
zī běn jiā
  • capitalist
资本家 [zī běn jiā]
  • [capitalist] 拥有资本、雇用劳动者、经营企业的人

资本家[zī běn jiā]
  1. 会对此很感兴趣,Byron,would,be,interested,in,this,但是一个内科医师,转向生物技术企业家,转向风险投资资本家,他会感兴趣什么主题呢?

    Byron But what would a internal medicine doctor turned biotech entrepreneur turned venture capitalist be interested as subject ?

  2. 知名华裔风险资本家李世默(EricLi)表示,特朗普的成功不利于中国的自由派改革者。

    Eric Li , a leading Chinese venture capitalist , says Mr Trump 's success has undercut liberal reformists in China .

  3. 他们认为,只有私人资本家才能重振波兰经济。

    They argue that only private capitalists can remake Poland 's economy .

  4. 工人们为资本家卖命。

    The workers worked themselves to the bone for the capitalists .

  5. 噬血的资本家立即被农民杀掉了。

    The blood-sucker was put to death by the peasants there and then .

  6. 资本家倾向于压榨工人。

    The capitalists tend to exploit the working people .

  7. 9岁的人,不要和那些所谓的“受欢迎的”孩子们一起玩,他们就是一些不懂政治的自恋的资本家。

    Dear nine-year-old , don 't get involved with the ' popular ' kids . They 're narcissistic capitalists that know nothing about politics .

  8. IPO市场走势强劲之时,比如就像2013年,风投资本家们通常都不愿通过出售来退出势头最好的公司。

    When the IPO market is strong , as it was in 2013 , venture capitalists are typically loathe to exit their best companies via trade sales .

  9. 去年的《财富》头脑风暴技术大会期间,风险资本家/好奇顽童彼得•泰尔将谷歌(Google)的埃里克•施密特以及所有胸无大志的人斥为懒惰的无梦者。

    Last year , at fortune brainstorm tech , venture capitalist / enfant terrible Peter Thiel took Eric Schmidt , Google , and basically anyone not dreaming-up hugely ambitious projects to task for being lazy non-dreamers .

  10. 南部是制造幻想和想象的梦想工厂;北部则属于科学,属于晶体管等硬件,以及那些在沙山路(SandHillRoad)商业园工作、在不断扩张的广大郊区居住、衣着休闲的风险资本家。

    To the south was the dream factory of fantasy and imagination ; in the north was science , hardware such as the transistor and chino-clad venture capitalists who worked in business parks on Sand Hill Road and lived in sprawling suburbia .

  11. 苏联创始人列宁(vladimirlenin)曾经说过,“资本家会卖给我们用来绞死他们的绳索”。

    Vladimir Lenin , founder of the Soviet Union , once said that " the capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them " .

  12. 突然之间,当风险资本家前来拜访一家初创企业时,也会顺便拜访一下Profitably。

    All of a sudden , when venture capitalists came to visit a startup down the hall , they came to visit profitably too .

  13. Yagi表示,为了不影响造福社会的决心,他拒绝了风险资本家的投资。

    Mr Yagi says he turned down investment from venture capitalists so as not to compromise his commitment to doing social good .

  14. 当天晚些时候,一名风险资本家讲述了他自己的企业在优步(Uber)首次募集资金时拒绝了它的事情,称那个决定是“一次令人惋惜的想象力失灵”。

    Later that day one venture capitalist described his own firm 's decision to turn down Uber when it was first raising money as " a lamentable failure of imagination . "

  15. 风险资本家表示,随着私人科技公司急于利用两年多来股市对首次公开发行(ipo)产生兴趣的第一波迹象获利,硅谷(siliconvalley)即将出现一轮新的上市热潮。

    Silicon Valley is on the verge of a new bout of Wall Street fever , as private technology companies rush to cash in on the first signs of stock market interest in initial public offerings for more than two years , according to venture capitalists .

  16. 他们也相信“当技术的快速变化对我们的美国同胞造成了伤害时”,我们有责任与受影响的社区进行合作”。签名者包括风险资本家艾琳•李(AileenLee);

    They also accepted " a responsibility to partner with communities where the effects of rapidly changing technologies have hurt our fellow Americans . " Among those signing were Aileen Lee , a venture capitalist ;

  17. Jay-Z自视为反叛者,一位在你们底下赚钱的叛逆黑人资本家&你们指的是传统白人阶层。

    The rapper sees himself as an insurgent , the black rebel capitalist getting money up under you – you being the white establishment .

  18. AJ信托曾经是信托行业的一面旗帜,是上海民营公司的优秀代表,承载了老一辈爱国资本家的殷切希望。

    AJ Trust was a flag in the trust industry and was an outstanding representative of Shanghai private enterprises . AJ Trust bears the hope of Chinese older-generation capitalists .

  19. Jay-Z自视为反叛者,一位“在你们底下赚钱”的叛逆黑人资本家——“你们”指的是传统白人阶层。

    The rapper sees himself as an insurgent , the black rebel capitalist " getting money up under you " - " you " being the white establishment .

  20. 但黄光裕(他的粤语名字是wongkwongyu)展现出了资本家的本能,他直接从广东家乡的工厂进货,然后在北京出售。

    But Mr Huang ( who is also known by the Cantonese version of his name , Wong Kwong Yu ) showed his capitalist instincts by buying goods directly from the new factories in his Guangdong hometown and selling them in Beijing .

  21. 金融资本家从封建的钱庄主人、商人演变而来。

    Financial capitalists derived from feudalistic private bank owners and merchants .

  22. 这里既有油嘴滑舌的资本家,又有身强力壮的雇佣工;

    Here The sleek capitalist , and there the sinewy labourer ;

  23. “什么叫资本家呢?”这个问题可难住了一个孩子。

    " What is a capitalist ?" that silenced one child .

  24. 资本家正从私人占有制中获得暴利。

    The capitalists are reaping rich harvest from their monopolistic ownership .

  25. 我们看到工会领导人和资本家们打得火热。

    We see the union leaders cheek by jowlwith the capitalists .

  26. 那个政权一直是受到若干垄断资本家的支持而维持着的。

    The regime has been propped up by several monopoly capitalists .

  27. 使垄断资本家发愁的是,货单继续减少。

    What worries the monopolists is that orders continue to decrease .

  28. 一个资本家和他的朋友穿过资本家的工厂。

    A capitalist is walking through his factory with a friend .

  29. 眼下时兴对风险资本家严加讨伐,一如泡沫言论般如火如荼。

    VC bashing , like bubble-talk , is clearly in vogue .

  30. 他认为老式的资本家过于狭隘的仅仅关注利润。

    Old-fashioned capitalists focus too narrowly on profits , he argues .