
  • The Social Network;SNS;social networking
  1. 对于搭载Home的手机而言,社交网络Facebook是前沿和中心。

    With home , the social network is front and center .

  2. 几乎每一位接受我采访的高科技企业或非营利组织高管都希望,电影《社交网络》(TheSocialNetwork)已经改善了公众对程序员的看法。

    Nearly every tech or nonprofit executive I spoke with mentioned their hope that The Social Network has improved the public 's perception of programmers .

  3. 除非学生能够抵挡住社交网络、短信以及无休止地浏览网页的吸引力,否则他们将继续在课上苦苦挣扎。

    Until students are able to resist the pull of social networking , texting , and endlessly surfing the web , they may continue to struggle in their classes .

  4. 想想看起来像手机这样看似无害的东西——我们在光谱的一端有小额信贷和基于文本的社交网络,另一端又有临时制作的爆炸装置。

    Think of something as seemingly benign as the cellphone - we have microfinance and text-based social networking at one end of the spectrum , and improvised explosive devices at the other .

  5. 几年前,在微软研究社交网络动态的瓦茨也曾在巴黎另一家博物馆经历过与克廷相似的体验。

    A few years ago , Watts , who is employed by Microsoft to study the dynamics of social networks , had a similar experience to Cutting ‘ s in another Paris museum .

  6. 但思考或记忆有关社会意义的描述时,则激活了背侧前额叶皮质——它是大脑社交网络的一部分——即使此时传统记忆区域的活动水平较低。

    But thinking about or remembering descriptions in terms of their social meaning activated the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex — part of the brain ‘ s social network — even as traditional memory regions registered low levels of activity .

  7. 即便在开放式办公室和社交网络的时代,某些工作最好还是留给个人来做。

    Even in the age of open-plan offices and social networks some work is best left to the individual .

  8. 但是,与我们社交网络之外的人交际对我们的幸福生活也很重要。

    " But interactions with peripheral members of our social network matter for our well-being also ."

  9. 社交网络也正在改变医生和病人之间的交流方式。

    Social networking is also changing the way some doctors and patients communicate with each other .

  10. 社交网络的兴起使得患有罕见疾病的人更容易相互联系,也感觉不那么孤独了。

    The rise of social networking has made it easier for people with uncommon diseases to connect with each other and feel less alone .

  11. 你身边有没有时常将自己所在的确切位置Po到脸书并分享到其他社交网络的朋友?

    Do you have friends who post about their whereabouts every now and then via Facebook and share it on other social networks ?

  12. Fandom也可以用来指代各个粉丝圈之间互相交织而成的社交网络,不同的粉丝圈都会有交叉重合。

    Fandom as a term can also be used in a broad sense to refer to the interconnected social networks of individual fandoms , many of which overlap .

  13. 现在,是时候从社交网络中抽出一些时间来进行离线社交了。

    Now , it ’ s time to take a break from social networking and go offline socializing .

  14. “晒娃父母”就是指忍不住在博客、推特等社交网络上发布自家孩子照片或近况的父母。

    Sharents are mums and dads who compulsively post pictures and blog , tweet etc about their offspring .

  15. 最近流行起了灰发。全世界的灰发爱好者们纷纷将自己的灰发照片分享到社交网络,并贴上“奶奶灰”的标签。

    Grey hair is on trend with silver hair lovers the world over posting images on social media under the hashtag \# grannyhair .

  16. 事实上,创造这个应用的初衷就是提供一种比其他社交网络更隐私的平台。

    In fact , the motivation for creating the app was to create a service that provided more privacy than other social networks .

  17. 这是一种和一位特殊朋友分享特殊一刻的方法,并且也并不像传统的社交网络那样古板。

    It 's a way to share a moment with a specific friend and -- in a way -- a bit of an antidote3 to traditional social networking .

  18. 我们也可以称之为“反社交网络分子”。这个说法被用来描述那些不怎么上社交网络的人,因为他们有更有意义的事情要做。

    This is a term used to describe people who rarely2 , if ever , visit social networking sites because they have better things to do with their time .

  19. “反社交网络”指会通过社交网络的账号与他人建立联系,但是从来不在社交网络上与他们交流的人。

    Anti-social networking means1 using a social networking site or service to connect to other people but never communicating with those people once they have been established as a connection .

  20. 该委员会的一份报告指出,富裕家庭会帮孩子积累人力市场看重的一些技能,同时还会利用自己的社交网络帮孩子落实实习或者工作机会。

    A report from the commission said wealthier families helped their children accumulate skills valued by the labour market and they also used social networks to secure internships and employment .

  21. 基于Web的社交网络如今已是一大趋势。

    Social networking over the Web is a huge trend these days .

  22. 社交网络服务(SocialNetworkService,SNS)已经成为互联网最为流行的应用服务之一。

    Social network service has become one of the most popular Internet applications .

  23. 语义Web的概念正在明确化,这将进一步推动社交网络的发展。

    The concept of semantic Web is being crystallized which will aid the growth of social networks even more .

  24. F我的消费:消费者的社交网络是如何最终变成产品和服务的。

    F-ME : How consumers ' social networks are literally turned into products and services .

  25. 社交网络,即SocialNetworkingService,是基于互联网旨在帮助人们建立社会网络的服务平台。

    Social network that is Social Networking Service is designed to help people build social networks based on Internet social network service platform .

  26. F发现:消费者如何通过其社交网络发现新产品和服务。

    F-DISCOVERY : How consumers discover new products and services by relying on their social networks .

  27. 沃尔玛在社交网络Facebook上共有1500多万粉丝。

    The retail giant has over 15 million fans on the social network .

  28. 作为社交网络媒体,Twitter为用户提供了许多乐趣。

    As a social networking medium , Twitter is a lot of fun .

  29. 两家公司可能合作创建一家新的、与Facebook.com没有关联的社交网络。

    The agreement would make way for a new , jointly-owned social network unrelated to Facebook .

  30. 其他:除了上面提到的网络外,还有许多其他类型的社交网络,以多种方式服务于巨大数量的Internet人群。

    Others : Apart from the networks outlined above , there are multiple other social networks which serve a huge number of the internet population in multiple ways .