
  • 网络Aim;Alternative Investment Market
  1. 迄今,已有36家中国公司在伦敦另类投资市场上市。

    To date , 36 Chinese companies are listed on aim .

  2. 厄奇投资的公司之一是在伦敦另类投资市场(aim)上市的排放贸易有限公司(tradingemissions)。

    One company he invests in is trading emissions , which is listed on the alternative investment market ( AIM ) .

  3. 还有少数地产公司也在另类投资市场(alternativeinvestmentmarket)上市,但往往只有冒险家才会关注。

    A small number of property companies are also listed on the alternative investment market ( AIM ) but only risk-takers tend to seek them out .

  4. 许多国际公司纷纷离开英国中小板市场,这不禁让人怀疑:伦敦另类投资市场(AIM)是否正逐渐丧失吸引力?

    A number of international companies leaving the UK 's junior stock market has raised questions as to whether Aim is losing its lustre .

  5. 因此会有足够多的新股上市,使上海、纳斯达克(Nasdaq)、香港和另类投资市场都忙活好一阵。

    So there will be enough listings to keep Shanghai , Nasdaq , Hong Kong and Aim all busy for quite a while .

  6. 和黄医药隶属于李嘉诚旗下的和记黄埔(HutchisonWhampoa)集团,其控股公司在伦敦二板市场——另类投资市场(AIM)上市。

    Chi-Med is a subsidiary of Mr Li 's Hutchison Whampoa group and its holding company is listed on London 's junior Aim stock exchange .

  7. 不过,另一家保荐机构Fairfax的亚当•哈特(AdamHart)辩称,这并不是伦敦另类投资市场特有的问题,而是全球中小板市场的问题。

    However , Adam Hart of Fairfax , another nominated adviser , argues that this is not an Aim-specific problem but an issue for small caps all over the world .

  8. 库克表示,尤其是一些在伦敦证交所(LSE)另类投资市场Aim上市的中国企业,正考虑在香港进行二次上市,以期在自家门口提高自己的声望和吸引投资者。

    In particular , several Chinese companies listed on the London Stock Exchange 's junior Aim market were considering dual-listings in Hong Kong , he said , as they sought to raise their profiles and attract investors near their home turf .

  9. 11月10日,我所投资的黄金矿商Avocet宣布,预计将在12月8日左右从伦敦另类投资市场(AIM)转到主板市场。

    On November 10 , gold miner Avocet , in which I have an investment , announced that it expected to move its share listing from the Alternative Investment Market ( Aim ) to the London main market on or around December 8 .

  10. 离开伦敦另类投资市场和爱尔兰交易所、转投美国上市的生物科技集团Amarin表示:流动性一直非常有限,而且我们要保持纳斯达克(Nasdaq)以外的上市身份,其成本和行政负担相当大。

    Amarin , a biotechnology group that left Aim and the Irish exchange in favour of the US , said : Liquidity has been very limited , and the ongoing cost and administrative burden of maintaining these admissions in addition to our Nasdaq listing is significant .

  11. 据业内人士称,已有超过100家科技企业考虑在伦敦另类投资市场上市。

    More than a hundred technology companies have been considering listing on Aim , said industry insiders .

  12. 随着数百家公司于2005年和2006年上市,伦敦另类投资市场似乎已成为金融城机构完全接受的市场。

    As several hundred companies floated in 2005 and 2006 , it looked as though aim had become a perfectly acceptable market to city institutions .

  13. 今年,只有38%的机构投资者准备加大对伦敦另类投资市场的投资,这一比例低于去年的47%和2006年的62%。

    Only 38 per cent intended to invest more in Aim this year , down from 47 per cent in 2007 and 62 per cent in 2006 .

  14. 一向满足于由股票或债券构成投资组合的富人扩大了眼界,开始寻求不同的投资组合方式,并对另类投资市场表现出兴趣。

    The wealthy , who traditionally were content with portfolios made up of equities or bonds , have widened their horizons and sought a different mix , showing an interest in alternative investment markets .