
dú duàn
  • arbitrary;dictatorial
独断 [dú duàn]
  • [dictatorial;arbitrary] 不商量,独自做决定

独断[dú duàn]
  1. 该法庭因其独断的方式和严厉的制裁而声名狼藉。

    The court became notorious for its arbitrary methods and severe punishments .

  2. 这些独断专横的事件带给这些殖民地的是担忧甚至是恐惧。

    These arbitrary events brought concern and even fear to these colonies .

  3. 我痛恨他的独断作风。

    I resent his dictatorial manner .

  4. 他越来越变成一个偏见、固执和独断的老人。

    The old man became increasingly prejudiced , arbitrary , and senile .

  5. 这种集注的学术版本真的给读者一种自己选择的氛围,而不是独断地强加给读者,某种特定的版本。

    Really the atmosphere of a variorum scholarly edition is an atmosphere of take your choice , not a kind of tyrannical imposition on the public of a particular version of the text .

  6. 例如,“It's9o'clock”听上去比较独断,让人不悦,而“It's,like,9o'clock”听起来则是适宜的商榷口吻,不显得像是说教。

    It 's 9 o'clock ' sounds unpleasantly authoritarian , whereas ' It 's , like , 9 o'clock ' sounds suitably tentative and nondoctrinaire .

  7. Johnson博士忠实的记录员EvenBoswell认为他是“作风粗旷、固执独断”。

    Even Boswell , his devoted note-taker , acknowledged his " dogmatic roughness of manner . "

  8. Facebook首席运营官谢丽尔•桑德博格就发起了“禁用‘bossy’(独断专横)”的运动,因为用这个词来形容有领导能力的女性并不公平。

    Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg 's " ban bossy " campaign intends to show people that it is unfair to use the word " bossy " to describe women who aspire to take up leadership roles at work .

  9. 老板说:要更独断

    YOUR BOSS SAYS : " Need to be more assertive "

  10. 她独断专权太久了

    She 's been an absolute ruler there for long enough .

  11. 因为独断蛮横我得到了露西这个外号。

    My bossy behavior had earned me the nickname Lucy .

  12. 三大独断论的摒弃:当代哲学根本性的理论进展

    Spurning to Three Dogmatisms : Fundamental Advance of Contemporary Philosophy

  13. 而实际情况是,你却在那里抱怨钱对这个社会的独断统治。

    The fact is that you complain about the dictatorship of money .

  14. 独断论是当今学术研究的弊病。

    Dogmatism is a malady in the academic research nowadays .

  15. 它的一些要角们都是窄心眼的、不宽容异己的独断主义者。

    Its protagonists are the champions of intolerance and of a narrow-minded dogmatism .

  16. 这在政治上是有风险的,因为这样的限制会因为独断而不受欢迎。

    That would be politically tricky , since such limits seem unattractively arbitrary .

  17. 我对任何事情不再抱有独断的想法,她微笑着。

    " I 'm no longer dogmatic about anything . " she smiled .

  18. 独断论、怀疑论在某种意义上,均属绝对哲学;

    Dogmatism and skepticism are both , in a sense , absolute philosophies ;

  19. 排他又将导致歧视和独断。

    Intolerance can lead to discrimination and tyranny .

  20. 任何人对真理都没有独断的权利。

    Nobody has a monopoly on truth .

  21. 她独断专横,因而树敌甚多。

    Her arbitrariness made her many enemies .

  22. 高管们认为在追求高级职位时,独断力对男女同样重要。

    Executives believe assertiveness is equally important for men and women to attain the top jobs .

  23. 你是独断专权的父母吗?

    Are you an authoritative parent ?

  24. 对那些受影响的人来说,使他们紧张正是这场税务变革的独断本质。

    To those affected it is the arbitrary nature of the tax changes that has them rattled .

  25. 鼓舞人心的是他们选择了让大家普遍接受而不是独断。

    Still , it is an encouraging sign that they have opted for acceptance rather than dogmatism .

  26. 这三大独断论分别是终极实在的独断论、非历史的终极状态的独断论以及历史脚本的独断论。

    These three dogmatisms are respectively that of Ultimate Reality , Ahistorical Ultimate State and Historical Scenario .

  27. 如果我们所喜爱的运动的规则只是些随意独断的条例

    If we had thought that the rules of the sports we care about are merely arbitrary ,

  28. 初级科学化是一种科学理性独断的科学化过程。

    The primary scientificalization is a kind of scientificalization process of the arbitrariness of the scientific rationality .

  29. 所有的法律解释都必须是根据法律的解释,这是法律解释的独断性要求。

    All interpretations must base themselves on law , which is deemed an arbitrary requirement of legal interpretation .

  30. 我对这件事情并不是很了解,所以我的理解很独断。

    I was unware of the points engaged , so my understanding about the matter was quite arbitrary .