
  • 网络Wuyi;Bohea
  1. 武夷正山小种红茶(每50克7英镑)

    Bohea Lapsang ( 7 for 50g )

  2. 最好的乌龙茶是产在福建武夷山的武夷岩茶。

    The best oolong tea is bohea produced in the Wuyi Mountains of Fujian Province .

  3. 浅谈CI战略中产品的包装形象&由武夷岩茶包装现状所引发的思考通过借鉴和导入在塑造企业形象方面卓见成效的CI战略,塑造出完整、特、实、动的图书馆形象。

    Reflections on the Current Packing Situation of Wuyi Rock Tea ; Through introducing CI Strategy which has produced marked effect in modelling business images , create integrated , unique , truely and vital library images .

  4. 基于多元化学指纹图谱的武夷岩茶身份判别研究

    Discriminant Classification of Wuyi Yan Tea Based on Multiple Chemical Fingerprint

  5. 也是武夷岩茶的重要集散地。

    As well as an important distributing center of Wuyi rock tea .

  6. 分析了武夷水仙等5个茶树无性系品种染色体数目和核型。

    The chromosome number and karyotypes of five tea clones were studied .

  7. 武夷花园综合楼桩型设计比较

    Design Comparison of the Pile foundation of the WuYi Garden General Building

  8. 土壤条件对武夷岩茶品质的影响与调控

    Effects and Regulations on Quality of Wuyi Cliff Tea of Soil Condition

  9. 可是这武夷岩茶到底是什么茶呀?

    But what kind of tea is Wuyi rock tea ?

  10. 创建武夷特色体育校本课程体系的构想

    Thoughts on the Construction of College-based Courses of PE with Wuyi Characteristics

  11. 构建闽北武夷生态茶产业经济圈

    Construction of Economic Rim of Wuyi Ecological Tea Industry in North FuJian

  12. 厦门武夷嘉园基坑围护的设计与施工

    The design and construction of the pit maintenance in Wuyi Garden of Xiamen

  13. 武夷菌素对灰霉菌菌丝麦角甾醇的合成影响不大。

    However , it had no effect on sterol biosynthesis of this fungus .

  14. 为的就是要喝到武夷岩茶的极品哪!

    Only to make sure they could drink the best Wuyi rock tea !

  15. 西武夷地区加里东期花岗岩与造山过程

    Caledonian granite in the western Wuyi area and inversion of the orogenic process

  16. 在中国福建,游客们正在向武夷山顶进发。

    Tourists climb to the top of Wuyi Mountain in fujian , china .

  17. 1%武夷菌素防治大豆灰斑病效果的研究

    The Prevention and Cure Effect of 1 % Wuyi-rhzomorph for Soybean Frogeye Leaf Spot

  18. 家园意识与武夷文化研究

    Home Consciousness and the Study of Wuyi Culture

  19. 土壤化学环境及鲜叶营养元素对武夷岩茶香气成分的影响

    Effect on chemical environment in soil and nutritive element of leaf to odorous constituents

  20. 武夷牌小型喷气式单板干燥机的研制

    The manufacture of Wuyi small-sized jet veneer drier

  21. 大武夷自然保护区群网建设设想

    Tentative Plan for the Construction of Nature Reserves Network in the Great Wuyi Mountain Region

  22. 三明武夷花园环境质量控制

    The Environment Quality Control to Wuyi Garden

  23. 专升本院校科研管理中激励机制的构建&以武夷学院为例

    The Construction of R D Incentive Mechanisms for Newly-Upgraded Colleges Taking Wuyi University for instance

  24. 武夷&云开构造带北段构造变形及演化

    Study on the tectonic deformation and evolution in the North wuyi - Yunkai tectonic zone

  25. 大学生网络行为调查及问题分析&以武夷学院为例

    An Analysis on the On-line Behavior of University Students & Wuyi University as a Sample

  26. 武夷峰峭松翠。

    Wuyi cliff shows green pine .

  27. 武夷山脉中段晚太古代宇宙尘特征

    Characteristics of Cosmic Dusts from the Late Archean Strata in the Middle Segment of Wuyi Mountains

  28. 武夷大红袍无性繁殖子代与母代的香味成分比较

    Comparison on the Quality Components between the Vegetative Propagated Plant of Wuyi Dahongpao and Its Maternal Plant

  29. 西武夷地区早古生代浅色花岗岩的厘定及其造山意义

    Identification of the early Palaeozoic leucocratic granite in the West Wuyi Mountain Area and its orogenic implication

  30. 陆游辛弃疾在宋代武夷作家群的地位与影响

    Status and Influence of Lu You and Xin Qiji among Wu Yi Writer Group in The Song Dynasty