
dīng zi hù
  • nail household;tartar
钉子户 [dīng zi hù]
  • [tartar] 难对付的人,特指故意违反或对抗有关政策、法规的人或家庭

钉子户[dīng zi hù]
  1. Spotify取得了一些成功——齐柏林飞船(LedZeppelin)、平克•弗洛伊德(PinkFloyd)和金属乐队(Metallica)等知名的不合作者最近均与它签署了协议,使得主要的“钉子户”只剩下披头士乐队(TheBeatles)。

    Spotify has had some success - notable holdouts such as Led Zeppelin , Pink Floyd and Metallica have all signed up recently , leaving The Beatles as the main exception .

  2. 重庆最牛钉子户即是最有力的的证明。

    Chongqing Holdout is the most powerful proof .

  3. 第一部分对重庆最牛钉子户事件进行了简要介绍。

    The part one briefly introduces the case of a holdout in Chongqing city .

  4. 有人付钱给他,叫他遣散那些钉子户。

    He pays expenses to the guys who forcibly live there , to evacuate it .

  5. 近日,四位运营者成为“钉子户”负隅顽抗。

    Recently , 4 operation person become " nail door " put up a desperate struggle .

  6. 他们真好。在处理钉子户的事情上,美国远远不同于中国。

    Ann : How kind they are ! America is far from China on dealing with the nail households .

  7. 我不是钉子户,也不是刁民,只是一个依法维护自己权益的公民。

    I 'm not stubborn or unruly , I 'm just trying to protect my personal rights as a citizen .

  8. 总之,《阿凡达》是一部讴歌钉子户抗击暴力拆迁的成功典范。

    ' In one word , Avatar is a movie celebrating the nail house owners'successful efforts to oppose the demolition crews .

  9. 重庆“钉子户”的图片已在电子布告系统和主流媒体上广泛传播。

    The picture of the " nail house " from Chongqing has been widely spread via BBS and the mainstream media .

  10. 在中国,那些拒绝被开发商拆迁的人被称为“钉子户”。

    In China , people who refuse to allow their homes to be demolished by developers are called " nail households " .

  11. 这个词保留了下来,如今,中国国内媒体就将吴苹的房子称为钉子户。

    The phrase has stuck , with Ms Wu 's house now referred to as just the nail house in the local media .

  12. 张朝晖在3个月的时间里用了10万枚钉子将作品《钉子户》制作而成,《钉子户》由一幅男性图形和一幅女性图形组成。

    He spent three months finishing his work by 100000 nails and the work is composed of a male image and a female one .

  13. 许多与这种(拆迁)事件有关的建筑都被标为“违规建筑”,而那些拒绝搬迁的住户则被称为“钉子户”。

    Many of the buildings involved in such cases are labeled " illegal ", and those who refuse to relocate are called " nail households " .

  14. “钉子户”指的是拒绝搬离拆迁区的人,通常是因为在补偿上谈不拢。

    The term " nail house " refers to people that refuse to move away from demolition zones , usually because of a disagreement about compensation .

  15. 上海的一位高级电脑工程师目前利用业余时间为一个北京的反拆迁钉子户效劳,赚取的象征性工资,他打算捐出。

    A senior computer engineer in Shanghai is working part time as an " anti-demolition nail " in Beijing , earning a token salary he plans to give away .

  16. “钉子户”是指最后待拆的房屋,当周围所有房屋都被推平,它就像钉子般显眼。

    " Nail houses " are the last homes left standing in areas slated for clearance , so called because they stick out when all around them have been demolished .

  17. 知情人士称,作为交换条件,银行将要求钉子户债权人让法官格里萨暂不执行禁止向重组债权持有人付款的裁定。

    In exchange , the banks would ask the holdouts to ask Judge Griesa to suspend his ruling barring payment of restructured bondholders , a person familiar with the idea said .

  18. 最后,以长沙市最牛钉子户作为个案研究对象,运用相关数据深入剖析了互动公平思想在其拆迁过程中所起到的作用,从而为本文理论研究提供了实践支撑。

    Finally , I use Changsha Stubborn Nails as a case study to analyze the role of reciprocal fairness idea , so as to provide practice support to the theory study .

  19. 本论文在疏理并反思国内外相关研究文献的基础上,结合经验调查中的事件过程,提出城中村拆迁场域中的钉子户这一研究议题。

    This thesis based on the reorganizing and the reflecting about the domestic and abroad relevant research , combing with empirical investigation of the event processes , proposing " The nail household at Villages demolition Field " as the topic of research .

  20. 近年来,我国网络舆情的强大影响力从诸如孙志刚事件、重庆钉子户事件、家乐福事件和华南虎事件等一系列热点新闻事件中得到了前所未有的彰显。

    In recent years , a powerful network of influential public opinion from events such as the Sun Zhigang Event , Chongqing Nail Incident Households , Carrefour Incident and the South China Events , and other news events have been demonstrated unprecedented .

  21. 倍受关注的重庆钉子户事件以及一系列私有产权遭到破坏的纠纷,使产权保护问题成为社会关注的焦点,发展和完善产权保护理论因此具有紧迫的现实意义。

    The event of Nail households and a series of conflicts about infringing private property right make us pay more attention to the problem of property right protection , so it is urgent and meaningful to develop the theory of property right protection .

  22. 钉子户的行动也表现着一种场域内部的自我协调适应和认同,是种种关系的协调演绎,也是一种主体在结构的制约下能动的生存策略表现。

    The revolt of nails is not just a protest performance , but also show the performance of internal self adaptation and identity , deducing the various types coordination of the relationships , also the survival strategy of a subject under the constraints of the structure .