
  • Half;the other half;partner;better half
  1. 普利茅斯海洋研究所的科学家一半有学士学位,另一半则有博士学位。

    Half of PML 's scientists have first degrees , the other half have PhDs .

  2. 半数志愿者在寻找的过程中被告知大声重复自己要寻找的物品,另一半的人则闭口不言。

    Half were instructed to repeat out loud what they were looking for and the other half kept their lips sealed .

  3. 一半烧焦了,另一半还是生的。

    Half of it is burned and half of it is raw .

  4. 他更愿意和自己的另一半谈谈他的烦心事。

    He prefers to discuss his worries with his partner .

  5. 们在其中一半的牛身上画上眼晴,另一半牛保持原样。

    They have painted half of the cows with eyes and left the other half as normal .

  6. 另一半的建造不得不暂停,因为美国联邦航空管理局和国家运输安全委员会的有关部门正在研究哪里出了问题。

    The other half will have to wait , as authorities of America 's Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA ) and National Transportation Safety Board work out what went wrong .

  7. 她说:“给照顾另一半的伴侣们提供服务能够减少婚姻压力,预防在老年时出现离婚情况。

    " Offering support services to spouses caring for their other halves may reduce marital stress and prevent divorce at older ages , " she said .

  8. 早在1880年,年轻人最常见的生活方式就是与伴侣在一起,可能是配偶,也可能是重要的另一半。

    Dating back to 1880 , the most common living arrangement among young adults has been living with a romantic partner , whether a spouse or a significant other .

  9. 他们发现,当人们试图在一个新的地方睡觉时,大脑的一半比另一半"更清醒"。

    They found that one-half of the brain " remains more awake " than the other half when people are trying to sleep in a new place .

  10. 不管是你日常生活中大大小小的事情,还是长期规划,都会受你另一半的影响,包括ta的喜好、憎恶、习惯、计划、健康状况、个性、情绪、工作压力、经济保障、家庭以及处境。

    Both the large and small things in your daily life and long term plans will be impacted by your significant other 's likes , dislikes , habits , schedule , health , personality , moods , job stresses , financial security , family , and situation .

  11. 例句我觉得我找到了我的完美另一半,约翰不仅喜欢我所做的一切,他还接受我所有的缺点。

    I think I have found my perfect match , John not only likes everything I do , he also accepts all my faults .

  12. 例句你试图和你不爱的另一半在一起,但当你不得不直面现实的时候,就得分手了!

    You try to stay together with a partner you don 't love , but when reality bites , you 'll have to separate1 !

  13. 恋爱就像春天,我们觉得好像会永远快乐,无法想象自己会不爱自己的另一半。

    Falling in love is like springtime . We feel as though we will be happy forever . We can ’ t image not loving a partner .

  14. “美貌催眠”指因为某人外形实在出众,以至于他们的另一半会忽视他们性格中挺严重的一些缺点,心甘情愿继续被他们催眠。

    Hotness hypnosis describes the situation when one finds their partner so physically attractive that he / she is overlooking the serious flaws in their personality and continues to willingly remain under their trance .

  15. 也许这个警示会在一场恋爱化为泡影后出现失败是因为我们抑或没有时间,抑或没有耐心,或是不能安静地陪着另一半,倾听他们的述说。

    Or maybe a relationship goes up in smoke because we haven 't had the time , or the patience , or the tranquility , to be with the other person , to listen to them .

  16. 但他的伙伴不在时,他仅拿走所得收入的一半,把另一半仔细地保存,写上同伴的名字:“贝利”。

    When he had taken a fee in the latter 's absence , he put one half of it into his own pocket , and laid the other half carefully away , labeling it " Billy , " the name by which he familiarly addressed his partner .

  17. 你是应该听从全球定位系统(GPS)的指示,还是另一半的?

    Should you take directions from the GPS system or your spouse ?

  18. 另一半是称作预写式日志记录(write-aheadlogging)的数据库管理器实现。

    The other half is a database manager implementation called write-ahead logging .

  19. Mn表现为一半地下水样随深度而增加,另一半则相反。

    The concentrations of Mn in half of the groundwater samples increased as the depth , but showed the opposite trend in the other half of the samples .

  20. 来自重庆工商大学影视制作专业的周颖(音译)教授说:每个人都幻想着完美的另一半,希望TA是俊男或美女。

    Everyone fancies a perfect partner , handsome or beautiful , says Zhou Ying , professor of TV production at Chongqing Technology and Business University .

  21. 另一半则看到主体从棱镜ABCD的两个面反射的竖起来的像。

    The other half views an erect image of the subject reflected from two sides of prism ABCD .

  22. 啊,莫阿布附近的A.C.T.露营地与学习中心(A.C.T.CampgroundandLearningCenter)还有另一半露营者,这个地点部分是由一位环保工程师与废水处理专家设计的。

    Or , see how the other half camps at the A.C.T. Campground and Learning Center near Moab , designed in part by an environmental engineer and wastewater specialist .

  23. 你不会希望永远有一半页面是WebForms,而另一半是MVC。

    You do not want to perpetually have half of the pages be WebForms and half be MVC .

  24. 实际上,研究表明一个人使用Facebook越频繁,他越可能监督自己的另一半,这样会导致吵架和关系破裂。

    In fact , studies show that the more a person uses Facebook the more likely they will be to monitor their partner , which leads to arguments and crumbling relationships .

  25. 另一半动物采用联合行为记分(CBS)评价其神经功能。

    Another half of the rats of all the groups were examined with neurological function tests to have a combined behavioral score ( CBS ) .

  26. 喂食4周后,每组取一半小鼠处死取其肝脏,另一半置于(35±1)℃条件下,24h后作同样处理。

    After feeding 4 weeks , half of mice per group were killed , the other halves of the mice were treated with 35 ± 1 ℃ for 24 h.

  27. 几内亚政府在6月份警告,力拓可能被剥夺simandou的另一半资产。

    The government of Guinea warned Rio in June that it might be stripped of another Simandou block .

  28. 一半妇女获得了由海藻制成的无臭无味的Carraguard,而另一半获得了安慰剂。

    Half got Carraguard , a tasteless , odorless gel made out of seaweed , and half got placebos .

  29. 哥伦比亚大学EMBA项目的主任助理凯莱·布兰科(KelleyBlanco)对此有着切身的体会:她的另一半便是自己所在学习小组的一位成员。

    Kelley Blanco , assistant dean at Columbia University 's E.M.B.A program , knows that first hand : she married one of her learning group members from the program .

  30. 此外,fed上个月采取措施支撑被称为资产支持商业票据的短期债券;这导致投资者纷纷撤离短期债券市场的另一半领域,因为这些债券主要是由企业和欧洲银行发行的,没有政府担保。

    Also , last month , the Fed moved to backstop short-term debt called asset-backed commercial paper , which led investors to pull away from the other half of the short-term debt market because it had no government guarantee . This debt was issued largely by corporations and European banks .