
  • 网络manufacturing index;ISM;PMI;Empire State manufacturing index
  1. 此外,另一项由汇丰(HSBC)发布的中国制造业指数8月份升至55.1,也是16个月来的高点,7月份该指数为52.8。

    The HSBC China PMI index , published separately , also rose in August to a 16-month high of 55.1 , from 52.8 in July .

  2. 备受关注的供应管理协会(InstituteforSupplyManagement)制造业指数从上月的48.9升至52.9,主要受新订单和生产改善的推动。

    the key gauge of this , the Institute for Supply Management 's manufacturing index , rose to 52.9 from 48.9 the previous month , driven by improvements in new orders and production .

  3. 汇丰(HSBC)中国3月份制造业指数降至八个月低点,表明经济活动持续萎缩。

    HSBC 's manufacturing index fell to an eight-month low in March , showing a continuous contraction .

  4. 4月份,澳洲工业集团&普华永道(TheAustralianIndustryGroup-PwC)制造业指数从3月份的50.5大幅上升至59.8。

    The Australian Industry Group-PwC performance of manufacturing index rose sharply to 59.8 from 50.5 in March .

  5. 但是,markit对英国制造业指数逆转的形容是“非凡的”。

    But Markit described as " remarkable " the turnround in the UK manufacturing index .

  6. 5月份,这一由汇丰银行和Markit共同编制的制造业指数提升速度低于预期,从此前的48.9的12个月低点升至49.1。

    The HSBC / Markit index of the manufacturing sector accelerated less than expected in May , rising to 49.1 from a 12-month low of 48.9 .

  7. 非制造业指数为53.5,较上月下降1.7个百分点。

    The index for the non-manufacturing sector 53.5 , 1.7 points lower than last month .

  8. 这些制造业指数聚焦于最大型公司,并且忽视了经济体中的非制造业部门。

    These manufacturing indices focus on the biggest companies and ignore non-manufacturing parts of the economy .

  9. 7月份,中国财新的制造业指数为47.8,为15个月以来的最低值。

    The final Caixin China Manufacturing PMI for July was 47.8 points , a 15-month low .

  10. 周二发表的日本可比制造业指数出现大幅下降。

    There was a sharp decline in the comparable manufacturing index for Japan , published on Tuesday .

  11. 与此同时,非制造业指数为55.7%,低于11月的56.4%。

    Meanwhile , the index for the non-manufacturing sector stood at 55.7 , down from 56.4 in November .

  12. 根据美国供应管理研究院提供的数据,九月制造业指数上升至51.5,结束了整个夏季长达三个月的低迷。

    Institute for Supply Management 's index on manufacturing rose to 51.5 in September ending a three-month-long contraction over the summer .

  13. 主要购买经理人组织美国供应管理协会表示,管理协会制造业指数上升0.5至56.2。

    Institute for Supply Management , a key purchasing managers group , says its manufacturing index was up 0.5 to 56.2 .

  14. 最新的制造业指数将加强出台更积极的货币和财政政策以提振经济的呼声。

    The latest reading on the manufacturing sector will strengthen calls for more aggressive monetary and fiscal stimulus to boost the economy .

  15. 其它各国担心随着中国制造业指数跌入负值,中国经济可能面临硬着陆的局面。

    The rest of the world frets that China may face a hard landing as its manufacturing index drops into negative territory .

  16. 昨天发布的经济数据有好有坏:芝加哥制造业指数大幅上涨,但耐用品订单减少。

    Economic data released yesterday were mixed : a strong Chicago manufacturing index was offset by a fall in durable goods orders .

  17. 澳大利亚制造业指数连续第13个月停留在50点之下这是划分扩张与萎缩的临界点。

    It was the 13th consecutive month that the Australian index was below the 50-point level the mark separating growth from shrinkage .

  18. 受到密切关注的一份欧元区调查显示,经修正,12月欧元区制造业指数降至33.9的新低。

    The revised version of a closely followed eurozone survey showed manufacturing activity there hitting a new low of 33.9 in December .

  19. 美国工厂在六月份非常忙碌,上个月,一项关键的制造业指数连续13个月快速增长。

    National factories were busy in June , a key manufacturing index were a 13th straight months mount last month rose as a faster pace .

  20. 但突然降息的希望落空,美联储并不买帐,反而纽约联储9月制造业指数及8月工业生产数据差于预期,令美元指数失去此前所得。

    But there was no rate cut and instead the dollar trimmed gains on subconsensus readings on the Sep NY Fed manufacturing index and Aug industrial production .

  21. 根据市场经济学家的平均预测,制造业指数将从56.2降至54,表明增长在继续,但速度有所放慢。

    The average forecast of market economists predicts that the manufacturing index will fall from 56.2 to 54 , indicating continued growth but at a slower pace .

  22. 这是5月份以来非制造业指数的最高水平,该指数的上升将有助于抵消制造业活动显著下滑的影响,预示着美国经济第四季度将继续增长。

    The rise in service sector activity to the highest level since May will help offset a marked slowdown in manufacturing and points to continued growth in the fourth quarter .

  23. 本周早些时候发布的数据显示,亚洲地区的工业生产正在迅速复苏,中国和印度的制造业指数均显著好转。

    The export figures follow data earlier this week showing that industrial production round the region is recovering fast , with both China and India seeing significant improvements in manufacturing sentiment .

  24. 某制造业指数已升至去年8月以来的最高水平。制造商们说,新订单一个接一个,两年了都没有过这么好的情况。

    An index of manufacturing activity rose to its highest level since last August , and manufacturers reported that new orders were growing briskly , the best in over two years .

  25. 据主要采购经理组织美国供应管理协会表示,8月份制造业指数的增幅创2011年6月以来的最高水平,上升幅度超过1个百分点。

    The Institute for Supply Management , a key purchasing managers group , says its manufacturing index in August expanded at its fastest clip since June of 2011 , rising more than a full point .

  26. 上周晚些时候,汇丰银行(HSBC)的制造业活动指数出现11个月来的新低。

    Late last week , an HSBC manufacturing activity index registered an11-month low .

  27. 在汽车业呈现如此惨状的同时,全美工业活动总体也出现下滑,供应管理学会(InstituteforSupplyManagement)10月份的制造业活动指数降至26年低点。

    The auto industry 's woes contributed to another drop in overall factory output , with the Institute for Supply Management reporting its manufacturing-activity index fell to a26-year low in October .

  28. 印度制造业PMI指数也表现强劲,抵消了韩国等许多国家数据逊于预期的影响。

    Indian manufacturing PMI data were also strong and offset weaker-than-expected figures in countries such as South Korea .

  29. 6月份中国官方制造业PMI指数是50.2,略低于50.4的预期。

    The country 's manufacturing purchasing managers ' index was 50.2 in June , slightly below expectations of 50.4 .

  30. 周三,人们对中国经济的担心也有所加剧,汇丰(HSBC)编制的一制造业活动指数跌至2009年3月以来所未见的低位。

    Fears about the Chinese economy grew on Wednesday after a manufacturing index compiled by HSBC fell to levels not seen since March 2009 .