
  1. 只有做了父亲,你才能体会那种父亲看着孩子的时候发自内心的喜悦和超越情感的浓浓爱意。

    Until you have a son of your own * you will never know the joy , the love beyond feeling that resonates in the heart of a father as he looks upon his son .

  2. 教师既要扮演父母角色,又要引导学生超越个人情感来对待教师。

    Teacher confidential acting parents role , also must guide the student to surmount individual emotion to treat the teacher .

  3. 这个词用来形容人的时候,则表示这个人具有从惊吓、沮丧以及其它任何超越人类情感极限的状态中从容地恢复过来的能力。

    When used in reference to a person this word means the ability to readily recover from shock , depression or any other situation that stretches the limits of a person 's emotions .

  4. 对曹禺而言,他的创作可能无法超越自身的情感体验。

    For Cao Yu , his creation may be unable to surmount his own emotional experience .

  5. 互主体性的、超越性的情感体验及经验表达,通过流动的叙事过程可以整合分裂的经验,促进自我的康复,重构生活意义,并重新定位个人生命的终极价值。

    The inter-subjective , transcendental expression of affects and experiences functions in the narrative flow as a facilitator for the integration of divided or broken segments of personal experiences , for the re-figuration of lived meaning , so the individual can re-arrange life paths to realize significant and ultimate values .

  6. 从农民对分与合的再三权衡和家庭间的亲疏关系来看,利益因素超越了血缘情感嵌入了农民的生活逻辑,家族关系日益理性化。

    2 ^ From the relationship and that the farmer weighs the separation and the merging again and again , we can understand that The benefits factor has surmounted blood relationship emotion . It imbeds the living logic of the farmer . The household relation is turning in the reasonableness .

  7. 艺术的功效由表层的娱乐达到精神境界的提高和超越,最终实现情感本体的建构;

    Effects of arts are to attain the uplift of transcendence over the spiritual realm started from the surface amuse ment till the realization of the construction of sentimental noumenon ;