
  • 网络system construction;institution construction;constructing a system
  1. 转型期东盟地区治理与制度构建相关性研究

    Study on the Correlation of ASEAN 's Regional Governance and Institution Construction during the Period of Transition

  2. 新近的研究指出,以制度构建为核心的集群治理活动能够显著地改善这种情况,通过重构并协调网络关系而重新激发集群的学习潜力。

    Recently , some literature indicate that cluster governance activities , centered on institution construction , can significantly improve these situations through coordination and reconstruction network relations of an industrial cluster , thereby re-energize its learning potential .

  3. 具体制度构建包括补偿范围、补偿方式两个方面。

    The concrete system construction includes two aspects : compensative range and method .

  4. DT证券公司合规管理制度构建的研究

    Study on DT Securities Company Establishing Compliance Management System

  5. 追续权的理论基础和制度构建

    The Theoretical Foundation and System Construction of the Right of Pursuit

  6. 农民工社会保障制度构建分析

    Countermeasure analysis on constructing the social security system of peasant workers

  7. 论我国森林分类经营法律制度构建

    In Construction on the Forest Classification Management Legal System in China

  8. 我国宪法诉讼制度构建的现实障碍及路径选择

    The Practical Obstacles of Chinese Constitutional Litigation And Its Routing Choice

  9. 我国特留份制度构建范式的新思考

    In Consideration of Establishing the System of " Legal portion "

  10. 论循环经济理论对农业发展的适用性及制度构建

    Applicability of Circular Economy Theory on Agriculture Development and Institutional Building

  11. 残疾人保障的制度构建与社会和谐

    On Construction of Guarantee System of Handicapped People and Social Harmony

  12. 从理念到实践:临时仲裁制度构建初探

    From Theory to Practice : Exploration of Ad Hoc Arbitration Establishment

  13. 水资源使用权及其制度构建

    The Usufruct of Water and the Establishment of Relevant Legal System

  14. 完善医疗救助制度构建社会主义和谐社会

    To Improve the Medical Succoring System and Build a Socialist Harmonious Society

  15. 良好的配套机制是制度构建的所属部分。

    Good supporting mechanism is a system built belongs to the part .

  16. 诉讼和解的价值与制度构建

    The Value and the Construction of the Settlement of Litigation

  17. 这也是我国目前制度构建面临的境遇。

    This is also the situation that our country facing .

  18. 论文的最终目的在于制度构建。

    The ultimate aim of the paper is to establish a system .

  19. 然后提出在中国如何进行恢复性司法的制度构建。

    Then in China how to construct the system of restorative justice .

  20. 行政追偿制度构建之维

    On the Construction of the Administrative Right of Claim System

  21. 我国存款保险制度构建浅析

    A Study of Establishing Deposit Protection System in Our Country

  22. 侵权责任法立法:功能定位、利益平衡与制度构建

    The Tort Law : Function Status , Benefit Balance and System Construction

  23. 律师在场权制度构建的可行性及可操作性论证

    On the Feasibility of Establishing Lawyer 's Presence Right System

  24. 市场准入&澄清、流变与制度构建

    Market Access & Clarify , Development and System Construction

  25. 公司法人人格否认的理论基础与制度构建

    Theoretical Basis and System Construction of the Denial of Company Juridical Person Personality

  26. 空间内的制度构建成为经济发展的关键机制。

    System building in the space has been key mechanism in economic development .

  27. 缓解我国县乡财政困难的制度构建

    On the System Establishment of County and Township to Alleviate the Financial Burden

  28. 外商风险投资法律制度构建论

    On the Construction of the Legal System Governing Foreign - Funded Venture Capital

  29. 环境侵权公诉制度构建的若干思考

    Ponders on public prosecution on infringement of environmental right

  30. 改革考核制度构建目标教学模式

    Reforming Examination System and Building Target Teaching Mode