
  1. 把4毫米厚的胶合板条铺在网子上,然后用镶板钉钉牢。

    Lay strips of 4mm ply over the mesh and nail these down with panel pins .

  2. 将圆未圆的月亮投下清辉,照亮了墙纸上暗淡的纹饰,十字架悬在我头上,从杂志(magazine)上裁下的纸页和报纸用大头钉钉在墙上。

    The nearly full moon reflected enough light into the space to reveal the dim pattern on the wallpaper , the crucifix above my head , pages torn from magazines and newspapers tacked along the wall .

  3. 工人挖地,工人钉钉,当兵的又笑又唱。

    Workmen dig , workmen hammer , soldiers laugh and sing ;

  4. 他的名牌用螺丝钉钉进了门框,就在门铃的正下方。

    His name plate was screwed into the doorframeimmediatelybelow the bell .

  5. 斜钉钉牢斜向钉入钉子固定(横梁)

    To secure ( beams ) with obliquely driven nails .

  6. 地毯是用平头钉钉在地板上的。

    The carpet was tacked to the floor .

  7. 你能把报告用钉书钉钉在一起吗?

    Would you mind stapling the reports together .

  8. 否则,这就好象似把一只圆钉钉在了一个同样大小的方洞里。

    This would be like putting a round peg in a square hole of similar sizes .

  9. 小艇全部装有甲板,完全不透水,用结实的螺丝铰钉钉着。

    It 's completely decked over , absolutely watertight , and held solidly in place by bolts .

  10. 经髂骨钉钉道骨盆外固定架治疗垂直不稳定骨盆骨折的生物力学研究

    Stabilization of Vertically Unstable Pelvic Fractures with External Fixation Through the Iliac Screw Passage : A Biomechanical Study

  11. 明信片到了,三十美分成。他把它贴在我自己车里,四个角用黄铜大头钉钉住。

    When it came thirty cents he pinned it up in his trailer , brass-headed tack in each corner .

  12. 就当你为自己建房,每天要钉钉、铺板、砌墙。

    Think about your house . Each day you hammer a nail , place a board , or erect a wall .

  13. 旋转臂自锁式髓内钉钉体应力集中于中下1/3处,而锁钉孔周围部位无明显的应力集中。

    The Von Mises stress of RBSN was not found around screw hole , it concentrated on the lower 1 / 3 of the nail .

  14. 上课的教室已十分破烂,黑板是用那些老式的黑铁钉钉在墙上的。经过这么多年,钉子已经松动了。

    Now this classroom was very old , and the blackboards , which had been nailed on to the walls with old black iron nails , had become loose over the years .

  15. 目的对羟基磷灰石(Hydroxyapatite,HA)涂层和非涂层的2组导钉,钉骨界面作短期非负重的实验比较。

    Objective The present study was designed to comparatively evaluate the bone-pin interface in a short-term unloaded experimental study in two groups of pins , uncoated and coated with hydroxyapatite .

  16. 结论:寰椎椎弓根钉进钉点可用枢椎下关节突中点的矢状延长线来确定,螺钉长度28~30mm。

    Conclusion : The enter point of C_1 pedicle screw could be defined by the central point of C_2 inferior articular process , and the screw length was 28 ~ 30 mm .

  17. 前言:目的:探讨如何准确地安装交锁髓内钉锁钉。

    Objective : To investigate how to install an inter-locking nail properly .

  18. 胫骨近端形态及其对髓内钉置钉点的影响

    Proximal tibial shape and its effect on intramedullary tibial nailing

  19. 羟基磷灰石涂层导钉改进钉骨界面强度的实验研究

    Improvement rigidity of interface between hydroxyapatite-coated pin and bone

  20. 改良空心椎弓根钉和钉道强化的生物力学研究

    Biomechanical Analysis of an Improved Hollow Pedicle Screw and Screw Channel Augmentation Technique

  21. 目的:测定股骨交锁髓内钉锁钉的生物力学变化,分析易发生疲劳断裂的锁钉位点。

    Objective : To analyze the biomechanical changes of interlocking nails and the position of nail where fatigue fragmentation happens easily .

  22. 可是,当我往床外一望,魁魁格还蹲在那里,仿佛他已让螺丝钉给钉在地板上了。

    when , looking over the bedside , there squatted Queequeg , as if he had been screwed down to the floor .

  23. 又由于复合材料的脆性特性,使多钉连接钉载分配严重不均匀;

    And then because of the brittleness characteristic of the composite material , the load distribution of multi-fastener mechanical joints becomes seriously uneven ;

  24. 虽然丈夫连一根钉都钉不直,但他们被认为是天生的电气技师、木匠、管子工和机械师。

    Even husbands who can hardly drive a nail in straight are supposed to be born electricians , carpenters , plumbers and mechanics .

  25. 国产股骨交锁髓内钉锁钉的生物力学研究原位沉析法组装仿生层状空心壳聚糖髓内钉

    Biomechanical study on the interlocking nails of native femoral interlocking intramedullary nail Biomimetic hollow chitosan intramedullary nail with layer structure prepared by in-situ precipitation

  26. 吻合钉的钉腿高度能够正常成型,成型后钉腿在弯折部处弯折,提高了标准成型的概率。

    The leg height of the anastomotic nail can form normally and the rear pin leg bends at the bend portio after forming , improving the rate of standard forming .

  27. 股骨髓内钉主钉断裂1例,锁钉断裂9例(0.6%)。晚期髓内钉末端骨折3例,占0.2%。

    One femoral nail was broken , locking screw were broken in 9 patients ( 0.6 % ), femoral shaft fracture of distal nail end occurred in 3 cases : 1 in Gamma nail , two in supracondylar nail .

  28. 椎弓根钉椎弓根钉-椎板钩内固定系统能够在保留局部功能、不影响邻近节段退变的前提下,更容易、更微创、更廉价、更安全、更有效的治疗青少年腰椎峡裂。

    Pedicle screw pedicle screw-laminar hooks fixation system under the premise retain partial function , does not affect the adjacent segment degeneration , easier , and more minimally invasive , cheaper , safer and more effective treatment of juvenile bifida lumbar Gap .

  29. 钉头卡钉,拆开钉头取出碎钉并清洁。

    Nail head clamp the unravelling of nail exteriorize broken nails and clean .

  30. Gamma钉与重建钉内固定治疗老年转子间骨折的比较

    Comparison of Gamma Nails and Reconstruction Nails in Intramedullary Fixation for Intertrochanteric Hip Fractures in the Aged