
  • 网络Organization Market;Organizational Market;business market
  1. 针对组织市场营销管理与消费者市场营销管理之间的差异,以4Ps理论为主线对组织市场营销管理进行了分析。

    Then towards the differences between organizational market and customers market , the author analyzes the management of organizational marketing using " 4ps " theory .

  2. 本论文的创新点包括:1.结合面向组织市场的营销理论的特点及国内市场及企业现状,对中国电信运营业支撑软件市场现状和未来进行了分析;

    This article have some innovative viewpoint : 1.Linking with the feature of marketing theory facing organization market and the current situation of domestic market and company , analyses today and tomorrow of Chinese Telecom Business Support Software Market ;

  3. 组织市场营销(OrganizationMarketing)是为组织客户提供商品和服务的所有活动,即对于组织的产品和服务的营销。

    Organization Marketing are all the activities made to provide products and service for organization clients , which means marketing towards organizations'products and service .

  4. 中国银行产业组织市场结构研究

    Research on the Market Structure of Industrial Organization of China Banking

  5. 中国情景下的非营利组织市场导向结构研究

    Study on the Construct of Market Orientation of China 's Nonprofit Organizations

  6. 提升农民专业合作组织市场竞争力的对策

    The Strategies for Enhancing Marketing Competitive Ability of Farmer Professional Cooperative Organization

  7. 运用金融组织市场结构相关理论对资金供给主体间的价格竞争行为进行分析;

    Analyze the competition behavior between suppliers by industrial organization economics approach ;

  8. 本文就是通过对风电设备产品的营销模式研究,做一次组织市场营销理论与实践相结合的尝试。

    This article analyses the application of organization marketing theory and model through a survey to windpower equipment market .

  9. 目标替代的风险、不具备企业那样运用市场机制的能力和对其监督存在困难是非营利组织市场化运作面临的现实问题。

    The realistic problems are : the risk of objective-substitute , lack of proficiency in market system compared to enterprises , the feasibility of supervision .

  10. 在分析了电信及通讯设备市场的外部环境,结合上海西门子公司的自身的市场定位特点的基础上,应用市场营销理论、组织市场理论以及竞争理论等分析手段。

    On the basis of analyzing the surround environment and inter resource , applying the theory of marketing and industrial market and competition , aim at dig out the potential of shanghai Siemens mobile corp.

  11. 政策制定者对电商巨头阿里巴巴、搜索引擎百度和社交媒体巨擘腾讯寄予厚望,希望它们帮助重新组织市场、更有效地对接供给与需求。

    Policy makers have high hopes that the likes of ecommerce giant Alibaba , search engine Baidu and social media powerhouse Tencent will help to reorganise markets , connecting supply more efficiently with demand .

  12. 本文在分析报酬递增律在市场营销中的作用机制的基础上进一步阐述了企业在组织市场营销的过程中如何利用报酬递增律实现市场的快速扩张。

    In this paper , the authors analyze the action mechanism of increasing returns in marketing detailedly and based on which they bring forward the methods of how to use increasing returns in marketing process .

  13. 现有文献中少有针对集团组织市场的研究论文和相关著作。

    The existing research literature is little corporate structure of the market research papers and related works , on the corporate structure of the car buying behavior of this would be very little , almost empty .

  14. 本论文主要关注的问题是:管理者怎样才能让他们的企业更加市场导向化。旨在开发能被管理者用于提高组织市场导向程度的运用方法。

    This paper focuses on how managers improve the degree of marketing orientation in enterprises , which is to develop the application approach used by managers to improve the degree of marketing orientation in their organizations .

  15. 本文针对的主要是面向组织市场,经营工业商品的经销商,工业品市场由于客户集中,边际利润较高,经销商一直是其市场链中重要的一环。

    This article aims at mainly focuses on the professional customer , the management specialized commodity dealer , specialized market of customer centralized , for marginal returns is higher , the dealer is always an important link in the market chain .

  16. 财政承担的制度成本与制度结构有着紧密的联系,降低财政最终承担的制度成本,这就要求政府以市场为导向来组织市场、规划市场,借助于市场的力量实现财政职能。

    The system cost that the finance bears has close contacts with system structure , reduce the system cost that the finance bore finally , this requires the government to organize the market , planning market , and realize financial function with the aid of the strength of the market .

  17. 用销售组织将市场细分为区域。

    You can use sales organizations to subdivide markets into regions .

  18. 随着我国加入了WTO组织,市场竞争更加激烈。

    After attending into the WTO organization , the competition level in the market will be more serious .

  19. WTO是一个全球性贸易组织,市场开放、非歧视、公平贸易等为其基本原则。

    WTO is a World Trade Organization , Whose basic principles are open on market , fair in trade and non-discrimination .

  20. 我国加入WTO,政府职能的转变,市场服务是政府及中介组织为市场和市场主体在市场运行过程中提供各种服务行为。

    Since China joins the WTO , the functions of government are also changing . Servicing for market means that the state and medi-body provide all kinds of convenience during the process of market operation .

  21. NGO作为政府组织和市场组织的补充,在美国等西方国家获得了长足发展,在其社会经济的发展中发挥了重要的作用。

    NGO , as a supplement to government and market organization , has developed for a long time and play an important role in the development of social economy in U.S.A and other western countries .

  22. 第三章运用SCP范式基本框架,分析了转轨时期我国产业组织在市场结构、市场行为和市场绩效方面存在的具体问题:如,市场集中度普遍偏低,专业化和协作水平低;

    Chapter three applies SCP paradigm and analyses the problems which existing in China 's industrial organization , for example : the degree of market centre is low generally ; the level of specialization and cooperation is low ;

  23. 社会的和谐发展需要社会治理结构中的三大主体(政府组织、市场组织和非政府组织)各司其职、各尽所能,NGO在社会治理结构中不可或缺;

    It needs three main bodies ( government organizations , Enterprises and non-government organizations ) undertaking their duties and performing their functions as capable as possible for the harmonious development of society . NGO is indispensable for the Structure of Social Governance ;

  24. 层级组织和市场组织是两种最基本的经济组织形态。

    Hierarchies and markets are the two kinds of fundamental economic organizations .

  25. 中间性组织、市场拓展与区域经济合作

    Intermediary Organization , Market Expansion and Regional Economic Cooperation

  26. 零售商业空间组织的市场分析

    An Analysis of the Spatial Market of Retail Trade

  27. 债券通过组织化市场交易,如纽约证券交易所。

    Bonds are traded through organized markets , such as the New York Exchange .

  28. 产业集群是介于企业组织和市场之间的一种经济组织形式。

    Industry cluster is a kind of economic organization form between enterprise and market .

  29. 针对供电方电力市场、用电方电力市场以及一个完全的电力市场,可以使用不同叫价方式的电力拍卖模型组织其市场交易。

    In electricity market , electricity trade can be approached using different auction models .

  30. 然而,在家具的流通组织和市场体系方面却显得落后。

    However , in the furniture market system and the flow has become backward .