
  • 网络primogeniture
  1. 连宗法制都不存在,在封建社会又何来嫡长子继承制呢?

    After all , this system did not exist , let alone the system of succession by the eldest son .

  2. 中国宗法制度对佛教中国化的影响深刻,从庙产传承可见嫡长子继承制的影响,从僧侣的姓名可见魏晋门阀谱牒和宋代宗谱的影响。

    The impact of the Chinese patriarchal clan system on Buddhism can be shown in the inheritance rights system temples ' properties and in the names of the monks .

  3. 唐代的皇位继承始终处于一种不稳定和混乱的状态,传统的嫡长子继承制并未得到认真遵循,而新的行之有效的皇位继承制度又没有建立起来。

    Succession to the Throne of the Tang Dynasty is always in an unstable and chaotic state , the entropy of primogeniture has not been seriously followed , and an effective system of Succession to the Throne is not established .

  4. 王位世袭制:西周实行王位世袭制,此制度是与宗法制度结合在一起的。宗法制度是以嫡长子继承制为基本特点的权力分配制度。

    The System of Hereditary Kingship : The Western Zhou practiced the system of hereditary kingship combined with a patriarchal clan system , which is a power division system with the essential feature of having the wife 's eldest son a heir . Within the clan there was a distinction between major and minor lineages .
