
  1. 中国经济6部门资本产出比分析

    Analysis of the capital product ratio of six sectors in Chinese economy

  2. 国有经济的资本产出比呈现出一种明显的上升趋势;

    The capital-output ratio of the state-owned economy shows an marked ascending trend ;

  3. 通过资本产出比的检验表明,我国经济正在经历一个资本深化的过程。

    The capital-output ratio test shows that China is going through a capital deepening process .

  4. 衡量物质资源利用效率的指标一般可以用资本产出比和资本产出弹性,本文通过二者含义对比,指出资本产出弹性更加适用。

    The measure of the efficiency of material resources can generally use the capital-output ratio and the output elasticity of capital , and this paper compares these two measures , pointing out that the output elasticity of capital is more suitable .

  5. 中国经济增长中资本&产出比分析

    The analysis of ratio of capital to output in Chinese economic growth

  6. 这些变量有:单位劳动资本、单位劳动产出、资本&产出比、生产要素价格、劳动者老年期和青年期消费等。

    These are unit labor output , capital - output ratio , the prices of production factors , old age and youth workers consumption , and so on .

  7. 分析表明,制度变迁将使资本量和产量增加,资本-产出比提高,利率下降,工资率上升;两类劳动者个人效用上升,养老金替代率上升,收入分配差距缩小;

    Our analysis shows that after the institutional change , capital , output and capital-output ratio will rise , interest rate decrease and wage rate increase , individual utility improve and pension replacement rate rise , income distribution gap reduce and some transition price emerge ;