
  1. 岁的乔是个高瘦活泼女孩,得意于对传统礼仪的蔑视。

    Jo , fifteen , was tall , thin , and coltish , and gloried in an unconcealed scorn of polite conventions.15

  2. 和谐文化视野下中华优秀传统礼仪文化的现代发展趋势

    The Modern Development of Chinese Traditional Etiquette From Harmonious Culture Perspective

  3. 弘扬传统礼仪风貌,创造和谐人际关系;

    Traditional etiquette is carried forward to build the harmonious interpersonal relation .

  4. 他们的传统礼仪走了样,变成了毫无意义的俗套。

    Their traditional ceremonies were perverted into meaningless rituals .

  5. 浅谈传统礼仪文化与大学生思想道德教育

    Traditional Courteous Culture and College Students ' Moral Education

  6. 这一部分主要对蒙古族传统礼仪教育的选题意义进行了阐述。

    This section focuses on topics of Mongolian traditional etiquette education meaning is described .

  7. 论公务员的礼仪修养&从中国传统礼仪的视角

    Etiquette and Cultivation of the Civil Service : From the perspective of Chinese traditional etiquette

  8. 文化碰撞中的选择:中国传统礼仪法文化在近现代的变革

    The Choice in Cultural Interaction : Modern Transition of China 's Traditional Etiquette Legal Culture

  9. 中国传统礼仪和社会主义荣辱观辩证关系的研究四维与五德历久弥新的中华传统荣辱观

    Research on the Dialectical Relationship between Chinese Traditional Ritual and the Socialism Outlook for Honor and Dishonor

  10. 一位专家今天表示,稳重的英国人恐怕很难完全抛弃握手这种传统礼仪。

    An expert today said its unlikely reserved Brits will ever be able to completely let go of the handshake .

  11. 这项传统礼仪使我们在一个决定性时刻汇聚一堂&此时此刻,决策难以作出,勇气受到考验。

    This rite of custom brings us together at a defining hour - when decisions are hard and courage is tested .

  12. 但只要传统礼仪文化的根基不断,我们就能更好地与高尔夫礼仪文化的精华相融合。

    As long as the traditional etiquette culture roots did not break , we will be able to absorb golf etiquette culture better .

  13. 作为中国社会民众生活样态的传统礼仪礼俗,遭到严重破坏,不再具有它在自然历史因革连续性中承载完整文化信息的作用。儒学失去了它与社会民众生活之关联的载体。

    The traditional etiquette and custom that Chinese people follow have been damaged and thus Confucianism has lost its carrier concerning people 's life .

  14. 朝贡成为官方垄断海外贸易、推行羁縻外交、推行中华传统礼仪的有力工具。

    The Pay Tribute System became the tools of monopolized the foreign trade and carried on the restrain diplomacy and spread Chinese tradition etiquette .

  15. 他也许在这种平凡的英国工业生活中,找到了一些乐趣,至少这里没有剑桥的那些做作的传统礼仪。

    And perhaps he found something satisfying about working in ordinary industrial England , without the affectations and traditional rituals that went with cambridge life .

  16. 礼拜仪式倡用人运用或提倡运用礼拜仪式的人论公务员的礼仪修养&从中国传统礼仪的视角

    One who uses or advocates the use of liturgical forms . Etiquette and Cultivation of the Civil Service : From the perspective of Chinese traditional etiquette

  17. 活动前参加了四天培训,培训内容为学习《弟子规》,关于中华传统礼仪规范的一本书。

    I took a4-day training program before the activity and it was mainly about learning Standards for Students , a book about codes of traditional Chinese etiquette .

  18. 小学生既是中华传统礼仪文化的继承者和发扬者,同时也是新时代礼仪教育的新生主力军。

    Pupils , not only inherit and carry forward the traditional Chinese cultural etiquette , but also are the new force of the new era of etiquette education .

  19. 观照国民教育各阶段亦可发现,民族精神、传统礼仪和道德始终是台湾教育界倡导的。

    Contemplation of each stage of the national education educational objectives and curriculum can be found that the national spirit , the traditional etiquette ethics has always advocated Taiwanese educator .

