
  1. 学生成长导师制研究

    Study of the Tutorial System for Students ' Developing

  2. 五年制高职学生成长导师制的实践与思考

    The Practice and Consideration About " the Growth of Mentoring Students " in Five-year Vocational Schools

  3. 高校学生管理模式的思考与探索&专业成长导师+辅导员制

    Consideration and Exploration of the College Student Management Pattern & The system of " the tutor of speciality growth + the instructor "

  4. 专业成长导师+辅导员制是高校学生管理模式的新探索。

    The system of " the tutor of speciality growth + the instructor " is a new exploration of the college student management pattern .

  5. 本文以江阴市第二中学为例,对“中学生成长导师制”进行了实践研究。

    Practice Research of the Tutorial System for Middle-school Students developing is an effective form to adapt the students'different demand and the individual differences .

  6. 研究认为,构建新型的学生成长导师制体系,要在重塑教育理念的基础上,从学校和教师两大层面入手。

    Through research the writer drew a conclusion that this system must be established based on a new education theory and started with both schools and teachers .

  7. 班主任是中小学的重要岗位,是中小学教师队伍的重要组成部分,是实施素质教育的中坚力量,是学生成长的人生导师。

    Class teacher is an important position of the primary and secondary schools , and an important part of the primary and secondary school teachers . They are the backbone of implementing quality education , and the students ' mentor .