
  1. 马克思关于资本主义信用中第三配置的洞见,对于理解资本主义经济的运行和历史演化具有重要的价值。

    Marx 's penetrating views about the third configuration in capitalism credit are of great value to help comprehend the functioning and historical evolution of capitalism economy .

  2. 马克思在《资本论》第三卷第五篇中对资本主义的信用及信用制度进行了研究,系统阐述了信用的起源、信用对资本主义生产的积极作用和消极影响。

    Marx has studied about the credit of the capitalism and credit system in the fifth chapter of volume three of Das Kapital , and has systematically explained the origin of credit and credit positive roles and negative influences to capitalist production .