
  • 网络Pegged Exchange Rate Policy;pegging policy
  1. 如果欧洲闭嘴不提要求中国放松钉住美元政策的话,那或许是因为他们预见到了自己要为这一要求所做出的让步。

    If the Europeans shrink from demanding that China cease pegging to the dollar , it 's perhaps because they anticipate the concession that would be asked of them .

  2. 长期钉住美元的政策,使我国失去了汇率政策工具,造成了汇率目标与包括就业和物价稳定等在内的根本性经济目标冲突;

    Financial Derivatives and Exchange Rate Policy Instrument This policy conflicts with the targets of our country 's macroeconomic policies .

  3. 中国实施人民币钉住美元的政策,制定的汇率极富竞争性,却对由此累积的巨额美元储备感到极其不满。

    It has pegged its currency to the dollar at a highly competitive rate , yet is desperately unhappy about the vast pile up of dollars that results .

  4. 在通货膨胀钉住的货币政策动态优化问题中,本文主要从模型框架、货币政策规则的选择和设计、最优性、前瞻性等方面进行综述。

    This essay gives a survey of model frame , choice of monetary policy , designment , optimization and the prospection in the development optimization problem of inflation targeting .

  5. 钉住通货膨胀货币政策体系不仅仅体现一国央行对于通胀与产出之间的选择偏好,更是央行和公众交流的重要渠道。

    Inflation targeting monetary policy system shows the preference of inflation and output of the central bank , and also acts as the key channel of communication between central bank and the public .

  6. 最近许多年来,私人资本净流入的下降通常都被新兴国家国央行实行“本币钉住美元”的政策所抵消。

    In recent years a fall in private inflows has usually been offset by central banks in emerging economies that link their currencies to the dollar .