
  1. 武陵山区中草药资源研究

    Study on the Chinese Herbal Medicine Resource in Wuling Mountain Area

  2. 武陵山区杂交水稻育种目标与策略初探

    Breeding Strategy and Objectives of Hybrid Rice in Wuling Mountain Areas

  3. 武陵山区玉米地方品种的评价与利用研究

    Evaluation and utilization of local maize varieties in Wuling Mountain Area

  4. 发展武陵山区大茶业的思考

    A Thought of Developing the Large-scale Tea Industry in Wuling Mountain Area

  5. 武陵山区薄荷油成分分析及品质研究

    Composition and Quality of Mint Oil From Wuling Mountainous Region

  6. 发展武陵绿茶提高湖南茶叶品质

    Developing Wuling Green Tea to Improve the Quality of Tea in Hunan

  7. 武陵山区山寨农业市场化发展研究

    On the Agriculture Marketization Development of Mountain Fastnesses in Wuling Mountain Area

  8. 武陵山区人类与环境的初步研究

    Preliminary study on man and environment in Wuling mountainous area

  9. 依靠新科技迈向新世纪&记武陵卷烟厂秀山分厂

    Xiushan Sub factory of Wuling Cigarette Factory Greets New Century

  10. 武陵山区农业剩余劳动力转移基本思路

    Basic Thoughts on Transferring Additional Agricultural Labor Force in Wuling Mountainous Areas

  11. 武陵地区高中学生膳食及健康状况

    Dietary and Health Status Among Senior Middle School Students in Wuling Area

  12. 武陵地区地域性文化与地方文献

    The Regional Culture of Wuling Region and Local Document

  13. 武陵山区农业资源特点及其可持续利用战略

    The agriculture resources characteristics of the Wuling mountain area and sustainable utilization strategy

  14. 武陵山区旅游业合作发展战略研究

    The research of cooperation and develop strategy of WuLing mountain area 's tourism

  15. 武陵山区空间组织的优化研究

    Optimization of spatial organizations in Wuling Mountain region

  16. 海拔高度对武陵山区玉米品种生育期和产量的影响

    Effect of Altitude Height on Growing Period and Yield of Maize in Wuling Mountain Area

  17. 多元文化融合的实证研究&以武陵山区为例

    An Empirical Study of Diverse Culture Integration & Taking Wuling Mountainous Region as an Example

  18. 湖南沉积型钒矿床主要分布于武陵山区、雪峰山区和湘中龙山地区等。

    Sedimentary-type vanadium deposits in Hunan are mainly distributed in Wulinshan , Leifengshan and Longshan area .

  19. 武陵贫困地区农村劳动力外流现象探析

    A Probe into the Outflow of Rural Labour Force in the Poor Areas of Willing Mountains

  20. 武陵地区是指的以武陵山脉为中心的湘鄂渝黔边区。

    WuLin region is intersection broader area of Xiang , E , Yu and Qian province .

  21. 武陵山区低产茶园技术改造及经济效益分析

    Technique Transform of Low-yield Tea Garden and its Economic Benefit in Wuling Mountainous Area of Guizhou

  22. 湖北土家族长期聚居在鄂西武陵山区。

    Tujia ethnic group in Hubei mainly lives in the compact communities of Wuling mountain area .

  23. 土家族是生活在祖国腹地武陵地区的、历史悠久的山地少数民族。

    Tujia people is a nationality with a long history that lives in mountainous Wuling area .

  24. 武陵山区基础教育机会状况及其政策优待取向

    A Study of the Basic Educational Opportunities and Its Policy Preferential Orientation in Wuling Mountainous Area

  25. 论文化生态圈与文化安全武陵山区土家族文化生态圈建设的战略思考

    Strategic Reflection on the Construction of Culture Zoology Circle of TuJia Nationality in Wuling Mountainous Area

  26. 武陵山中部-中低山木瓜、杜仲、茯苓药材区;

    Chaenomelis , eucommia bark and hoelen medical material area form central Wuling mountain to middle-low mountain ;

  27. 武陵山区旅游资源的深度开发与旅游业可持续发展研究

    Study on the Sustainable Develpment of Tourism and Further Exploitation of Tourist Resources in Willing Mountain Region

  28. 论武陵渔人的意象&解读陶渊明的《桃花源记》

    The Imago of Wuling Fishman & Interpreting Tao Yuanming s " The Home of Peach Blossoms ";

  29. 摘要基础设施薄弱是制约武陵山区经济发展的瓶颈。

    The vulnerable infrastructural facilities are the bottlenecks that constrain the economic development in Wulin mountain areas .

  30. 但善卷是否真的曾在武陵隐居,以前并无人对之加以探究。

    Yet no investigation was made before as to whether he once lived in seclusion in Wuling .