
  • 网络Hyper Competition;hyper-competition;hypercompetition;mega competition
  1. 超竞争环境信息扫描系统模型及其在XA电信市场的分析和应用

    Analysis and Application of Information Scanning System in XA Telecom Market under Super-Competitive Environment

  2. 基于超竞争环境下的企业柔性战略研究

    Research on Flexible Strategy of Enterprises Based on the Hyper-competitive Environment

  3. 超竞争时代新产品营销方案的多目标决策

    Analysis of Multi-objective Decision of Marketing Scheme of New Products in Super-competition Era

  4. 今天的超竞争的商业环境使每一美元的关键,以保持竞争力。

    Today 's ultra competitive business climate makes every dollar crucial in order to stay competitive .

  5. 超竞争环境下企业的纵向效率边界分析民间金融制度:经济性质、生存逻辑及效率边界

    The Analysis of Civil Financing Institution : the Economic Nature , the Existent Logic and the Efficient Boundary

  6. 城市成长战略的制定需要一种超竞争的眼光,营造自己的生态小环境;

    To make urban growth strategy , we need for discernment of super-competition and construction of small ecosystem .

  7. 在平板和笔记本领域,苹果的创新程度都远超竞争对手。

    In both areas , the company has innovated far enough ahead that its competition is still trying to catch up .

  8. 作为工业识别技术领域的领导厂商,如何在这种超竞争环境下,保持自身的竞争优势,并不断开拓业务发展的新的蓝海,实现公司提出的数一、数二的目标。

    As a leader in Identification technology , how to keep their competitive advantage and develop new business in this competitive environment .

  9. 新诉讼出现的背景是,近几年采用安卓系统的手机销量远超竞争对手。

    The new wave of suits reflects a marketplace where Android-powered phones have outsold their competitors by a wide margin in recent years .

  10. 全球经济一体化的迅猛发展所带来的全球竞争,大大增加了市场竞争的广度与深度,导致企业面临着超竞争的态势。

    And great development in global economy integration brings in global competition , which has increased the scale and depth of market competition greatly .

  11. 最后给出了在超竞争环境下企业应对复杂性的战略选择。

    At the end of this paper , the authors present the strategies for firms in the hyper-competitive environment to cope with the complexity .

  12. 在当前的超竞争环境下,传统的核心能力不再能为企业带来长期的持续竞争力,甚至会造成核心刚性。

    In the current competitive environment , the core competence cannot bring enterprise long-term sustainable competitiveness as before . It even may cause core rigidity .

  13. 由于全球化趋势、科技进步和经济自由化等多种因素的叠加,使许多市场已经由竞争走向了超竞争市场,而工程机械产品市场同样无法避免这种白热化的竞争。

    For the combined factors of globalization trend , technology upgrading , and free economy etc , the market competition has been developed into an extreme way ;

  14. 超竞争环境下,企业强调识别高价值顾客和提升顾客终身价值,以增强企业的竞争优势。

    Under super competition environment , in order to enhance its competitive advantages , the business emphasizes the recognition of the high value customer and increasing customer lifetime value .

  15. 首先,战略创新是企业在超竞争环境下的必然选择,制定并实施明确的战略创新措施是一个企业首先要考虑的问题。

    First , strategic innovation is in the ultra-competitive environment , the inevitable choice to develop and implement a clear strategy of innovative measures is an enterprise must first consider .

  16. 动态能力和公司创业作为两个在超竞争环境下,针对企业如何获得和保持持续竞争优势而提出的构念,被越来越多的学者所关注。

    Under the ultra competition environment , Dynamic capabilities and corporate entrepreneurship , which is put forward to help enterprises to obtain and maintain sustainable competitive advantages , have got more and more scholars , concerns .

  17. 从资源基础理论角度分析了在超竞争环境下,企业家能力与竞争力的融合与发展并研究得出企业家能力如何形成有效的循环圈。

    From the RBV , this paper analyzes the integration and development of corporation competence and entrepreneur capability , and puts forward the way to form valid circle of entrepreneur capability in the super competitive environment .

  18. 由此可见,以创造未来为特征的柔性战略必将成为21世纪超竞争环境下企业的基本战略选择。

    It is concluded from this aspect that the flexible strategy whose feature is to create future will be the inevitable strategy choice of the enterprises in the fiercely competitive environment of the 21 ~ st century .

  19. 随着果汁行业近几年的高速发展,果汁市场已经进入成长期的后期,市场内大小果汁厂家众多,果汁市场已经是超竞争状态。

    With the rapid development of fruit juice , fruit juice market has entered the late stage of growth period , there are many manufacturers on fruit juice market , fruit it is a perfectly competitive market .

  20. 在这个连变化都在变化的时代,市场权力重构,超竞争,知识经济从企业的市场、竞争、经营资源等三个根本方面对企业的管理提出了挑战。

    In this named " almost change is changing " era , buyers ' market , hiper-competition , the knowledge-based economy change the enterprises ' environment a lot from market , competition and the primary resources , etc.

  21. 近年来,民营企业已经取得了长足的发展,然而,随着经济一体化和经济全球化的深入,民营企业已经处在一个迅速动态变化的超竞争环境中。

    In recent years , the private enterprise had already obtained the considerable development , however , along with the economic integration and economical globalization thorough , private enterprise oneself after occupies in a rapid dynamic change in competition environment .

  22. 物流大环境下铁路运输企业的超优势竞争战略

    Super-advantage Competition Stratagem of Railway Enterprises under the Environment of Large Logistic

  23. 当今,一种新的市场竞争态势&超优势竞争,已经摆在了我国企业面前。

    Nowadays , a new competitive situation arises , which our domestic enterprises have to face , named hypercompetition .

  24. 我们的产品超于竞争对手的产品之上,而且,我们也可以以同样的价格出售。

    Our product is over and above the competitors ' , and we 're able to sell it at the same price .

  25. 谁运用超优势竞争眼光,高瞻远瞩,未雨绸缪,制定好市场的破坏式创新战略,谁就能获得未来的成功。

    The one , who makes full use of hypercompetition in the long run , takes precautions and makes the disruptive innovation strategy about market , will succeed in the future .

  26. 不过,其利润率要远超其它德国竞争对手。

    However , its profit margins far exceed those of its domestic rivals .

  27. 由于自信满满且敢于冒险,很多年轻毕业生宁愿在工作量超负荷且竞争激烈的大公司中工作。

    Confident and adventurous , many young grads prefer to take up jobs in big companies where they shoulder a heavy workload and face stiff competition .

  28. 本文分析了应用定标比超方法进行竞争情报研究的工作过程和实施步骤,并结合我国实际,给出了两个用定标比超方法开展竞争情报活动的成功案例。

    The paper analyses the working process and implementing steps of competition information study using SWOT method , and connected with our country 's practice , gives two successful cases .

  29. 竞争环境的分析是以项目为依据,指出农改超可能面临的竞争对手等。

    Analysis of the competitive environment is project-based , pointing out that " the farmer supermarket project " is likely to face super competition .

  30. 在制度层面,欧洲一体化的发展就是以欧盟理事会为代表的政府间机构与以欧盟委员会(以及欧洲议会)为代表的超国家机构之间竞争与合作的产物。

    At the institutional level , European integration is an outcome of compromise and competition between intergovernmental institutions ( like Council of Ministers ) and supranational ones ( like European Commission ) .