
  1. 本文应用R尺度法对福建武平米槠种群空间分布进行分析,结果表明米槠种群分布格局及其动态均为聚集分布;种群分布格局动态随立木级增大聚集度越来越低。

    In Wuping County , Fujian Province , R-Scale analysis on the spatial pattern and developing dynamics of Castanopsis carlesii population showed that the population displayed clumped distribution and the clumped intensity declined with increasing of tree class .

  2. 岩石学、元素地球化学和Sr-Nd-Hf-U-Pb同位素的综合研究显示,武平花岗质杂岩体是由形成时代和成因不同的黑云母花岗岩和含石榴子石花岗岩组成。

    Detailed petrologic , geochemical and Sr-Nd-Hf-U-Pb isotopic researches indicate that the Wuping granitic complex consist mainly of biotite granite and garnet-bearing granite with different formation age and petrogenesis .

  3. 福建武平帽布米槠林火烧前后植物种类组成变化研究

    Changes of Species Composition in Natural Castanopsis carlesii Community after Cut and Burned

  4. 构建武平电信经营分析系统的设想

    Thoughts of building operation analysis system for Wuping telecom

  5. 武平并未言明天宫一号可能于何时重入大气层。

    Mr Wu did not say when the Tiangong-1 was likely to re-enter the atmosphere .

  6. 205国道武平县十方金鸡岭滑坡防治

    Prevention and Treatment of the Sliding Slope on Jingji Hill of National Road 205 in Wuping Country

  7. 福建武平、广东信宜两种源和家系5、6、7对磷素敏感性较低。

    Wuping of Fujian , Xinyi of Guangdong , Family 5 , 6 and 7 showed less sensitivity .

  8. 福建省武平县10年妇科普查资料分析

    Analysis of data of Gynecological surveys in the last ten years in Wuping County , Western Fujian Province

  9. 福建省武平矿区膨润土矿用于食用油脂除毒脱色的性能试验

    Performance test of bentonite ore in Wuping mine of Fujian for the elimination of toxicity and the decolorization of edible oil

  10. 但武平表示,这仍然是一个历史性的突破,因为中国在相对较短的时间里掌握了如此复杂的技术。

    But she said it was nevertheless a historic breakthrough because of the complexities China has mastered in a relatively short time .

  11. 中国载人航空工程办公室副主任武平解释了两位宇航员在太空中的分工。

    Wu Ping , deputy director of China 's Manned Space Program , explains the role of the two astronauts in space .

  12. 利用设置在福建省武平县的马尾松遗传增益测定林材料,以验证优良种源、母树林及种子园混系的现实遗传增益。

    The genetic gain test plantations of masson pine located in Wuping of Fujian ( China ) were used to certificate realized genetic gain of superior provenances , seed stands and clonal seed orchards .

  13. 武平表示,对接装置中的几百个传感器、几千个齿轮和几万个组件,每一个都是中国的研究所和企业自主开发和生产的。

    Ms Wu said every single one of the several hundreds of sensors , thousands of gear wheels and tens of thousands of components in the docking module was developed and produced by Chinese institutions and companies .

  14. 本文试图在田野调查的基础上,结合相关历史文献,以闽西武平县北部村落为例,就传统客家村落纷争处理的几种形式、程序及其背景进行比较深入的探讨。

    On the basis of fieldwork and historical records , the author , taking the example of the villages in northern Wuping County , western Fujian Province , attempts to do a deep study on the forms , proceedings and background of the dispute management in traditional Hakka villages .

  15. 联合国和平利用太空委员会全体会议6月14日在奥地利维也纳召开,中国载人航天办公室副主任武平强调中国对于非中国人的实验,载荷和航天员,甚至它们的太空站模块成为中国太空设施的一部分,持开放态度。

    Addressing the U.N. Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space plenary conference June 14 in Vienna Austria Wu Ping deputy director of the China Manned Space Agency stressed China 's openness to having non-Chinese experiments payloads astronauts and even complete space station modules become part of the Chinese facility .