
  • 网络seignorial economy
  1. 西双版纳傣族领主制经济的外在形式是传统的农村公社,但农村公社已经完全异化为维护农奴主阶级经济剥削的工具。

    The external shape of Dai lords system economic of Xishuangbanna was the rural commune . But it was alienated completely a kind of tool that defended the economical leadership of lords .

  2. 同时指出明末清初生产发展下出现的土地私有是湘西土家族地区封建领主制经济向封建地主制经济转化的重要原因。

    And one of the major reasons for the transformation of the economy of feudal suzerain system to the economy of feudal landlord system during late Ming and early Qing dynasties in this area is private owing of land rendered by the development of agriculture .