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  • arsenal;armory;talent
武库 [wǔ kù]
  • (1) [armory;arsenal]∶军械库,贮存武器和军事装备的地方

  • (2) [talent]∶旧时也比喻富有才能的人

武库[wǔ kù]
  1. 纽约有幸在后期印象派艺术的武库展览中看到了那些画家的作品。

    New York had its chance at the Armory Show of post-impressionist art , to see the work of the same artists .

  2. 希西家听从使者的话,就把他宝库的金子,银子,香料,贵重的膏油,和他武库的一切军器,并他所有的财宝,都给他们看。

    Hezekiah received the messengers and showed them all that was in his storehouses-the silver , the gold , the spices and the fine oil-his armory and everything found among his treasures .

  3. 我们与俄罗斯基于《削减战略武器新条约》((NewSTARTTreaty)这是近20来最为全面的军备控制协议正在削减我们的核武库。

    With Russia , were now reducing our arsenal under the New START Treaty & the most comprehensive arms control agreement in nearly 20 years .

  4. 2012年,以色列禁止格拉斯访问该国,因为此前他发表了一首题为《必须说点什么》(WhatMustBeSaid)的诗,并在其中暗示以色列的核武库对伊朗构成了威胁。

    In 2012 , Grass was banned from visiting the country after publishing a poem called " What Must Be Said , " in which he ­ suggested that Israel 's nuclear ­ arsenal was a threat to Iran .

  5. 他说,近期我们正努力研制针对HIV的广效中和抗体,在HIV治疗靶点不断变化的背景下,这将极大丰富我们的抗艾武库。

    " Our latest efforts to design broadly neutralizing antibodies against HIV will hopefully expand our toolbox against the virus , which remains a constantly moving target ," Sarafianos said .

  6. 今年夏天,HBO台计划播出一部系列喜剧,由杰克·布莱克(JackBlack)饰演一个外国军官,他惹怒了一个掌控巴基斯坦核武库的流氓将军。

    This summer , HBO is planning to broadcast a comedy series starring Jack Black as a foreign service officer who takes on a rogue general who seizes control of Pakistan 's nuclear arsenal .

  7. 根据提议中的重新分配计划,巴基斯坦可以使用这笔钱来更新已在武库内若干年的大约40架老型号的F-16型飞机。

    Under the proposed re-programming , Pakistan could use the money to upgrade about 40 old-model F-16 's in its arsenal for several years .

  8. 这个国家已同意裁减它的核武库。

    The country has agreed to reduce its nuclear arsenal .

  9. 两国签订了裁减核武库的协定。

    The two countries signed an agreement to reduce their nuclear armouries .

  10. 我们两国都拥有能够毁灭全人类的核武库。

    We possess-each of us-nuclear arsenals capable of annihilating humanity .

  11. 尽管它拥有令人畏惧的核武库,但它已不再是超级军事大国。

    Despite its formidable nuclear arsenal , it is no longer a military superpower .

  12. 中国还在使其核武库现代化。

    China is also modernising its nuclear arsenal .

  13. 小型机动式导弹会有助于使美国的陆基武库转为安全。

    A small mobile missile can help make America 's land-based arsenal more secure .

  14. 看来,它当是属于尚未建成的“武库坑”。

    The author thinks it may be an " armoury pit " remained to be built .

  15. 事实上,在北朝鲜建设核武库的问题上,乔治-布什总统一直采取默许的态度。

    President George W.Bush is in effect acquiescing as North Korea builds up its nuclear arsenal .

  16. 大规模武库促使人们保持谨慎,因为毫无疑问,发射核弹会带来灾难性后果。

    Large arsenals encouraged caution as there could be no doubting the catastrophic consequences should they be fired .

  17. 如果五角大楼没有说错的话,那么中国的核武库正处于大升级的边缘。

    If the Pentagon is right , china 's nuclear arsenal is on the verge of a big upgrade .

  18. 世界领导人和民间社会提出的大胆倡议表明,要改变政策和削减武库。

    Bold initiatives by world leaders and civil society are showing the way toward changed policies and reduced arsenals .

  19. 北韩多年来靠本国的核武库向邻国及美国榨取援助。

    North Korea has for years relied on its nuclear build-up to squeeze aid from its neighbors and the United States .

  20. 中国在发展核武器问题上一贯持十分克制的态度,核武库一直维持在十分有限的水平。

    China has persistently exercised great restraint in the development of nuclear weapons and its nuclear arsenal has been very limited .

  21. 根据新的《削减战略武器条约》,美国和俄罗斯的核武库将削减多达三分之一。

    Under the New START treaty , U.S. and Russian nuclear arsenals would be reduced by as much as a third .

  22. 拥有最大、最先进常规和核武库的国家应继续履行其对裁军负有的特殊责任;

    Those countries having the largest and most sophisticated conventional and nuclear arsenals should continue to fulfil their special responsibilities for disarmament ;

  23. 另外还有其它紧迫的核问题:苦苦挣扎的朝鲜政权会忍不住使用其小型武库吗?

    There are other pressing nuclear issues . Might the struggling regime of North Korea be tempted to use its tiny Arsenal ?

  24. 作为我国国防的一部分,我们必须更新、重建我们的核武库。但愿我们永远也不会真的用上它,

    As part of our defense , we must modernize and rebuild our nuclear arsenal , hopefully never having to use it ,

  25. 我们有必要问一问,10个、20个,或者50个有核武装的国家是否会保障本国核武库的安全并避免使用核武器。

    We have to ask whether 10 or 20 or 50 nuclear-armed nations will protect their arsenals and refrain from using them .

  26. 他说,叙利亚政权只会在签署协议一个月后,才会开始交出化武库存信息。

    The regime would only start handing over information about its weapons stockpile one month after it signed the treaty , he said .

  27. 进一步削减美俄的核武库,对维系国际核不扩散机制这个更宏大的目标十分关键。

    Efforts to further reduce the US and Russian nuclear arsenals are vital to the broader goal of sustaining an international non-proliferation regime .

  28. 新条约将削减美国和俄罗斯远程核武库的三分之一,并将向双方提供核查机制。

    It would reduce U.S. and Russian long-range nuclear arsenals by as much as one third and provide mechanisms for verification by both sides .

  29. 这一概念的提出充实了女权主义的理论武库,同时为思考中国的女性问题提供了可贵的经验借鉴。

    This proposed concept enriched the theory arsenals of feminist theory , and provided a valuable experience for thinking of Chinese women 's issues .

  30. 美俄作为拥有最庞大核武库的国家,对核裁军负有特殊和优先的责任。

    As countries with the largest nuclear arsenals in the world , the United States and Russia bear special and primary responsibilities in nuclear disarmament .