要步骤,西部开发需要健康良好的行政法制环境。

    The west development is on important step of china 's economic and social development , and needs healthy and good administration legal environment .

  26. 为此目的,这场游戏中的每个成员,包括发展中国家都要创建一套成功的经济和社会发展战略,这套战略要能在充分网络化的世界中运作。

    To this end , everyone in the game-including developing countries-will have to create successful economic and social development strategies that will work in a heavily networked world .

  27. 大力发展环保产业对实现重庆市经济和社会发展战略目标,促进经济和社会可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。

    The development of the industry of environment has the important signification for the achievement of the target of Chongqing social and economic development , and for the continual development .

  28. 中国城市化进程加速发展,经济社会协调发展战略目标的制定等等都要求进一步深化我国的公共服务改革。

    Fast development of urbanization makes a great demand for the quantity and quality of public service , and other factors providing great opportunity to further public service reform in China .

  29. 建筑能耗占全社会总能耗的比例逐年增大,势必会影响我国经济和社会发展战略目标的实现。

    The scale of energy consumed for building in the whole energy consumed increases year by year , certainly it will affect the strategic target of the development of economy and society .

  30. 加快发展幼儿教育,是乌海市打造自治区西部区域中心城市的要求,是乌海市经济社会发展的战略目标。

    Accelerate the call for developing preschool education , being that WuHai City makes the autonomous region western part area centre city , be WuHai City economic and social development strategic objective .