
  1. 航空公司机上供应品成本控制方案

    Cost Control of In-flight Supply

  2. 成本控制方案是成本策划的结果,应针对提高成本因素和成本优势逐一制定。

    Cost control scheme is planned results , should cost to increase cost factors and cost advantage for one .

  3. 成本控制方案是指为消除提高成本因素和发挥成本优势所采取的措施。

    Cost control scheme is to point to to eliminate improve cost factors and play the measures adopted by the cost advantage .

  4. 为了保证产品成本控制方案的有效实施,本文最后提出了三项建议:一是树立现代市场经济的成本控制新理念;

    Finally three proposals are put forward to ensure the product cost control resolutions can be effectively implemented : 1 . To establish a new concept of cost control in modern market economy .

  5. 之后再针对问题给出了项目成本控制的方案设计与规划,最后给出了该项目成本控制的方法,方案以及实施结果分析。

    After the given problem and then design and planning of the project cost control program .

  6. 并结合工厂实际情况对成本控制进行了方案设计、对工厂的成本二级核算体系进行了详细设计。

    With respect to the actual conditions of the factory , the thesis offers project design on cost control and secondary cost accounting system in details .

  7. 给出了基于增量接收技术的集成生产控制系统与动态成本控制系统的实现方案;

    This paper describes achieving program of Integration Production Control & Dynamic Costing Control Based on Increasingly Receiving Technology .

  8. 深入研究了物流成本的控制机制,从方法、制度、系统化以及措施等不同角度进行了分析研究,比较全面系统的得出了物流成本的控制方案。

    The article investigated in detail the logistics cost control mechanism . Through research from different aspects like methods , regulations , systematization and measures etc. , it drew out the proposal on how to control the logistics cost ;