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xīn shū
  • new book;just published book;latest/new/recent book
新书 [xīn shū]
  • (1) [new book]∶崭新的书

  • (2) [just published book]∶将要出版或刚出版的书(多指初版的)

新书[xīn shū]
  1. 她要写一部新书,正寻找题材。

    She 's searching for subject matter for her new book .

  2. 她的新书是她自传的续篇。

    Her new book is a continuation of her autobiography .

  3. 我们正在做本月的精品新书评介。

    We 're reviewing the pick of this month 's new books .

  4. 他设法为自己的新书插入了一条宣传信息。

    He managed to get in a plug for his new book .

  5. 她的新书唤起人们对乡村生活的美好感情。

    Her new book is wonderfully evocative of village life .

  6. 她在纽约为她的新书搜集材料。

    She 's in New York researching her new book .

  7. 对她的新书的负面评论使她很难过。

    The bad reviews of her new book were very hurtful to her .

  8. 这家公司一年出版二十种新书。

    The company publishes twenty new titles a year .

  9. 本文选自他的新书。

    This article is extracted from his new book .

  10. 她的新书什么时候出版?

    When does her new book come out ?

  11. 已划拨了一大笔款子给图书馆购买新书。

    A large sum has been allocated for buying new books for the library .

  12. 他正忙于向伦敦各文学作品代理人兜售他的委托人的一部新书。

    He 's busy touting his client 's latest book around London 's literary agents .

  13. 那位作家上电视宣传她的新书。

    The author appeared on television to publicize her latest book

  14. 格拉斯的新书总能引起轰动。

    A new book by Grass is always an event .

  15. 他正忙他那本新书。他在辛勤工作,您是知道的。

    He 's tied up with his new book . He 's working hard , you know

  16. 夏天是把想读却没读的新书恶补一下的最佳时机。

    Summer is the perfect time to catch up on the new books you meant to read

  17. 一本题为《金色十三》的新书讲述了他们的故事。

    Their story is the subject of a new book titled ' The Golden Thirteen ' .

  18. 超过40种新书降价25%特惠销售。

    Over 40 new books are on offer at 25 per cent off their normal retail price .

  19. 它成为英国最大的新诗出版商,每年推出新书50种。

    It has become the biggest publisher of new poetry in Britain , with 50 new titles a year .

  20. 她的新书对狭小社区的生活和其中女性的地位进行了犀利的剖析。

    Her new book is a pointed look at life in a small community , and the position of women within it .

  21. 他们已经出版了很多论述国际问题的新书。

    They 've published a lot of new books on international issues .

  22. 他的新书引起了公众对他的注意。

    His new book brought him to public notice .

  23. 她的新书探讨了法国人的性格特点。

    Her new book discussed the French character .

  24. 他为了写一本新书而在收集素材。

    He is going to get material for a new book .

  25. 我从书店订购了一些新书。

    I ordered some new books from the bookstore .

  26. 这本新书引起了巨大轰动。

    The new book has created a great sensation .

  27. 你的新书已拜读了。

    I have read your new book .

  28. 他来信说读了不少新书,颇有心得云云。

    He wrote to say that he had read several new books and profited greatly from them .

  29. 如果你买不起新书,你或许可以买到一本旧的。

    If you can 't afford a new copy , perhaps you can find a second hand copy .

  30. 他们争取每月出版一种新书。

    They try to bring out one new book each month .