
lìng lì mén hù
  • live in a separate house
另立门户[lìng lì mén hù]
  1. 这次争论使一部份人另立门户,成立了一个新的团体。

    This dispute led to the formation of a new breakaway group .

  2. 众多当地人士正离开西方公司另立门户,加剧了已然十分激烈的私人股本市场竞争,童小只是其中的一员。

    Mr Tong is just one of many locals leaving Western firms to set up his own shop , adding to competition that was intense even before the defections .

  3. 李玮栋表示,我不相信这种传言,因为鼎晖投资的管理团队非常稳固,所以我认为王功权不会出于工作原因另立门户。

    " I don ` t buy the rumor since the management team of CDH Investment have been quite stable , so I don ` t think Wang would like to set up another company due to work-related reasons ," Li .