- 网络Newswire;newswires;PR Newswire

Christoph Pleitgen , a senior Reuters executive , says the big newswires have been staffing up in the past year .
Roche will decide then whether to move the medicine into late-stage trials , a company exec said at a briefing today in Basel , Switzerland , Dow Jones Newswires'Anita Greil reports .
The findings will be published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology , the American Lung Association said in a statement on PRNewswire today .
WASHINGTON , Dec. 19 , 2014 / PRNewswire-USNewswire / & The U.S. dairy industry today applauded a commitment to stronger protections for common food names resulting from just-concluded trade talks with China .
Prevent Blindness America named February as AMD Awareness Month and is launching a new , dedicated online resource to educate the public about the disease .
Regional Business News incorporates coverage of75 business journals , newspapers and newswires from all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States .
And News Corp. is shaking up its My Space business as it figures out its next steps ( News Corp. owns Dow Jones , publisher of this newswire ) .