
  • 网络organizational identification;Organizational identity;Organization Identification;organizational commitment
  1. LMX能有效预测控制应对、组织认同和员工沉默。

    LMX can predict control coping , organizational identification and employee silence .

  2. 教师人格特征和组织认同与工作倦怠的关系

    The Relationship Among Teachers ' Personality , Organizational Identification and Job Burnout

  3. 根据SY公司的实践分析,《管子》阴阳五行思想下员工组织认同感知途径模型在现代企业管理中成立。

    According to the practice , analysis the SY " GuanZi " Yin-Yang and five elements ideology employees organization identity perception way in the modern enterprise management model was established .

  4. 企业文化对员工的组织认同有着显著的影响。

    The impact of corporate culture on employee organizational identification is significant .

  5. 中国背景下组织认同的结构&一项探索性研究

    An Exploratory Study on the Construct of Organizational Identification under Chinese Context

  6. 组织认同对于任务绩效、周边绩效均具有正向作用。

    Organizational identification has a positive impact on task performance and contextual performance .

  7. 主观幸福感对知识型员工组织认同的影响

    Impact of subject well-being on knowledge worker organizational identification

  8. 组织认同研究综述

    A Summary of the Research on Organizational Identification

  9. 组织认同在心理资本和周边绩效之间起到部分中介效应。

    Organizational identification plays a partial mediating effect between psychological capital and contextual performance .

  10. 但是在众多的组织认同理论中并不包括社会冲突理论。

    However , those organizational identity theories did not include the social conflict theory .

  11. 领导授权行为、组织认同与离职倾向的关系研究

    Research on the Relationship of Leader Empowering Behavior , Organizational Identification and Turnover Intention

  12. 工作时间、企业规模对部分组织认同维度有影响。

    Working years and enterprise size had influence on part dimensionality of organizational identification .

  13. 不同控制变量对职业成功和组织认同的影响存在显著差异。

    There is significant divergence of different control variables on career success and organizational identification .

  14. 第三,组织认同在服务型领导行为与建言行为之间起完全中介作用。

    Third , organizational identification total mediates the relationship between servant leadership and voice behavior .

  15. 组织认同不但会增加员工的自然表现、深层表现,还会增加员工的表面表现,即积极信念下的表面表现。

    Organizational identification can increase employees ' natural acting , deep acting and surface acting .

  16. 西方组织认同感理论研究综述

    A Summary of the Theoretical Studies of the Sense of Organizational Identity in the West

  17. 组织认同研究述评及展望

    The Review of Organizational Identification Research

  18. 第二、通过提高员工组织认同感来提升员工的工作绩效。

    Secondly , we can enhance employees ' job performance by increasing the sense of identity .

  19. 中学教师工作价值观、组织认同及其幸福感

    The Relation between Work Values , Organizational Identification and the Sense of Well-Being of Secondary School Teachers

  20. 但是,现今关于企业员工主观幸福感、组织认同的研究并不深入,对新生代员工的主观幸福感、组织认同及工作绩效的系统研究则几乎没有。

    Studies on subjective well-being of employees , organizational identification and job performance in system are almost none .

  21. 不同属性(性别、学历、工作种类)的员工组织认同度有显著差异。

    The OID of different attributes ( sex , education , job type ) employees have significant difference .

  22. 服务氛围与一线员工服务绩效:工作压力和组织认同的调节效应研究

    Service Climate and Employee Service Performance : Exploring the Moderating Role of Felt Job Stress and Organizational Identification

  23. 同时,知识型员工组织认同对离职倾向有显著的负向预测作用。

    At the same time , knowledge workers tend to leave the organization agree on the significant positive predictors .

  24. 中学校长激励行为与教师对学校组织认同的相关研究

    Research on the Correlativity between Motivated Behavior of Principals and Teachers ' Self-identity to School Organization in Middle School

  25. 首先,虽然学者们提出了许多影响购并后组织认同形成的因素,但是这些因素过于零散,缺乏有效的理论支撑。

    Firstly , although scholars have proposed many influencing factors which are scattered and lack of effective theoretical support .

  26. 组织认同是组织行为学研究的一个重要概念,它对组织的发展起着至关重要的作用。

    Organizational identification is an important concept organizational behavior , it plays a vital role in development of the organization .

  27. 第三,组织认同对工作绩效具有正向影响。

    Optimism has minimum positive impact on organizational identification . Third , organizational identification has a positive impact on job performance .

  28. 组织认同是社会认同的一种特殊形式,是与组织具有一致性或从属于组织的知觉。

    Organizational identification is a kind of social identification which is the perception of oneness with or belongingness to an organization .

  29. 组织认同在心理资本四维度和工作绩效两维度之间的中介效应不同。

    There are differences in mediating effects between the four dimensions of psychological capital and the two dimensions of job performance .

  30. 目前关于组织认同的研究成果较为丰富,关于职业认同的研究相对较少。

    So far , researches related to the organizational identification are abundant , but researches concerning the professional identity are relatively few .