
  • 网络rapp;lapp
  1. 流浪在斯堪的那维亚北部和科拉半岛的拉普人的语言。

    The language of the nomadic Lapp people in N Scandinavia and the Kola Peninsula .

  2. 拉普人所说的语言通常假定属于乌拉尔语族。

    Any of the languages spoken by the Lapp people and generally assumed to be Uralic languages .

  3. 瑞秋:哦,是我和拉普!

    Rachel : Ohh , it 's me and La Poo !

  4. 事故发生的三天后,拉普回到了塔夫点。

    Rapp returned to Taft Point three days after the accident .

  5. 自从拉普过世之后最大的好消息

    That 's the best news I 've heard since LaPooh died !

  6. 拉普的解散主要是政治的原因。

    The Union was dismissed for some political reason .

  7. 但拉普人视鹿群后代为私有财产。

    But the Lapps regarded the offspring of their herd as their property .

  8. 拉普独自在悬崖边等待下面传来更多的动静。

    Rapp waited alone on the cliff 's edge for more clues from below .

  9. 拉普从来没有遇到过这种事。

    It had never happened to her before .

  10. 拉普独自坐在一块石头上。

    Rapp sat alone on a rock .

  11. 技术伦理的可能性和必要性&拉普技术伦理思想研究

    The Possibility and Necessity of Technological Ethics & On Friedrich Rapp 's Thoughts of Technological Ethics

  12. 在渐暗的天色中,拉普匆忙沿着登山步道回到了停车场。

    In the dwindling light , Rapp rushed back up the trail to the parking lot .

  13. 它毫不惧怕地飞近拉普并耐心地吃起了她手上的一片意大利香肠。

    Unflinchingly , it approached and patiently ate a piece of salami out of her hand .

  14. 我希望他只是受了伤,拉普说:他可能摔断了两根股骨。

    I hoped he was just hurt , Rapp said . Maybe he had two broken femurs .

  15. 拉普拿着一台相机。

    Rapp held a camera .

  16. 当他们看见拉普时,他们才明白过来有一位失踪者是迪恩·波特。

    It was not until they saw Rapp that they realized that one of the men missing was Dean Potter .

  17. “没有理由认为只有拉普人当中才有这种效应,”他说。

    " There is no reason to believe that this effect would be only visible in Sami people ," he said .

  18. 大卫还在伤心拉普过世,不过它是支坚强的小乌龟

    Well , Davey 's still pining after LaPooh ... but , you know , he 's a tough little turtle .

  19. 德国技术哲学家、技术伦理学家拉普就是在这一方面进行了系统的探索并有卓越贡献的学者之一。

    Rapp , the German technology philosopher , ethicist was one of the scholars who reputably contributed in exporting the question systematically .

  20. 西元1836年,惠特曼夫妇在与今天的瓦拉瓦拉地区不远的魏拉普地区的凯尔斯印第安人居住地发起传教团。

    In1836 , the Whitmans set up a mission among the Cayuse Indians at Waillatpu not far from where Walla Walla is today .

  21. 赫勒说,与其芬兰和瑞典邻居都大不相同的拉普人族群本身可能有遗传上或是社会文化上的差别。

    There could be genetic or social differences among the Sami , who are distinct from their Finnish and Swedish neighbors , Helle said .

  22. 拉普仔细研究照片,脑子转得飞快,设想了种种结果:她听到的声响可能是亨特撞击地面发出的。

    Mind racing , Rapp studied the photos and scrolled through various outcomes in her head . Maybe the sounds she heard were Hunt crashing .

  23. 手机毁坏严重,但是公园管理局的调查者们拿到了手机和拉普的照片,希望能从它们得到线索。

    It was heavily damaged , but park service investigators have it , along with Rapp 's photos , hoping to mine them for clues .

  24. 我想我听到的声响就是格雷汉姆先撞到了一棵树,然后撞上了岩墙,拉普说。

    Turns out the sounds I heard , I think , were the sounds of Graham hitting a tree and then the wall , Rapp said .

  25. 2001年在乍得北部久拉普沙漠出土的这个化石,似乎是我们至尽拥有的关于人类家族最古老的证据。

    The fossil , found in2001 in the Djurab Desert of northern Chad , appears to be the earliest evidence we have of the human family .

  26. 拉普首次引进了分析的方法,弥补了以往技术哲学理论中所缺乏的注重分析的哲学传统。

    Rapp introduced into analytical methods in the study of technology philosophy , So he first filled the philosophy tradition which is lacking in technology philosophy study anciently .

  27. 拉普先前因主演《吉屋出租》这部电影而闻名于世,他声称斯佩西26岁的时候曾在一次聚会中攀到了他身上。

    Rapp , who was previously best known for leading the film Rent , alleges that Spacey climbed on top of him at a party when Spacey was 26 .

  28. 一项由阿图洛。巴斯特斯,又一位反矿产开采的主教,发起的官方调查表明:在完成一份详尽的生态研究报告前,任何在拉普&拉普进行的矿产开采因被停止。

    An official inquiry led by Arturo Bastes , another anti-mining bishop , said all mineral exploitation at Rapu-Rapu should be stopped until a detailed ecological study was completed .

  29. 拉普提出这一指控后,斯佩西表示,“老实说,我不记得这次相遇了,这应该是30多年前的事情了。”

    Spacey has since issued a statement on the accusations , saying : " I honestly do not remember the encounter , it would have been over 30 years ago . "

  30. 第二章通过分析拉普技术伦理思想酝酿和产生的时代背景,客观地反映了拉普技术伦理思想产生、发展以及引起人们重视的历史原因;

    The second chapter through analyzing the background when Rapp 's thoughts of technology ethics appeared objectively reflects the historical reason of the appearance , development of Rapp 's thoughts of technology ethics ;