
  • 网络organizational vision
  1. 在创造阶段,领导者应该阐述组织愿景、提供精神激励、培育灵活机构文化并提高创新能力;

    During the creating phrase , top managers should articulate organizational vision , provide intellectual stimulation , foster adhocratic culture and improve innovative capacity .

  2. 由于组织愿景、下属认知、自我认知和激励图式等认知图式的差异,导致交易型领导与变革型领导行为及其有效性存在差异。

    As there are differences in organizational vision , follower-schemata , self-schemata and motivation-scripts , transactional leadership and transformational leadership have their own characteristics and effectiveness .

  3. 而成长型中小企业是数量巨大的中小企业中的优秀群体和生力军,因此以成长型中小企业来研究组织愿景对中小企业的成长更具代表性。

    Growing SMEs are outstanding and excellent group of SMEs .

  4. 组织愿景是一个组织的发展蓝图,是组织希望将来实现的理想目标,它能够团结、激励组织成员朝着同一个目标共同前进。

    Organizational vision is an organizational development blueprint , and ideal goal that organization hopes to achieve , it can unite , motivate members of the organization to advance together towards the same goal .

  5. 交易型和变革型领导理论已成为当代领导理论研究的新范式,由于组织愿景、下属认知、自我认知和激励图式等认知图式的差异,导致领导行为的差异。

    Transactional and transformational leadership theory have become new normal form study of leadership theory today . The cognitive of organizational vision , follower-schema , self-schema and motivation-scripts for transactional and transformational is different , thus leading to different leader behaviors .

  6. 薪酬管理与职位设计、员工的招募与甄选、培训开发、绩效管理等其它人力资源管理职能紧密结合,共同构成了组织愿景以及公司总体战略目标得以实现的一个平台。

    Compensation management combined closely with position design , employee recruitment , selection , training , achievement management and that kind of human resource management functions , which form a platform to support the success of organization prospect and corporation general strategies .

  7. 其次,分析领导者实施追随职能的主要原因及追随职责的内容,即追随组织愿景和目标,追随适用的管理原则,追随负责实现目标的组织成员。

    Second , we should analyze the main reason of a leader implementing the following functions and its content , that is , following the visions and objectives of the organization , following the applicable management principles , following the members who can achieve these objectives .

  8. 的人在工作赢得知道他们所做的工作如何支持其组织的愿景,价值观,目标和目的。

    People who are winning at working know how the work they do supports their organization 's vision , values , goals and objectives .

  9. 平衡记分卡作为一种先进的绩效管理工具,通过学习与成长、内部经营过程、客户、财务四个方面的指标之间的因果关系,展现企业的战略,实现组织的愿景目标。

    As a measure tool of performance management , Balanced Scorecard exhibit the corporation ' stratagem through clients , learning & growth , internal business progress and financial cause-and-effect links to achieve the stratagem aim .

  10. 任何一种绩效评价体系的设计,都应该反映它所支持的组织的愿景目标、管理模式、沟通与联系方式、反馈与学习方式、业务规划方式等基本状况。

    Any kind of design of the system of performance appraisement should reflect to the desire and target of organization , management mode , the way of communication and relation , the way of feedback and learning , the way of business programming , etc.

  11. 丰富了学校组织变革的愿景目标;

    Enriching hopeful objectives of organization reform by school ;

  12. 有一种艺术能够预想到组织的长期愿景

    There is an art to be able to take the long-term vision for an organization

  13. 解析组织的共同愿景

    On Shared Vision in Organization

  14. 解析组织的共同愿景讨论了虚拟视景建模和交互驱动问题;

    The method for modeling of virtual scene and problem related to interactive driving of the system were discussed .

  15. 它也可以包括沟通团队或组织的“愿景”,可能还需要整个组织都能知道这些愿景。

    It can also involve communicating the team or organizational'vision ' . High visibility throughout the organization may also be required .

  16. 第一,通过培养学习型组织、共同愿景和学习团队、并通过变学校管理为学校领导等措施,达到加强学校领导的目的。

    Firstly , strengthen school leadership through fostering a learning organization , shared vision and learning teams , and by transforming school administration into school leading .

  17. 隐性领导是一种新兴的领导技术,它能够激发被领导者的潜力,并让被领导者自觉为实现组织目标与愿景而努力,以提高组织生产力。

    Recessive leadership is a new kind of leadership technology , it can inspire be leaders potential and let be leaders to achieve organizational goals self-consciously with vision and efforts to improve organizational productivity .

  18. 确定您们组织的使命、愿景和价值观是什么。

    Define your mission , vision , and values in your organization .

  19. 我描述了一下这家世界上最大的女孩和妇女组织全面转型的愿景。

    I described the total transformation of the largest organization for girls and women in the world .

  20. 创建这个组织的精神和愿景在于希望找到各种服务于所有人的方式

    For this organization founded with a rabbi was to try to find ways to serve all .

  21. 与广泛的个人和组织合作,分享愿景,达成新高度。

    We achieve new levels of success by partnering with individuals and organizations that share our vision .

  22. 本文从组织结构、共同愿景、学习理念和互动机制四个方面,对创建学习型高校学报编辑出版组织进行了探讨。

    This article discusses learning-oriented college journal publication organization from four aspects : organizational structure , organizational vision , learning philosophy and interaction mechanism .

  23. 在幼儿园课题管理的过程中,外部行政管理,幼儿园管理,组织文化,共同愿景,管理者的技能等因素交互作用,从各个角度对课题管理施加不同程度的影响。

    During the process of Kindergartens ' project management , factors like administrative management , kindergarten management , organizational culture , shared vision and managers ' skills interact with each other and influence the project management from diffident aspects .

  24. 在这种理论的影响下,各组织纷纷提出具有本组织特色的愿景,并在其领导者的带领下为实现组织的愿景而不断努力。

    Some organizations have put forward visions with characteristic of themselves and try their best to achieve their vision under the leadership of their leaders .

  25. 他们在充分了解组织成员的基础上建立起组织的共同愿景,并与组织成员一起为实现组织的共同愿景而努力。

    They establish a shared vision members on the basis of his fully understanding of the members .

  26. 主席表示,发表纪念亚太经合组织成立25周年声明将为亚太经合组织勾画未来愿景。

    He 's also pointing to a statement connected to the 25th anniversary of APEC , which the President says will sketch out the future vision for the group .

  27. 在组织中培育学习型文化的主要环节包括:确立组织的共同愿景、培育团队精神、制定以学习为导向的激励政策、加强员工培训、注重能力建设、鼓励员工个人学习。

    The major elements of developing learning culture in the organization include : establishing the common aspiration , developing team spirit , formulating the learning encouragement policy , strengthening to train the staff , focusing on the competence , and encouraging the individual learning .

  28. 定位指的是一个组织希望它的多样公众如何来感知它。为了可信,定位必须是基于组织的现实并强调该组织基本价值和愿景。

    In order to be credible , the positioning must be based on an organization 's reality with an emphasis on its fundamental values and visions .

  29. 学校学习型组织的创建和运用学习型组织理论对教师进行管理,可以从管理思想的创新,管理组织的创新,教师管理的创新,建立学校组织的共同愿景等方面入手。

    In order to construct and apply of study-model-oranization theory to teacher administration , we can begin with creation in management mind , management organization , teacher management and common object establishment .