
  • 网络power rationing
  1. 侵袭我国多个地区的寒潮已导致部分省份拉闸限电。

    A cold wave sweeping across large swathes of China has forced power rationing in some provinces .

  2. 尤其在用电高峰期,电力不足导致要经常拉闸限电。

    Especially shortage of power leads to power rationing when power consumption peaks .

  3. 2000&2001年,加利福尼亚州经历了电力危机,南加州爱迪生能源公司(SCE)的照明也施行过拉闸限电。

    Between 2000 ~ 2001 , the state of California experienced a power crisis , which brought record spot-market prices and rolling blackouts to the state 's deregulated electric business .

  4. 南非国家电力公司(Eskom)用“拉闸限电”或停电来弥补其投资匮乏。

    Eskom , the state-owned electricity company , compensates for its lack of investment with " load shedding " or power cuts .

  5. 应用该文所提方法对WSCC-9系统、IEEE-39系统和浙江金华电网的计算表明,该方法可以用于调度部门的发电出力计划调整、拉闸限电方式选择和自动重合闸配置等工作。

    And detail implementation of the method is also given in this paper . The numerical tests of WSCC-9 , IEEE-39 and Jinhua power network are proposed , which prove the proposed algorithm could be used for generation dispatching , load shedding and re-closure types selection .

  6. 该报还报道,因突然拉闸限电,一些养鸡场大批鸡苗夭亡。

    Chicks were dying prematurely because of the cuts , the paper reported .

  7. 重点:中国拉闸限电。

    The main point : China rationing power .

  8. 比起拉闸限电,很多企业更愿意接受更高电价。

    Most businesses will be more willing to accept higher prices than power cuts .

  9. 由于拉闸限电,使用电单位内一些较重要部门的供电也不能得到保障。

    As limiting power by turning off pull-switch , some important departments can not guarantee the power supply .

  10. 在河北省张北县,本月初开始的拉闸限电,造成发电机热销。

    In Zhangbei County in Hebei Province , electricity cuts that started earlier this month have caused a boom in sales of generators .

  11. 如果预测的需求滞后于实际需求,将会导致供电负荷紧张,甚至造成拉闸限电。

    If the expected demand was less than the actual demand , it would cause the shortage of power supply , even limited usage .

  12. 研究的经济背景和问题的提出(1)研究的经济背景最近几年,我国不断出现民工荒、技工荒、煤荒、油荒、拉闸限电等现象。

    In recent years , many serious economic problems such as peasant workers shortage , technical workers shortage , oil shortage , coal shortage , constantly occurred .

  13. 为了完成节能减排任务,全国多个省份采取拉闸限电的做法,有些地方甚至在寒冬时期停止供暖。

    In order to complete the task of energy saving and emission reduction , many provinces take a switch power brownouts practice , some places even in winter time stop heating .

  14. 随着经济的发展,我国电力供需矛盾日益凸显,大部分地区先后采取措施拉闸限电。

    With economic development , China has seen an increasingly serious conflict between electricity supply and demand . In some areas , measures like power cuts have been taken to limit consumption .

  15. 特别是夏季用电高峰时,供需矛盾更为严重,一些企业不得不承受拉闸限电的痛苦,企业利益严重受损。

    Especially the summer peak , the contradiction between supply and demand more serious when , a few enterprises have to bear the pain of switch power brownouts badly damaged , company profit .

  16. 全国范围内的拉闸限电,不仅严重影响了工业生产,给人民生活带来极大的不便,还导致了一系列的社会问题。

    The electric power shortage in nation-wide scope not only has seriously affected the industrial production and brought great inconvenience to people 's life , but also has caused a series of social problem .

  17. 1992年,重庆电网缺电情况十分严重,拉闸限电非常频繁,严重制约了工农业发展及对人民正常生活造成严重影响。

    In 1992 , the electricity net was seriously short of electricity and it was very frequent to pull and limit strobe , which restrict badly the development of agriculture and industry and affected people 's normal life .

  18. 对用电负荷进行有效的管理和控制可改善负荷曲线,提高发供电设备的利用率,可防止拉闸限电,避免影响社会生产和生活。

    By effectively managing and controlling of electric load , we can improve load curve and advance using rate of Power Supply equipment , which can prevent from drawing strobe and limiting electricity and avoid affecting social produce and life .

  19. 随着近年来全国特别是上海拉闸限电现象的逐渐增多,提高用电效能、尤其是提高工业用电效能已成为当前迫切需要解决的问题。

    In recent years , with increasing phenomenon of the restriction of electricity in the whole country especially in Shanghai , it thus becomes an urgent problem to be solved to improve the efficiency of power comsumption , especially that of industrial enterprises .

  20. 我国新开工建设的电站占全世界的八成以上,但2011上半年全国在干旱、电煤价格上涨等因素的影响下,一些西部欠发达地区出现了拉闸限电的现象。

    More than 80 percent of the power plants under construction in the world are in China . Nevertheless , in the first half of 2011 , some undeveloped areas in the west of China suffered electricity shortage due to drought and price growth of electricity and coal .

  21. 然而,供需矛盾的缓解不能仅仅依靠拉闸限电,还需西电东输、发电机组规模的扩大等。而电力行业的发展需要大量的资金投入及国家的产业政策扶持。

    However , in order to relieve the conflict , more measures are needed such as " West-East electricity transmission project ", and the expansion in size of the generating units , etc. The development of power industry requires a lot of capital investment and the support of industrial policy .