
shè huì zhǔ yì xiàn shí zhǔ yì
  • socialist realism
  1. 社会主义现实主义无疑是集体想像的结果,值得反思。

    Socialist realism is undoubtedly the result of imagining collectively , worth reviewing .

  2. 处于曲折期的50年代的社会主义现实主义理论;

    Socialist Realism in the winding time in 1950s ;

  3. 社会主义现实主义英雄理念的逻辑演绎

    Logical Extension of the Idea of Socialist Realist " Hero "

  4. 周扬与社会主义现实主义

    Zhou Yang and His Views of Socialist Realism

  5. 两结合与社会主义现实主义

    The Combining Artistic Method and Socialist Realism

  6. 对社会主义现实主义的再认识

    Recognition to Socialist Realism

  7. 社会主义现实主义的两难:叙事还是抒情&对茅盾文学理论主张的话语分析

    A dilemma for socialist realism ── An analysis of some quotations from MAO Dun 's theoretical proposition on literature

  8. 中国革命文艺从一开始就深受苏联社会主义现实主义文艺理论的影响,并且一直受其影响。

    The revolutionary literature and art of China was influenced deeply by the socialism realism of Soviet Union all along .

  9. 而社会主义现实主义观念则竭力反对、排斥现代主义文学经验的正当性。

    On the contrary , the conception socialist realism has its privileged position depended on resisting the literary experiences of modernist experiments .

  10. 一位是社会主义现实主义中社会主义的新人,一位是两结合创作方法的成功形象。

    One is socialism new sample from the social realism creation the other is a succeed form created by the double connection .

  11. 从西安美术学院毕业后,他选择与依然鼎盛的社会主义现实主义分道扬镳。

    However , after graduating from Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts , he chose to part from the still influential socialistic realism .

  12. 第二章梳理新文学现实主义在发展道路上所遇到的阻碍、对此进行的思考和社会主义现实主义的传入。

    Chapter II combing the obstacles encountered by the new literary realism in the development on the road and thinking and socialist realism into .

  13. 从社会主义现实主义到新时期文学,现实主义精神被曲解和背离。

    From socialist realism to the literature of the new era , the spirit of realism is misunderstood and deviated from its normal course .

  14. 从某种意义上讲,西方马克思主义是在反省了政党化的社会主义现实主义之后,从更现实、更深刻的方面重返批判现实主义的批判立场。

    In some sense , Western Marxism returns to the standing of critical realism more realistically and deeply after introspected with the political party socialist realism .

  15. 新中国时期,他的艺术又与时代紧密相联,其写实主张与从苏联引进的社会主义现实主义并为一体,从而确立了徐悲鸿在中国美术史中的重要地位。

    After the New China was established , his art was closely associated with times , and was combined with socialism realism borrowed from Soviet Union .

  16. 近年俄罗斯文坛,原有的社会主义现实主义主导地位丧失,新理论流派应运而生,呈现一种理论多元的格局。

    In recent years , the socialism and realism of Russian literature have gradually lost its predominant position and some new theoretical schools come into existence .

  17. 俄罗斯享誉世界的著名作家法捷耶夫的《毁灭》和《青年近卫军》是社会主义现实主义的经典作品。

    " Destruction " and " the Young Guards ", written by Fajeyev , a world known Russian novelist , are classics of the socialist realism .

  18. 但是,随着苏联的解体,社会主义现实主义受到的责难远比得到的肯定要多。因此,很有必要在探讨社会主义现实主义的发展道路、理论贡献及其缺失的基础上对社会主义现实主义进行再认识。

    Therefore , it is necessary to make recognition to socialist realism on the basis of discussing the developing road , theory contribution and flaw of it .

  19. 中国现代文艺理论中的现实主义思想更多地接受苏联马克思主义理论的影响,具有较浓郁的社会主义现实主义色彩。

    Realism in modern Chinese literary and artistic theory was influence by the Soviet Union . As a result , it has the traits of socialistic realism .

  20. 通过对社会主义现实主义创作方法的分析,揭示17年文学得以化虚为实的机制;

    Second , with the analysis of the writing style of socialist realism , it discovers the mechanism , that turn the false into truth in the seventeen-year literature ;

  21. 结语:呼唤对于茅盾以自然主义为基石的社会主义现实主义文论更加深入的研究,兼论自然主义与中国社会主义现实主义关系。

    Conclusion : Calling for a more thorough research on Mao Dun 's literary theory which is based on the naturalism and investigating the relationship of the naturalism and Chinese-socialist realism .

  22. 《太阳照在桑干河上》是她转型后的代表性作品,被誉为具有社会主义现实主义文艺最根本的特征。

    " The Sun Is Shining over the Sanggan River ", her representative work after transformation , has been hailed as having the fundamental characteristics of socialist realistic art and literature .

  23. 在中国当代艺术中,曾经­有艺术家以对个人生活的零距离的微观叙事来抵抗社会主义现实主义的宏大叙事。

    In contemporary Chinese art , one can often find artists to resist the grand socialist and realist narratives with one 's own narrative based on his observation of everyday life .

  24. 《新垦地》曾被认为是社会主义现实主义的经典作品,但其中又有种种与社会主义现实主义不合拍之处。

    Virgin Soil Upturned has ever been considered as classical works of socialist realism , in which , however , there are a series of plots that cannot coincide with socialist realism .

  25. 就创作方法而言,无论是社会主义现实主义还是所谓两结合,其精神内涵同样首先是受政治思想及其实践的内容所决定的。

    As for the writing methods , the spiritual connotations of whether socialist realism or the so-called Two Combinations , were both first determined by the content of political thoughts and the practice .

  26. 在俄苏文学理论的影响下,中国学者和作家对社会主义现实主义理论进行了阐释,并且围绕着现实主义进行了一系列的文艺批判运动及论争。

    Under the influence of Russian-Soviet literature theory , the Chinese scholars and authors gave explanation of socialist realism . The point in the serial literary criticism and controversy is in relation to realism .

  27. 而社会主义现实主义的单一的创作方法又由于政治的影响,造成了对现实主义的偏离,而变为社会主义的集中代言。

    In addition , because the single creational way of socialism and realization were affect by politics , it was deviated from realization , therefore it became the centralized speech of " solecism " .

  28. 新左派以现代性反思的名义将1942至1976年间的社会主义现实主义作品指认为反现代的现代文学,并高度肯定这种文学及其主导性地位的合理性。

    The New Left refers the so-called socialist realism from 1942 to 1976 as anti-modern modernity literature , under the name of modern reflection , and highly affirms this kind of literature and its dominant position is reasonable .

  29. “新英雄”理念是社会主义现实主义文艺思潮的重要美学范畴,也是革命文学英雄叙事文本建构的核心规范。

    The idea of " New Hero " works not only as an important aesthetic category in the socialist realist literary trend , but as a kernel norm in the textual construction of revolutionary literary Hero narratives as well .

  30. 新中国社会主义现实主义军事雕塑的创作方法,加强了马克思主义文艺理论的引导,使文艺工作者得以沿着现实主义的创作方法和道路向前迈进,出现了大量优秀的作品。

    In the creation of realist military sculpture in New China , with the strengthened guide of Marxist literary and art theory , the art workers have managed to walk on the way of realist creation with a great number of fine works produced .