
wǔ wánɡ
  • posthumous title of the Zhou-dynasty founder
  1. 厉王死后,武王当了国王。

    After King Li died , King Wu became the king .

  2. 武王死后,文王当了国王。

    After King Wu died , King Wen succeeded to the throne .

  3. 武王叫玉匠鉴定,玉匠说:“这是一块普通的石头。”

    King Wu asked a jade craftsman to appraise it . The jade craftsman also said : " This is a piece of ordinary stone . "

  4. 厉王死了以后,武王继位。

    After the death of the king , and argues that king .

  5. 武王问太公说:评论将帅的原则是什么?

    King Wu asked Tai Gong : What should a general be ?

  6. 武王叫玉匠鉴定。

    King Wu asked a jade craftsman to appraise it .

  7. 地块图的编制与讨论&以长武王东沟试验区地块图编制为例

    Land Patch Mapping and Discussion & Taking Changwu Experimental Area as an Example

  8. 武王说:请问它的具体内容?

    King Wu asked : Can you please elaborate ?

  9. 武王也找了玉匠鉴定那块璞。

    The jade and argues that our potter identification .

  10. 以后又献给武王,同样又被剁去右脚。

    Dedicated to King Wu later , is also chopped the right foot too .

  11. 论武王伐纣战役中的巴、蜀之师

    Discussion on Ba Army and Shu Army in the Campaign of Wu King Attacking Zhou

  12. 和氏又拿着这块石头去献给武王。

    Again He Shi took this piece of jade to present it to King Wu .

  13. 武王说:我也反了;

    Wuwang said : I rebel too .

  14. 本文详细考察了《诗经》中创作于西周初年武王、周公时代的祭祀颂歌。

    This text discusses the sacrificial songs that were produced at the beginning of west-Zhou Dynasty .

  15. 反对武王伐纣,恰是因为武王暴力、做作的方式违背了其理想。

    They are against King Wu as a result of Wu 's violence breaching their beliefs .

  16. 因为历史上缺少直接记载,武王克商之年是历史年代学研究中的一个难题;

    The year of king Wu 's conquest over Shang is the most difficult chronological problem .

  17. 武王问太公说:任命主将的方式如何?

    King Wu asked Tai Gong : What is the process of appointing the commanding general ?

  18. 由长武王东沟小流域刺槐林地的生态分析表明:1.导致不同生境之间立地条件差异的首要原因是水分因素;

    Indifferent habitat , the most important factor leading to difference of stand condition is water condition .

  19. 文王之子武王姬发领导周朝民众,发起了对商朝的反抗。

    King Wen 's son King Wu ( Ji Fa ) led the Zhou in a revolt .

  20. 周武王用武力取天下,使用了各种各样的兵器。

    Ruler of Zhou relied on force , so they invented and fully utilized all kinds of weapons .

  21. 意识到敌众我寡,武王指挥其军队以严格的队形缓慢行军。

    Seeing his army outnumbered , Wu instructed his troops to march in strict formation and advance slowly .

  22. 后来,姜尚辅佐文王,兴邦立国,还帮助文王的儿子武王姬发,灭掉了商朝,建立了周朝。

    Jiang helped Ji Chang and his son turn over the Shang Dynasty and establish the Zhou Dynasty .

  23. 周武王问太公望说:“我想用最少时间来了解用人的要领。”

    King Wu asked Tai Gong Wang : " I want to know the essence of employing men . "

  24. 武王认为和氏欺骗了他,就砍掉了和氏的右脚。

    King Wu believed that He Shi Had deceived him and had He Shi 's right foot cut off .

  25. 武王领导着一支由3800商朝叛逃者组成的军队,而帝辛的军队则远远多于武王。

    King Wu led an army of 3 800 Shang defectors . Di Xin 's army was much larger than Wu 's.

  26. 9年后,周文王逝世,其子发继位,称武王。

    Nine years later , King Wen died , and his son came to the throne , Known as King Wu .

  27. 周乐《大武》,是武王伐纣胜利后由周公创编的。

    The dance " Dawu " was composed by the Duke of Zhou after Emperor Wu successfully overthrew the Shang Dynasty .

  28. 凉武王甚至曾三次亲自到寺庙中体验佛教学徒的生活。

    Emperor Wu of Liang had even contributed himself to experience as a Buddhist disciple in a temple for three times .

  29. 周武王姬发是在中国历史上,第一个被称为天子的人。

    Jifa , king Wu of Zhou Dynasty , was the first person known as the emperor in the history of China .

  30. 最终武王赢得了牧野之战,对于战败的商朝军队没有丝毫怜悯之情,血流遍野足够让木头漂浮。

    The Zhou were victorious and showed little mercy to the defeated Shang , shedding enough blood " to float a log . "