  20. 深刻认识传统礼仪的意蕴,充分发挥其在现代社会中的作用,对于建设社会主义和谐社会具有很现实的意义。

    The connotation of the deep traditional etiquette of understanding , give full play to its role in modern society , have realistic meanings in constructing the socialist harmonious society .

  21. 中国传统礼仪是中华民族文明的标志,声名播于海外,影响上下五千年,深入到社会生活各个层面,所以中国被称为“礼仪之邦”。

    As the symbol of Chinese civilization , this is why china called " formal state ", Chinese traditional etiquette has influenced overseas and every aspect of social life in five thousand years .

  22. 德布雷特编辑乔艾奇逊说,新书《女子礼仪》是传统礼仪权威与时俱进的标志。

    But according to its editor , Jo Aitchison , the new book " Etiquette for Girls " is a sign that the traditional arbiters ( 10 ) of civility are catching up with the times .

  23. 加强传统礼仪的教育有着多方面的意义,无论是从国家层面亦或是从个人角度考量,都能够得出同样的结论。

    Strengthening the education of traditional etiquette education has many meanings , whether it is from the national level , or from a personal point of consideration , is able to come to the same conclusion .

  24. 先秦文学对于少数民族使者所作的艺术显现,是对传统礼仪中世俗偏见的拨正,同时也是历史发展的必然结果。

    The artistic description made in Pre-Qin literature about the minority messengers puts to the right way the worldly prejudice in the traditional protocol , at the same time , it is the inevitable result of historical development .

  25. 通过调查发现:目前家庭德育内容主要集中在道德品质(主要是传统礼仪方面)和日常生活能力、人际交往、学习能力方面,但较少进行政治、思想和恋爱及性、心理健康等方面的教育;

    Investigation reveals that current family education mainly focuses on moral quality , daily living ability , interpersonal relation , learning ability and so on and hardly on politics , thought , loving , sexual and psychological education .

  26. 本文通过对传统礼仪教育的研究,结合本校的礼仪教育实践,探索出了现代礼仪教育的新途径,为同类学校提供了一个可以借鉴的模式。

    Through researching the traditional etiquette and combining the intramural etiquette education practice , the new way for the modern etiquette education has been searched out and a mode is offered to the congener schools just for reference .

  27. 这部分介绍了本文的写作目的、意义,以及国内外研究现状,研究方法,研究效果与不足等问题;第二部分对我国传统礼仪教育的发展历史进行了梳理。

    This section describes the writing purpose , meaning , research situation at home and abroad , research methods , results and disadvantages of this article , etc. ; The second part analyses the history of our traditional etiquette education .

  28. 另一种可能是:在世界各地从新西兰到阿拉斯加嗅闻所爱之人的脸颊一直都是表达认可的一种方式,久而久之,可能就伴随着发展出了碰触嘴唇这样一种传统礼仪。

    Another possibility : Smelling a loved one 's cheek has long served as a means of recognition in cultures around the world , from New Zealand to Alaska . Over time , a brush of the lips may have become a traditional accompaniment .

  29. 但当康熙帝在1700年以赞成中国传统礼仪的态度介入礼仪之争后,礼仪之争开始变成罗马天主教神权与中国君权之间的政治交锋。

    However , when 1700 AD Chinese Emperor Kangxi involved in the Chinese rites with a favor attitude of the traditional Chinese rituals , the dispute began to become a political confrontation between the divine right of Roman Catholic and the monarchial power of Chinese Emperor .

  30. 古代汉语的色彩词十分丰富,它们蕴含并传达着特定的历史文化信息,是古代尚色文化的生动记录,对于了解和研究传统礼仪文化具有特殊的意义。

    There are a lot of color words in ancient Chinese , which connoted and conveyed some particular information of history and culture . They are vivid symbols of the ancient color-favoring culture , and will be of particular significance to understanding and studying of the traditional etiquette culture .