
Studying basic social security fund ownership relations is to get their ownership subject theoretically mainly .
I think , no matter analysing in terms of real example or in terms of trust theory , basic social security fund ownership subjects are all insurance persons .
The separation of ownership and management of funds leads to the principal-agent problem . The moral hazards of investment managers in the process of maximizing their own interests may induce the irrational investment behaviors of the institutional investors .
The business owners would be hard pressed to argue they honestly believed they were entitled to such a huge sum of money , she said .
In many business sectors in our country , foreign investment has established its favorable competitive position based on its technology , investment and ownership advantages .
At present , it frequently takes place that the unit implements the behavior of fraud of the loan , which have encroached on the management system of the national loan to financial institution and ownership to the fund borrowed of financial institution seriously .
This form serves to establish the final ownership of the funds on account .
The fundraising is divided into the owner 's equity fundraising and creditor 's right fundraising by its ownership .
One viewpoint is described like this : A customer enjoys property right of his bank account funds and he enjoys the right to control the funds directly , in other words , he enjoys ownership of bank account funds .