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dí xì
  • direct line of descent;one's own clique;closest ties of relationship;legitimacy
嫡系 [dí xì]
  • (1) [direct line of descent]∶正支

  • 嫡系重孙

  • (2) [one's own clique]∶一线相传的派系

  • 嫡系部队

  • (3) 政治集团的各派系中由首脑人物直接控制的派系

嫡系[dí xì]
  1. 他属于奥康纳家族,是爱尔兰最后一位君王的嫡系后裔。

    He was an O'Conor and a direct descendant of the last High King of Ireland .

  2. 他是英国名门贵族嫡系出身。

    The best blood of English flows in his veins .

  3. 同时,尽管iTunes的收入增速确实正在放慢,但鉴于用i字头产品构建独立体系的策略一直都非常成功,苹果不太可能因为引进非嫡系产品而淡化自己强大的品牌平台。

    Also , it 's true that iTunes " revenue growth is slowing , but Apple 's strategy of a self-contained universe of i-products has been so successful that it is unlikely to dilute its powerful branded platform by inviting an outsider into the family .

  4. 第二,黄帝的祖先、正妃、嫡系子孙均生活在湖南。

    Secondly , Huangdi 's ancestors all lived in Hunan .

  5. 接近与嫡系心智模式是旅行社增强竞争力的主要障碍

    Access-and-Legitimacy Paradigm - the Main Barrier to Enhancing the Competitiveness of Travel Agencies

  6. 我们嫡系亲属是我们自我的一部分。

    Our immediate family is a part of ourselves .

  7. 倒并不是说,杂牌军一定比蒋的嫡系部队更革命。

    This does not mean that these troops were necessarily more revolutionary than the others .

  8. 是本地最显赫家族之一德贝维尔家族的嫡系子孙

    The direct descendant of one of the finest families in the land , the D'Urbervilles .

  9. 康德的嫡系弟子们通常倾向于一种比他们的老师更抽象、更形而上学的哲学。

    The immediate disciples of Kant generally inclined toward a more abstract and metaphysical philosophy than that of their master .

  10. 他还喜欢提醒别人,签署了《独立宣言》的开国元勋之一是他的嫡系祖先。

    He also liked to remind people of his own descent from one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence .

  11. 此外,杂牌军老是被东调西遣,受到蒋记特务的监视,装备又比蒋的嫡系部队差。

    Besides , they were always being shifted around , watched by Chiang 's spies , given worse equipment than Chiang 's favored forces .

  12. 就是蒋介石嫡系中的某些人物为了夺取反蒋的旗帜,替自己留条后路,也都纷纷参与这种阴谋活动。

    In order to prepare the next move and seize the anti-Chiang leadership , certain elements from Chiang 's own personal clique began participating in these intrigues .

  13. (一)进剿军不过十万人,且均非蒋之嫡系,总的形势不十分严重。

    The " suppression " forces did not exceed 100,000 men , none of whom were Chiang Kai-shek 's own troops , and the general situation was not very grave .

  14. 自那以后,两人彼此为敌。本周,政府加紧行动,要将被认定属于居伦嫡系或直接参与了政变的官员清洗出政府。

    Ever since , they have been enemies , and this week the government accelerated its efforts to purge the state of anyone it believes is affiliated with Mr. Gulen , or directly involved in the coup .

  15. 十年前,史密斯进入高盛时,像这样的职位只能属于高盛的嫡系部队,就像史密斯这样从实习生一步步爬上来的人。

    A decade ago when Smith started , a position like that would have gone to a Goldman lifer , a person like Smith , who had started at Goldman as an intern and work his way up .

  16. 而在祭祀祀谱上,论定某王为直系与旁系的标准大致有二,即是否传子为王和嫡系中的一世一王。

    Spectrum in the ritual worship , the king of setting a standard for the direct and collateral are basically two , that is , whether the son is the King and I , a direct descendant of the king .

  17. 在居伦的嫡系法官和检察官主持下,一系列引起轰动的审判把成百上千名军人送进了监狱,似乎确保了文官对军队的控制。后来这些审判被认定在一定程度上是基于捏造的证据。

    A series of sensational trials , which were overseen by Gulen-affiliated judges and prosecutors and were later determined to have relied , in part , on fabricated evidence , sent hundreds of officers to prison and seemed to have secured civilian control over the military .