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xié zhì
  • take advantage of sb.'s weakness to enforce obedience;force sb. to do one's bidding;force sb.to do one's bidding
挟制 [xié zhì]
  • [take advantage of sb.'s weakness to enforce obedience;force sb.to do one's bidding] 依仗权势或抓住对方缺点,强使顺从

挟制[xié zhì]
  1. 在罗思的首部影片《尸骨无存》(CabinFever,2002年)中,一群来到一处乡间木屋的年轻人染上了一种会让人通身腐烂的怪病,并未受到恶灵的挟制。

    Mr. Roth 's first film , ' Cabin Fever ' ( 2002 ) , had young folks at a rural cabin succumbing to a flesh-eating disease rather than demons .

  2. 本周二宣布的一项民意调查表现,近一半的法国人以为面对辞退的工人挟制老板的做法是可以接纳的。

    Almost half of French people believe it is acceptable for workers facing layoffs to lock up their bosses , according to an opinion poll published on Tuesday .

  3. 我们的身体会改变。新的身体就象主耶稣的身体,不再被罪,疾病和悲伤所挟制!

    Our old bodies will be changed to wonderful new bodies like the Lord Jesus ! A body that will not be affected by sin or sickness or sadness !

  4. 加五1基督释放了我们,叫我们得以自由;所以要站立得住,不要再受奴役的轭挟制。

    Gal. 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free ; stand fast therefore , and do not be entangled with a yoke of slavery again .

  5. 在美国之外,很少有政治领导人哪怕只是模糊意识到他们国家的银行系统受美国次贷挟制的程度。

    Few political leaders outside the US were even vaguely aware of the degree to which their own banking systems were held hostage to the subprime loans made to American homeowners .

  6. 唐分兵两路,一路深入讨击吐蕃,一路远征西域,安抚被吐蕃挟制的西域诸蕃部落。

    Tang divides forces two groups , a group asks for thoroughly strikes Tubo , a group expedition western region , Comforts western region various flourishing tribe which is compelled by Tubo .

  7. 中国需要进口60%左右的铁矿石,该项目是中国试图摆脱外国供应商挟制的重要尝试。中国钢铁企业一直指责外国供应商把铁矿石价格抬得过高。

    China imports about 60 per cent of its iron ore and the project was a fundamental attempt to break free of foreign suppliers , which Chinese steelmakers accuse of driving prices too high .

  8. 但当年国内市场十分狭小,钢铁销售既被外国列强挤压,又受国内政府挟制(主要在钢轨销售方面);

    The domestic market was very small at the time , the foreign powers worked to depress steel sales , and the government constrained steel sales as well ( mainly sales of steel rails ) .

  9. 姆贝基希望促进“南南合作”,但他的动机中除了与中国建立密切合作关系的渴望,似乎还有寻求以此挟制西方的成分。

    While Mr Mbeki liked to encourage a " south-south " axis , his drive appeared as much to do with fashioning a lever against the West as a desire for close co-operation with Beijing .

  10. 上流社会利用联姻缔结的政治经济联盟使贵族之间互相依托、彼此倚仗,致使显贵出身的上层妇女得以辖制甚至是挟制男方。

    The upper class use marriage to make political and economic coalition and so get the nobles linking with and relying on each other . Thus women with aristocratic parentage were able to control or even press the men .

  11. 我国古代思想家也曾提出法治的理念,但限于历史局限性,当时的法律只是皇帝用来挟制官吏以督促其更好地维护封建集权统治的工具。

    Ancient Chinese thinkers had proposed the concept " rule of law " . Limited to the historical limitation , the law was just one tool for the Emperor to control officials urging them to better safeguard the feudal autocratic rule .
