
luó liè
  • list;set out;enumerate;spread out;juxtapose;arrange for show
罗列 [luó liè]
  • (1) [spread out; arrange for show]∶排列;陈列

  • 乐工等罗列上前。--宋. 王谠《唐语林.雅量》

  • 厂房罗列在山坡上

  • (2) [enumerate; juxtapose]∶列举

  • 光罗列事实还不够,必须加以分析

  • (3) [list]∶归类登记形成列表

罗列[luó liè]
  1. 厂房罗列在山坡上。

    Factory buildings spread out over the hillside .

  2. 将元杂剧中涉及商人形象的剧目进行表格罗列,并确定主要研究范围。

    Businessman image repertoire in the Yuan Dynasty in the form set out and determine the main areas of study .

  3. 光罗列事实还不够,必须加以分析。

    It 's not enough just to enumerate the facts . you 've got to analyse them , too .

  4. 既然孩子们对罗列的事实不感兴趣,干吗要浪费宝贵的教学时间强行塞给他们呢?

    Why waste valuable teaching time trying to knock in a list of facts , if the children aren 't interested .

  5. 可他还是兴致勃勃地罗列了一堆怪诞不经的事物

    Nevertheless he revels in a catalogue of marvels .

  6. 详细罗列银行保密做法罪状的美国政界人士也被认为同出一辙

    US politicians expatiating on the evils of bank secrecy are regarded in the same light .

  7. 我们将此模型和传统的P中值问题模型应用于European150数据集,并将结果罗列出来。

    Results of this problem and traditional P-median location problem applied to European 150 data set are presented .

  8. 其中,重点分析和比较了几种不同的动态页面技术的优缺点,同时也罗列了Web技术的发展趋势。

    Several kinds of dynamic web pages technologies were analyzed , compared each other and the technologies development trends were given out .

  9. 下面是罗列Eclipse系统中所有插件的详细步骤

    Here is the step-by-step process for listing all the plug-ins in an Eclipse system

  10. 这篇文章描述了IBMRational系统及软件工程解决方案的目标,并纲要罗列了其内容。

    This article describes the purpose and outlines the content of the IBM Rational Solution for Systems and Software Engineering .

  11. 本文所罗列的是一般性的错误处理要点,也是架构师和设计师们在SOA方案设计中需要解决的。

    This paper identifies common error handling considerations that architects and designers need to address while going through the SOA solution design .

  12. 但是,著名的搜索引擎如Google、百度等,为用户返回的结果均为线性列表的形式,毫无规律的罗列在一起。

    However , the famous search engines such as Google , Baidu return results to the user in the form of a linear list .

  13. 基于组件对象模型(COM)的PC数据采集卡驱动器设计采用系列服务层次罗列,对象集合。

    Serial service levels and aggregation of objects were adopted in design of driver for PC data acquisition card based on component object model ( COM ) .

  14. 当你输入LS时,它会把你当前目录下的文件罗列出来,当前目录或者根目录。

    When you type LS it just lists what 's in your current folder , my current folder or my so-called home directory .

  15. 扩展链接节点以显示罗列在WSIL中的服务。

    Expand the link node to display the services listed in the WSIL .

  16. 对OSGiR4.2,下面罗列了几个可用的开源引擎。

    There are several open-source engines available for OSGi R4.2 , listed below .

  17. 还有一个公开的JIRA实例罗列了其他一些问题。

    There 's also the public JIRA instance now lists other issues .

  18. Syer还罗列了实现应用可能要处理的三种工作

    Syer also listed the three categories that implementing applications tend to fall into

  19. 这实际上更多的是一个个人意愿,我认为对Grails的支持或我所罗列的其他各点将会影响更多的人。

    This is really more of a personal desire , I think that Grails support or any of the other points I have listed would affect far more people .

  20. 会后,Hans在一封简明扼要的Email中罗列出讨论的议题、达成的协议以及团队对项目范围、可交付物、角色、成功条件的理解。

    Following the meeting , Hans writes a brief email outlining what had been discussed , what agreements had been made and what the team understood about scope , deliverables , roles and success criteria .

  21. HannahFry博士,来自伦敦学院大学的学者,同时也是这本名为《爱情数学》的新书作者,在牛津文化节上罗列了一系列的定理。

    Dr Hannah Fry , a lecturer at University College London and author of a new book on The Mathematics of Love , outlined the theories at the Oxford Literary Festival .

  22. 服务器知道URI发起了每次状态改变(通过POST),但是VM的表示只罗列出了由当前状态可以有效转换的那些状态转变的URI。

    The server knows about URIs to initiate each of the state changes ( via a POST ), but the representation of the VM lists only the URIs for state transitions that are valid from the current state .

  23. 《小可爱与拳击手》(CutieandtheBoxer)几乎没有受到观影公众的注意,但好电影名单并非票房大片的罗列。

    ' Cutie and the Boxer ' was hardly noticed by the movie-going public , but a list of fine films isn 't a rundown of box-office triumphs .

  24. 为了使Pulse获得成功,我们将继续确保所有合作伙伴完全陈列在目录中,并且MyEclipse仅被看作罗列在目录中的众多合作伙伴中的一员。

    For Pulse to be successful , we will continue to make sure that all partners have full exposure in the catalog and MyEclipse is treated just as one of the multiple partners being listed .

  25. 从LED产业发展背景与趋势方面着手分析,并且罗列了LED产业上中下游的市场特性与发展现况,在企业采用适当的策略之后便可为企业带来高效益。

    Begin from the LED industrial development background and the tendency aspect to analyze . It shows the LED industry for middle and lower market characteristic and development in present situation . After the enterprise uses the suitable strategy then it can bring the high benefit for the enterprise .

  26. Markowitz指出,一个合意的资产组合决不仅仅是一系列优秀的股票债券的罗列,而是能够在各种可能的情况下为投资者提供保护和机遇的平衡的整体。

    Markowitz pointed out that a desirable portfolio is never a list of first-class stocks and bonds , but a balanced integer which can provides protection and opportunities for investors under all circumstances .

  27. 在一本名为《10亿个邪恶念头》的书中,作者OgiOgas和SaiGaddam罗列出了这些新发现。

    The findings have been published in a book called A Billion Wicked Thoughts , co-authored by Ogi Ogas and Sai Gaddam .

  28. 我将为大家提供对Lombok的概述,包括它的工作方式以及它最适用的场景,并简单罗列其优缺点。

    I 'll give you an overview of Lombok , including how it works , what it 's best used for , and a quick list of its current pros and cons .

  29. 第二章:界定了广告人才的定义和内涵,通过对现行广告行业培训方式的罗列和分析,提出了运用e-learning来完善江西广告行业培训的设想。

    Chapter 2 gives a description of the definition of talents in advertising and its connotation . By enumerating and analyzing the current training modes in advertising , the second chapter proposes the idea of applying e-learning in perfecting the training in advertising in Jiangxi .

  30. 然后本文运用SWOT战略分析法进行总体对比,分别罗列审计主体三者在优势、劣势、机会和威胁的表现,总结出各自禀赋与审计效果的差异。

    In this paper , SWOT analysis is adopted for overall comparison , which is mainly used to expound the advantages , disadvantages , opportunities and threats of those three environmental auditing subjects , so as to summarize their respective favorable potential and the differences in auditing effect .